
Qt 4.6.x under MacOS/X: widget update performance mystery

Hi all, I'm working on a Qt-based MacOS/X audio metering application, which contains audio-metering widgets (potentially a lot of them), each of which is supposed to be updated every 50ms (i.e. at 20Hz). The program works, but when lots of meters are being updated at once, it uses up lots of CPU time and can bog down (spinny-color-whee...

Dynamic Update Query in Oracle

I'm trying to create a standard UPDATE query for a table. However, if certain criteria are met, some columns should be included/excluded from the UPDATE statement. For example: UPDATE TBL_PROJECT SET REVISION_COUNT = V_REVISION_COUNT ,PRIMARY_BRANCH = IN_PRIMARY_BRANCH ,PROJECT_STATUS = IN_PROJECT_STATUS ... WHERE ...

How do I change, delete, or insert a line in a file, or append to the beginning of a file in Perl?

People keep asking this question and I keep answering it with the same answer from perlfaq5. Now it's something we can point to on Stackoverflow. ...

Update JAR used by Android app in Eclipse

My app uses an API from an external JAR file. This JAR file has been added into my project and added in the build path. My project builds and runs just fine, but now I need to update the JAR file (some code in those classes has changed). I created a new JAR and copied it into my project after removing the old one. Do I need to "re-import...

Update a subtype attribute using TREAT (Oracle 11g)

I want to be able to update a subtype attribute, and some research has led me to believe it can be done with TREAT. I have tried a couple of variations on this syntax: UPDATE table1 t SET TREAT(VALUE(t) AS myType).attributeToUpdate = 10 WHERE id=1; myType is a subtype of the type of table1. Keep getting the error ORA-00927 missing eq...

Problems updating/inserting with Linq-to-SQL + child relationships

Hi, I'm learning LINQ, and am having trouble with inserting and updating in one go. I have a StatusReport table (School, Customer, Time), where School is the primary key, and a Service table (School, ServiceName, State, and Version), where School is a foreign key, and School + ServiceName is the primary key. Here's my update code: pub...

Click-once for services?

I have an app that runs as a service, and I'd like it to be able to check a URL to see if a new version is available, and if so to download and install it. I can manually hack something together, but would be great if I could create an MSI package to update the service, and any other components that are part of my distribution. I'd also ...

sql update records compared to records from another table

should be fairly simple. i have 2 tables. one of them has table1(ID,name,other_id) and the other table has table2(id,name,group,..) i want table1.other_id to be same as table2.id based on the data in the name fields on both tables. ...

Using Repeater for an updateable form

I have a list of parameter names for which I want a user to type in some values, so I do this: <div> <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="rptTemplateParams" EnableViewState="true"> <HeaderTemplate> <ul> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <li> <asp:Label runat="server"><%#Container.DataItem%></asp:La...

MySQL - Duplicate elimination and Preserving Valuable Data?

Scenario : I have few duplicate contacts in a table. The duplicates are identified, I can just delete them but the problem is I don't want to lose the data the duplicate might have and the original don't. Any tips? Sample data : ID Name Email School Dupe_Flag Key 1 AAA a@a X 1 2 AAB JKL 1 3 BB...

Compare two schemas and update the old schema with the new columns of new schema

hello, I've an Oracle database with two schemas. One is old and another is new. I would like to update the old schema with the new columns of the new schema. I get the tables which have changes with the following query. select distinct table_name from ( select table_name,column_name from all_tab_cols where owner = 'SCHEMA_1' minus s...

Updating JPA-Hibernate entity without selecting it from database

I have a hibernate entity called Execution. It is created in the beginning of my process and updated at end, indicating how it has finished. I would like to update a single property of this entity, without causing a select in my database. Execution execution = entityManager.getReference(Execution.class, executionId); execution.setSta...

Adobe Air update error "file version doesn't match" but it's the same!...

I'm using Claus Wahlers' AIR Remote Updater class (codeazur.com.br/lab/airremoteupdater/). All works fine and an update is triggered if the remote version is newer. The newer file is downloaded and the update starts. However I then get "an error has occured" message: "This application cannot be installed because this installer has been m...


Thanks in advance guys. Been searching quite a bit for this and I'm either searching badly, or there isn't much out there to explain it. In SQL server you can insert into a table using a select statement. INSERT INTO table(col,col2,col3) SELECT col,col2,col3 FROM other_table (in this case is a temp table) WHERE sql = 'cool' Would be...

How can I Update and delete records in my db by LINQ to SQL?

Is there the ability for doing this work? How can I do this work? ...

db4o object update dilemma

I am new to db4o. I have this question in mind: when the object are retrieved from DAL, maybe it will update in Business layer, then we lost it's original property, so when it comes to updating how can I find which one is the original object in the database to update? ...

Why won't control update/refresh mid-process.

I have a windows form (C#.NET) with a statusLabel that I can not seem to get to update in the middle of a process in event handler methods. My code looks like this... void Process_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { string t = "Process is finished!"; this.Invoke(new StatusLabelUpdator(updateStatusLabel), new...

Best practices for inserting/updating large amount of data in SQL 2008

Hi, I'm building a system for updating large amounts of data through various CSV feeds. Normally I would just loop though each row in the feed, do a select query to check if the item already exists and insert/update an item depending if it exists or not. I feel this method isn't very scalable and could hammer the server on larger fee...

Is it posisble to intergrate into "Windows Update" to upgrade your own applications?

Is it possible to intergrate into windows update to update your own applications? I have heard of "ClickOnce", however from what I understand of it so far; it is still the responsibility of the application developer to manage the updates. I am invisaging a similar user experiance to how an end user may update an application in a Linux ...

UPDATE Multiple Rows Using CASE in SQL 2008

Hi, I have the following sql statement where i'm trying to update multiple rows matching a select statement. UPDATE Cars SET engineSize = CASE specCode WHEN 1 THEN value ELSE engineSize END FROM Cars INNER JOIN CarSpecs ON CarsSpecs.carID = Cars.carID My tables are as follows: Cars carID engineSize ... 1 0 2 0 CarSp...