
Does MS PnP Unity Scan for Assemblies Like StructureMap?

In Using StructureMap 2.5 to scan all assemblies in a folder, we can see that StructureMap uses AssembliesFromPath() to explicitly look for types to resolve. What is the equivalent of this in Microsoft Unity? Because Unity is such a generic term, searching for documents about this online is not that easy. Update: Unity has something cal...

How do I implement a delegate factory?

The documentation for Autofac has an interesting page describing its ability to automatically generate delegate factories. It also strongly suggests that you can get similar results without Autofac by writing them by hand. I'm using Unity for IoC and would like to avoid passing the container around to objects that need to create other o...

How to Inject Open Connections with an IoC

First, my scenario. I have a service, BillingService, has a constructor like this: BillingService(IInstallmentService, IBillingRepository) The InstallmentService has a constructor that looks like this InstallmentService(IBillingRepository, IInstallmentCalculator) My Billing service is an application service and the methods will coor...

Books on Unity or MEF

Anyone know if there are any books on Unity or MEF coming out in the next month or two? ...

Game platform/engine for inexperienced/solo developer?

There are a number of discussions on stackoverflow.com about what is the best iPhone game platform/engine. My question is not necessarily what is the best, but what is the best for an experienced iPhone developer but not not experienced in game design. This will also be a solo project plus a graphics designer. Consider I will be worki...

Unity vs Torque game engines and IDE environment

I want to get people's opinion of Torque and Unity and their IDE tools. You build Torque games using one of their engines (I'm currently interested in the iPhone engine), and Torque Game Builder (the whole thing...engine plus TGB is ~$1000). You build Unity games using Unity (I think this is only ~$400). Would people with experience ...

Unity IOC, AOP & Interface Interception

I've been playing around with Unity to do some AOP stuff, setting up via IOC like: ioc.RegisterType<ICustomerService, CustomerService>() .Configure<Interception>().SetInterceptorFor<ICustomerService>(new InterfaceInterceptor()); ... and then having an ICallHandler on the ICustomerService interface's methods. For teh time being i w...

Comparison between Unity and Moq Dependency Injection Frameworks

Faced with choosing a Dependency Injection Framework in a historically MS shop working with C#, I'm interested in finding out the differences between Moq and Unity. Some of the main concerns would include: Ease of use for developers with no background in DI Feature comparison between the two (once everyone becomes familiar with the te...

AOP interception attribute

So, i have this problem, and no one seems to be able to help. So rather than keep bashing away i'm going to throw it out there for alternative ways to skin this particular cat. I currently have the following: public interface ICustomerService { Customer GetCustomer(int id); } public class CustomerService : ICustomerService { p...

Using StructureMap to Configure Prism

I'm using Prism and the Unity IoC container that comes along with Prism. However, I'd like to use a different IoC container if that's doable. So; is it? Preferrably I'd like to use StructureMap. Note that I'm not yet familiar with StructureMap, but based on several recommendations I'd like to give it a try. The question is really how t...

Why shouldn't I use Unity?

I'm using the Unity IoC container. It really wasn't a decision I made, it just came with Prism, and I've just stuck with it. I've never used any other IoC frameworks, and I must admit I'm quite happy with Unity. However, the satisfaction may come from ignorance as I don't really know what the other frameworks have got to offer. I keep h...

Unity Configuration and Same Assembly

I'm currently getting an error trying to resolve my IDataAccess class. The value of the property 'type' cannot be parsed. The error is: Could not load file or assembly 'TestProject' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (C:\Source\TestIoC\src\TestIoC\TestProject\bin\Debug\TestProject.vshost.exe.config li...

Turbine with Db4objects.Db4o.Linq.dll gives Unable to load one or more of the requested types exception


Unity: Fatal Execution Engine Error when resolving a TimeSpan

I am trying to resolve a TimeSpan using Unity. Executing the container Resolve call results in a FatalExecutionEngineError. FatalExecutionEngineError was detected Message: The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x543c3dc8, on thread 0x1bb8. The error code is 0xc0000005. This error may be a bug i...

Unity (in PRISM) does (not) weird resolving...??!!

Hi everybody! I 'm using PRISM and in the Bootstrapper class i did override the ConfigureContainer() method. There is nothing fancy in it just these lines: protected override void ConfigureContainer() { Container.RegisterType<IDataContext, SQLDataContext>(new InjectionConstructor(@"Server=localhost\SQLExpress;User Id=...

SCSF custom Dependency Injection

I'd like to enhance/mimic the dependency injection done by the object builder to include some custom properties the standard way is in mySmartPart.cs [CreateNew] MyPresenter ABC { .... } [ServiceDependency] myService XYZ { ... } in include [MyCustomReferenceAttribute] CustomerObject MyCustomer { .... } ...

Configure a WCF client's MaxItemsInObjectGraph when using Unity

For a toolkit that uses a remote WCF service, I have configured a ChannelFactory<IMyService> in a UnityContainer. Now I want to configure this channel's endpoint behavior through code (using Unity) to apply this behavior: <behaviors> <endpointBehaviors> <behavior name="BigGraph"> <dataContractSerializer maxItemsInObjectGraph="...

Reading EntLib 4.1 configuration from an in-memory XML string

Hi all again, I'd like to use the EntLib 4.1 in my current project, specifically Unity 1.2 and the VAB. My application is an SaaS application, so as a result, I've made a decision to store tenant-specific configuration files in the database, to be loaded on tenant sign-in. These files include the VAB config and Unity config, as well as ...

Unity framework with configuration file and singleton classes.

Hi, so the store goes like this. I have singleton class (a.k.a ServiceLocator) which you can get the instance using the "CreateInstance()" method. At the same time, we added Unity into our application and configure it using the standard configuration file. The problem started when i was trying to map interface IServiceLocator to get th...

Unity to return new instance of service

Hi, I have come across a bit of a problem while using Unity and WPF. The scenario is I have a WPF application which follows the MVVM design pattern. A have a module called ViewKDI. Within this module I have a service called ViewKDIService, the ViewKDIService service utilises another service called UserService. Every time I load the ...