
Prototype find element and only perform if found

Hi Guys, Struggling a little here with prototype = I've created this function Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { if ($$('#test li:first')!=null) { $('test').down('li').down('a').update('Test'); } }); Basically, it works on pages where #test li:first is found but on pages it isn't it returns $("test").down("li") is undef...

OpenGL outdated version (can't find glMultiDrawElements on header)

I was trying to use the function glMultiDrawElements while studying OpenGL (using red book) but couldn't. I checked the header "gl.h" and the function wasn't there so I checked the version on top of the header and it's 1.1. I know I need at least 1.4 to use it, but I have no idea on how to update it. I tried Windows Update but nothing....

MySQL: How to handle regular high volume of inserts/updates?

Hi, I have table where I track various statistics about site usage. Once a week, I plan to use these statistics and information from other tables to calculate various key indicators for use in multiple reports. This is in order not to have compute the complex data each time a report is accessed. These indicators will be stored in a sepa...

Find and Replace Text with Prototype

I am new to Prototype and was wondering how to simply "find" some text in a class/ID and "replace" this text. My html is like this: <div id="test"> <a href="/test">test</a> <a href="/test2">test2</a> <a href="/test3">test3</a> <a href="/test4">test4</a> </div> And I am trying to replace the "test" in between the <a> tags for ...

CoreData updated sqlite database

Hey there, I'm working on my first application using coredata. Everything works perfectly. When I debug the app on my device (without it already being installed on the device), then quit the app, manually modify the sqlite dbase then debug the app again, it appears to be using the old version of the database. If the two sqlite files h...

insert or update if record is in table

I have a tables Cars and CarDescriptions cars: IDCar(int, PK, autoincrement) carsDesciptions(IDDescription, Header(nvarchar),Content(nvarchar),idCar(int,FK) In application I am adding cars and editing existing ones. My problems: 1.How to save changed Car with descriptions in database ?? I have ID of Car, and I have ID's of D...

Postgresql Current timestamp on Update


Patching a perl cgi web application

Hello, I've written a web cgi application in perl and before I start to distribute it to clients, I'd like to provide an option for future updates. I would like to know what are the standard approaches for that using free Linux tools. It is OK for the server to be stopped during updating. Thank you, Spasski ...

Update Item Lookup in Sharepoint Workflow

Hi. I have several lists, each has a workflow to its item created event that creates another item in a third list. Every workflow creates an item in that list. By the way, each list has different columns, so they're not identical. Everything is fine up to this point. But i want to edit the previously inserted item (to the buffer list) ...

SqlAdaptor.update a dataset for a SQLserver DB table that uses a autoincrementing primary key column

Using c#, vs2008. Howdy, I have a slq server table that has a primary key column that is auto incrementing when new record is added. I am loading a dataset with sqlAdaptor.select sql statement, created with query editor and auto generate update and insert using the wizard. I need advice. When i have loaded dataset with select stateme...

software update

Hi. i want general idea about how to write the software update for an application? which technology is simple like VC++ or .Net?.. i just need the idea in brief. ...

Force update in Hibernate

How can I force Hibernate to update an entity instance even if the entity is not dirty? I'm using Hibernate 3.3.2 GA, Hibernate Annotations and Hibernate EntityManager btw. I really want Hibernate to execute the generic UPDATE statement even if no property on the entity has changed. I need this because some event listeners need to get i...

Update statement using IN clause issue

I have an update statement that goes thus: update tableA set val1='X', val2='Y' where id in ( select id from tableA A LEFT JOIN tableB B ON A.col1=B.col1 and A.col2=B.col2 where A.col3='xx' and B.col3= 'YY') Now, the inner SELECT statement runs in 10 minutes returning 1000 records (both tableA and tableB have ab...

iPhone NSKeyedArchiver - the data saved with this class persist after app update via AppStore?

Hello, I am a newbie in the iPhone dev and I want to know if I will save some data(NSSDictinary) with NSKeyedArchiver, tis data persist after an update process of my app via AppStore? Let's say that I want to save user an pass for my app and probably this information will be saved into the app folder.If I will update the app via AppStor...

Codeigniter: Get affected fields in update

There's a way to get which fields were modified after a update query? I want to keep track what field XXX user modified... any ways using active records? ...

mysql_insert_id() issue with MySQL 5.0.67 + Windows + VC++ 2008

Hello! On the manual page; http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-insert-id.html It is said that "Returns the value generated for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the previous INSERT or UPDATE statement." The problem is that it doesn't really work for me after an update. The real need is that I'm trying to update a row in a table (up...

Update with self-join

I want to update a table to indicate that some rows are parents of others, so I added a "parentid" column to the table. The following query finds all the parents: SELECT ca1.id, ca2.id FROM contactassociations ca1 JOIN contactassociations ca2 ON (ca1.contactid = ca2.contactid) where ca1.entitytable = 'EMPLOYER' AND ca2.entitytable = '...

Updating joined queries with ADO

Hi I have a select query that joins 3 tables to display information. If I want to update a field is do ADOQuery.Edit. <Set fields Values> ADOQuery.Post. I get the following error howwever 'Insufficient key column information for updating or refresing' and I'm not sure how to proceed. Thank you. Pieter ...

Question about join/update/insert sql query

I am working on making a new sqlite database. Obviously for a number of reasons, structure and organization is important. I have an existing database that is everything that I need, except for one column. So I duplicated the original db, and would like to just swap out that one column with new data from a different column in a different...

Why doesn't this SQL UPDATE query work?

I know SQL well but I must be missing something really dumb here. This update query keeps throwing an error. The query is: UPDATE pages SET 'order' = 1 WHERE id = 19 The table definitely has a column for order, and it has a record with the ID of 19. The order column is not unique. The error I get is the generic one: #1064 - You hav...