
updating the server cache in toplink

hi all, i am facing one problem. I need to update the server session's cache when we say writeChanges in unit of work. As in my application i do not say commit on unit of work instead i say commit on connection which indirectly commits the transaction but does not update the cache. so can any one tell me how to do that in any of the cas...

Refresh Database On iPhone

I am trying to push an updated version of my sqlite db to my device and so far have not figured out a way to do it other than renaming it each time (painful). The stale (cached?) copy remains permanently on the device. I understand how to get an updated version into the simulator by clearing the /applications folder, but this does not ...

updating RubyGems on Ubuntu

Does anybody know how to update RubyGems on Ubuntu. The usual way doesn't work: steve@ubuntu:~$ rails /home/steve/www/mynewapp -d mysql create create app/controllers create app/helpers create app/models create app/views/layouts create config/environments create config/initializers ...

SqlDataSource manual Update how to?

Hi, I'm looking for a solution how to manualy call Update method on a SqlDataSource connected to a DetailsView. The problem is that if I call the Update method from a button.onclick event nothing happens. So I checked the parameters value in the Updating event of the sqldatasource and they are all null. I don't wan't to use a Command but...

How do package managers (aptitude, yum, portage) build their dependency trees?

I understand the basic concepts, but are there any special algorithms used or maybe some blogs, papers or even books on the subject for someone building their own system? There seems to be very little information out there on actually implementing a system like this. ...

SQL - Update table changing one column value based on another table

Hi. Sorry if the title is not as descriptive as it should be but it is kind of difficult to explain in one sentence what I am trying to do ;). I have one table that links parent objects with its respective childs. And I have another table with all the objects (parents and childs) with its respectives images. However, the image is just s...

Hibernate, insert or update without select.

I have a products objects which belongs to certain categories i.e. classical many to one relationship. @Entity public class Product{ @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO) Long id; String name; Double price; @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) Category category; ... } @Entity public class Categ...

Erlang : Mnesia : Updating a single field value in a row

I have an mnesia table with three fields, i, a and b, created using the record -record(rec, {i, a,b}). Now I insert a row into the table as: mnesia:transaction( fun() -> mnesia:write("T", #rec{i=1, a=2, b=3}, write) end ). Now what do I do if I want to update this row, and change only the value of a to 10, while leaving i and b wit...

update ruby to 1.8.7

I'm working on a project that i have to use ruby 1.8.7. I'm using today, ruby 1.8.6 + Mac OSX Darwin. This ruby 1.8.6 was installed with the OS, it's a developer package from Apple. My question is: how can i update this package? if i run ports, it dont find my current installed package and install a new ruby version, with different paths...

Using Ajax.Updater to get a javascript file (prototypejs)

Here is my ajax request: new Ajax.Updater({ success: 'footer' }, '/dyn/actions/checkSystemMessage', { insertion: 'after', evalScripts: true }); Here is what's at /dyn/actions/checkSystemMessage: <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { buildSystemMsg = function(SystemMsg) { //behind ...

update via subquery, what if the subquery returns no rows?

I am using a subquery in an UPDATE: UPDATE tableA SET x,y,z = ( (SELECT x, y, z FROM tableB b WHERE tableA.id = b.id AND (tableA.x != b.x OR tableA.y != b.y OR tableA.z != b.z))) ); My question is, what happens if the subquery returns no rows?...

Is there a way to update the JDK without manually downloading the new version?

I just got an Java update notification that Update 17 is out, so I ran the update and found that only my public JRE was updated. I still only have Update 16 of the JDK. Is there a way to have the latest JDK automatically when it's available? Of course, the update shouldn't get rid of old versions. That should be done manually since Ecl...

Should I have to merge and commit every time I update my Mercurial branch on the production server?

I'm using Mercurial in a recent project. On the web server where I'm deploying the project I have a slightly different config file with production settings. The problem is when I pull and update, I often have to merge and commit as well. Is this the correct workflow? It seems strange that in order to be able to continue to update I h...

Refresh / Update WPF controls like win forms

changing the text of a label (or sophisticatedly we can say a text-based progress bar). in winforms you just Invalidate / Update. But how to do this in WPF without using Background Threads. ??? ...

Need a faster DataGridView bulk edit method

Hello all, This is what I'm currently using to implement a "Check all" feature on a bound DataGridView: int max = ((DataTable)dataGridRes.DataSource).Rows.Count; for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { if(((DataTable)dataGridRes.DataSource).Rows[i].Field<long>(0) == 0) ((DataTable)dataGridRes.DataSource).Rows[i].SetField(0, 1); } ...

SQL Server Select and Update in the same statement?

Hello! I have an SQL Query like this: SELECT TOP (@TopType) AdvertID, IsAdvertImage, AdvertData FROM Adverts WHERE AdvertSize = @AdvertSize ORDER BY NEWID() Each row in the table Adverts also has a column called Views, is it possible to also increase views with 1 for the banners that has been fetched? So I set TopType to 4 and get 4 ...

how to update databound controls in the tab panels using Ajax without reloading the page

Hi, I am using a tabcontainer in which there are three panels.I am having a drop down outside the tab container .Based on the selection in the dropdown I am binding dropdownlist,checkboxlist in the tabpanels of the container.My Problem is, when I select the Drop down outside the container, the page is getting reloaded always.Even the sel...

Update an existing column value

What happens when a new value for an existing column is added? Will the older value be overwritten by the new value? Or the older value will also retain and can be retrieved (similar to simpleDB)? ...

SQL Update from a Select

Hey! I want to update two fields of table (Store) from a select of others tables, but i don´t know how i can do it. The SQL system is in AS/400, so doesn´t have SQL Server or Oracle tricks :( Here is the SELECT, i want the price and amount of an order (article table join for select only existing articles) SELECT OrderDetails.Price, Ord...

Zend Framework sql update query

How would I write this sql the Zend Framwork way? UPDATE register SET balance = (balance + 10) WHERE added_date > 1259944184 ; I can't find any examples of this on Zends website or the web. Do I need to use "Zend_Db_Expr" ? thanks ...