
update a field based on subtotal from another table

Hi all, I'm using oracle(10). I've got two tables as follows: Table1 (uniq rows): ID AMOUNT DATE Table2: ID AMOUNT1 AMOUNT2 ...AMOUNTN DATE Table2 is connected many to one to Table1 connected via ID. What I need is update-ing Table1.DATE with: the last (earliest) date from Table2 where Table1.AMOUNT - SUM(Table2.AMOUNT1...

How can I update a field in one table with a field from another table? (SQL)

Two tables: COURSE_ROSTER - contains COURSE_ID as foreign key to COURSES USER_ID as field I need to insert into COURSES COURSES - contains COURSE_ID as primary key INSTRUCTOR_ID as field that needs to be updated with USER_ID field from COURSE_ROSTER What would the UPDATE sql syntax be? I am trying this, but no good... I'm miss...

Delete or update a dataset in HDF5?

I would like to programatically change the data associated with a dataset in an HDF5 file. I can't seem to find a way to either delete a dataset by name (allowing me to add it again with the modified data) or update a dataset by name. I'm using the C API for HDF5 1.6.x but pointers towards any HDF5 API would be useful. ...

How do I update a fields in table with strings randomly selected from a known list?

I have a table named "buildings" that contains a varchar(50) field named "use". The table already has several thousand records, however the "use" values are all null. I would like to update these this table with randomly chosen values from a list of strings (e.g., warehouse, office, market, retail, workshop). I would also like to leave...

Updating a DB table excluding NULLs

I have two tables with the same columns tbl_source (ID, Title) tbl_dest (ID, Title) I want to update tbl_dest titles from the tbl_source where the ids in dest and source match. However, I don't want to update the dest title if the source title is null (or blank). I've got this: UPDATE tbl_dest SET tbl_dest.Title = ...

win32 SDK child window paint (C/C++)

I'm using the win32 Platform SDK (on XP Pro) to create an app consisting a single main window with a number of child windows. The styles passed to CreateWindow are WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE (for the main window) and WS_CHILDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE for the children. The error I'm seeing is that when another application is dragged on ...

Updating, Foreign Key Constraints and nulls

I am generating a data template in C#. With the help of the good people on this wonderful site, I've managed to take care of almost every issue. This should be the last problem. Because it's a template I'm working on, I want every field in the table, including nulls. I was helped on how to update nulls by adding (object)this.field ?? DBN...

Do you only update the changed fields or all the fields?

I'm wondering if it's worth the server time when updating a record to retrieve the existing record, loop through the fields checking for changes and only putting the changed fields in the update query? (I am using MySQL & PHP.) The main reason for doing this is to reduce the size of the update query for change log purposes. Normally the...

Is there a way to make a self-updatable executable in windows?

I would like to produce an executable that could make an update verification before it loads, and then, if there is some update, I would like it to replace its file and then reload. I think it would be better than to have an "updater" exe separated, because what if the updater has to be updated? It is not possible for me to have shared...

Detecting changes to an open file

Suppose I have an open file. How can I detect when the file is changed by another program in the background. Some text editors can detect and update the open file if it is changed by another process. I'm specifically asking for this with C under Linux(this seems to be OS dependent). ...

set row equal to other row in mysql?

Here is the current state of my table: mysql> select * from page; +----+----------+----------------+------+---------+ | id | title | body | page | visible | +----+----------+----------------+------+---------+ | 1 | my title | my body | NULL | 1 | | 2 | my title | my body edited | 1 | 0 | +----+----...

How to update a Lucene.NET index?

I'm developing a Desktop Search Engine in Visual Basic 9 (VS2008) using Lucene.NET (v2.0). I use the following code to initialize the IndexWriter Private writer As IndexWriter writer = New IndexWriter(indexDirectory, New StandardAnalyzer(), False) writer.SetUseCompoundFile(True) If I select the same document folder (containing file...

NHibernate Update Not working

Hey Everyone.. I can't get my update to work. The test fails and I do not see any update statements being sent to the database. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? This is my repository update procedure: public void UpdateProject(Project proj) { Session.Update(proj); } This is the unit test I am trying: [Test] pub...

Swapping the 2 rows in MS SQL server retaining the original primary key and without manual update

I have the following problem : I have rows like ID CODE NAME ......... 1 h1100h1 Cool example1 ......... 2 h654441 Another cool1 ......... I would like to swap them retaining all old primary keys and constraints. Of course, I can easily solve this manually by updating the rows. I am kind of wondering whet...

What are the Approaches for updating Microsoft Expression Web Add-ins

I am working on an add-in for Microsoft Expression Web. We would like to check for an update each time that the users activate the add-in. Note that the add-in consists of a number of main assembly plus a number of supporting .NET assemblies. I am currently researching the possibility of using the "smart client" technology. That te...

How to create a polldaddy like editor

Most of you here must have used polldaddy. I would like to get some advise from you guys about how can I design an editor like the one seen in polldaddy. Below is a screenshot. On the left side there is a list of controls (Text box, list etc) and on the right there is a panel(editor). I can click and drag on of the control and as soon a...

Creating an isset if fuction using php to avoid and update if the input is empty for a MYSQL update.

Hi I am newish to php and I have created an update page for Content Management System. I have a file upload in this case a picture. I have other inputs that contain text and I can get them to populate my form and thats fine and works great because the user can see what has already been entered. But the file name for the photo can not hav...

Access DB query - need help updating certain records

I have an access DB which we use to track tickets. Each ticket may have multiple occurrences because of different programming changes associated with that ticket. Each record also has a program_type field which is SVR or VB. Example: 123456 - SVR - SomeCode 123456 - VB - SomeVBCode I've added a column to the database called VB_Flag, ...

how to get wix to update a previously installed version of a program

I wrote an install program with wix and it worked fine to install my program. Now I need to update it, so I bumped up the version number but when I go to install the new program over the old one it complains that an older version is already installed and tells me to uninstall it fisrt. How do I get it to update or automatically uninstall...

How to efficiently manage multiple installations of a web application?

From my experience, one of the bigger problems we come across during our webdevelopment process is keeping different setups updated and secure across different servers. My company has it's own CMS which is currently installed across 100+ servers. At the moment, we use a hack-ish FTP-based approach, combined with upgrade scripts at spec...