
Conversion from unsigned to signed type safety?

Is it safe to convert, say, from an unsigned char * to a signed char * (or just a char *? ...

MySQL integer unsigned arithmetic problems?

Does MySQL (5.0.45) like to do strange internal typecasts with unsigned maths? I am storing integers unsigned but when selecting basic arithmetic I get outrageous numbers: mysql> create table tt ( a integer unsigned , b integer unsigned , c float ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.41 sec) mysql> insert into tt values (215731,216774,1.580...

C Unsigned int providing a negative value?

I have an unsigned integer but when i print it out using %d there is sometimes a negative value there? ...

unsigned short in java

Hi how can i declare an unsigned short value in Java? Thank you ...

portable signed/unsigned byte cast,C++

I am using signed to unsigned byte(int8_t) cast to pack byts. uint32_t(uint8_t(byte)) << n This works using GCC on Intel Linux. Is that portable for other platforms/compilers, for example PowerPC? is there a better way to do it? using bitset is not possible in my case. I am using stdint via boost ...

Unsigned Integer in Javascript

I'm working on a page that processes IP address information, but it's choking on the fact that integers are signed. I am using bitwise operators to speed it up, but the 64th bit (signed/unsigned flag) is messing it up. Is there any way to force a number to be unsigned in Javascript? It seems to work fine, until subnet is greater than 30...

Java unsigned division without casting to long?

I have written an interpreter that requires me to perform 32-bit division of unsigned integers. In Java, I can do this as: reg[a] = (int) ((reg[b] & 0xFFFFFFFFL) / (reg[c] & 0xFFFFFFFFL)); But I would like to avoid the conversion to long and back to int. Java already gives the unsigned right shift operator >>> for that special case, s...

Why do MIPS operations on unsigned numbers give signed results?

When I try working on unsigned integers in MIPS, the result of every operation I do remains signed (that is, the integers are all in 2's complement), even though every operation I perform is an unsigned one: addu, multu and so fourth... When I print numbers in the range [2^31, 2^32 - 1] I get their 'overflowed' negative value as if they...

In VB 2008, why does manipulation of shorts take longer than integers?

In this example: Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim stopwatch1, stopwatch2 As New Stopwatch : Dim EndLoop As ULong = 10000 stopwatch1.Start() For cnt As ULong = 1 To EndLoop Dim Number1 As UInt32 For Number1 = 1 To 20000 Dim Number2 As UInt32 = 0 ...

Arithmetic operations on unsigned and signed integers

See this code snippet int main() { unsigned int a = 1000; int b = -1; if (a>b) printf("A is BIG! %d\n", a-b); else printf("a is SMALL! %d\n", a-b); return 0; } This gives the output: a is SMALL: 1001 I don't understand what's happening here. How does the > operator work here? Why is "a" smaller than "b"? If it is indeed sma...

Is it possible to use jnlp without signing the jars?

Is there any way at all to use jnlp without having to sign the jars involved? (The application is being used in a secure environment so from the security point of view signing is not necessary) ...

Unsigned keyword in C++

Does the unsigned keyword default to a data type in C++? I am trying to write a function for a class for the prototype: unsigned Rotate(unsigned object, int count) But I don't really get what unsigned means. I thought it would be like unsigned int or something. Thanks. ...

Convert an unsigned 16 bit int to a signed 16 bit int in C#

I'm writing a datalog parser for a robot controller, and what's coming in from the data log is a number in the range of 0 - 65535 (which is a 16 bit unsigned integer if I'm not mistaken). I'm trying to convert that to a signed 16 bit integer to display to the user (since that was the actual datatype before the logger changed it). Can so...

I'm having a problem with unsigned data types iwith SubSonic 3 and MySQL

Hello, I know others have "found" the issue an indeed I know where the issue is but it would be nice if the fix was posted as per the second link. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1802095/subsonic-mysql-unsigned-bigint-and-bit-issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1283615/subsonic-object-of-type-system-uint64-cannot-be-converted-to...

64-bit unsigned to 32-bit signed

Hi. I need to convert Java long datatype (64-bit) data into legacy c++ app unsigned int (32-bit) datatype. No worries about the data loss as the data is Linux timestamp, which would take aeons to hit unsigned int limit. Any idea what transformation to apply to these numbers? Thanks in advance! P.S. - data-types example: Java - 1266...

Java equivalent of Convert.FromBase64String Method

Hi! Is there some Java equivalent of Convert.FromBase64String which Converts the specified string, which encodes binary data as base-64 digits, to an equivalent 8-bit unsigned integer array. I have tried: com.lutris.util.Convert. but it gives me signed values encode to string then convert to unsigned bytes, but then it gives...

Pros and cons of ways of storing an unsigned int without an unsigned int data type

I have values that are 64-bit unsigned ints, and I need to store them in mongodb, which has no unsigned int type. I see three main possibilities for storing them in other field types, and converting on going in and out: Using a signed int is probably easiest and most space efficient, but has the disadvantage that they're not human reada...

Can't get ride of "this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90" warning

Hi, I'm using the FNV hash as a hashing algorithm on my Hash Table implementation but I'm getting the warning in the question title on this line: unsigned hash = 2166136261; I don't understand why this is happening because when I do this: printf("%u\n", UINT_MAX); printf("2166136261\n"); I get this: 4294967295 2166136261 Which ...

C++: Compiler warning for large unsigned int

I have following array, that I need to operate by hand on bitmaps. const unsigned int BITS[32] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576, 2097152, 4194304, 8388608, ...

How is unsigned int/long represented

I was reading some assembly tutorial in which there were explained the signed integers and the unsigned integers and the difference between their representation in computer memory. I remember something like that there was some bit at the beginning at the number so it tells whether the integer is unsigned or signed. If someone knows it,...