
Seam LDAP, update user details

Hi, I am trying to update user details like firstName, lastName, emailAddress especially using Seam's IdentityManager API bit do not see any method for updating the LDAP. Is there a reason for not providing LDAP update method and if so what is the best way to update the details. Versions used: Seam-2-1.2 JBoss-4.2.3 openLDAP Thanks. ...

Android: Changing entry point activity to app messes up app update

This is the second time this has happened to me now. I changed the starting activity of my app, and put out an update, and now the icon on people's phone will not open my app. The only way they can open it is through the downloads section of their Android Market app, or if they uninstall and reinstall the app, causing them to lose ALL th...

difficulty in creating update totals query on same table.

Consider the following table: ID nonUniqueID value total -------------------------- 1 12345 5 x 2 12345 10 x 3 789 20 x 4 789 5 x I need to make a query something like this (psuedo SQL), which will work within Access 2007: UPDATE table SET total = SUM(value) WHERE nonUniqueID IS SAM...

Ways to join and update tables in SQL.

Hi, So I am a first time user here, and still relatively new to SQL. I am attempting to take 2 tables, and join them in a sense. In Table1 I have the data: House_Key ---Other Fields--- Customer_ID House_Key is not unique, and as such I can have multiple Customer_IDs per household. House_Key is a numerical code, and Customer_ID i...

Application updates in Mac OS X

To provide application updates in Windows, we can simply download the installer and run it. Applications are installed in %PROGRAMFILES% and shortcuts are placed in various places. Keys and values are added to the registry to provide an entry in the system's Programs list. To provide application updates in Linux, we can use the system's...

Programmatically update widget from activity?

I know it's possible, but I can't figure out a way to trigger an update of my widget from the main activity. Isn't there some general intent I can broadcast? ...

Hibernate updates database though all the service methods marked as read-only by spring transaction management

I have already posted this question before but as the thread is little old I think I am not getting reply so sorry for duplicating but my issue is something related to spring transaction. I am facing a similiar problem with Spring Transaction management. I am using hibernate as ORM framework. And below is the excerpt of spring configura...

Mysql Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value

When I execute this SQL query: UPDATE shop_category SET name = 'Secolul XVI - XVIII' AND name_eng = '16th to 18th centuries' WHERE category_id = 4768 I receive the following error: 1292 - Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'Secolul XVI - XVIII' 'shop_category' table structure: category_id mediumint(8) name varchar(250) nam...

MySQL query for navigation CMS

I'm currently trying to work out a way to make my navigation items moveable via dynamic mysql/databases. Currently I have a table looking like this id menuText posId int random text 1-999 number The thing is, depending on the number in posId. The menuText will be sorted by it. What I'm trying to do is add a function to ded...

how to update multiple rows with the same sequnce value

I'm using DB2 and want to update several rows that meet my condition with the same next value from my sequence. Here is what I tried but this doesn't work as the next value is fetched for each row:- update dependency dep set vid=NEXT VALUE FOR seq_VID where id in ('8371','8372','8373') id is the the primary key and seq_VID is a sequen...

Updating a table with multiple values from a select statement where the date matches

I'm having a problem updating a table and im sure its pretty straight forward but im going round and round in circles here. Table 'table1' data I want to update is formatted as follows: [Month] Figure ---------------------------------- 2010-05-01 00:00:00.000 1.0000 2010-06-01 00:00:00.000 1.0000 2010-07-01 00:00:00....

How to update a UILabel frequently?

Hey guys, I am currently working on a project where I request and parse multiple html sites in a controller. To give some feedback to the user I have created a second view, which gets displayed during processing of the data. It displays a status label and a progressbar. In my controller I have several points where I update my labels tex...

Making WordPress Plugin Update Process

My client has asked me to make a WordPress Plugin that people must purchase. Therefore, it is not put into the WordPress.org plugin repository and is not updatable by default from the Plugins menu in wp-admin. Is there a best practice way for making the plugin updatable? As in, showing an update on the dashboard, plugin options panel, a...

Why did Sun/Oracle choose Unicode 5.1 over Unicode 5.2 in Java 7/JDK7?

According to the JDK 7 feature list Java's Unicode support will be updated (from Unicode 4.0 in Java 6) to Unicode 5.1 although Unicode 5.2 is available since October 2009. What's the reason for that considering that Unicode 5.2 was mostly an update of the Unicode book? EDIT: Java 7's Unicode support will be updated to Unicode 6.0. ...

sqlite3 update row syntax

Hi all, From the sqlite3 docs it looks like I should be able to use the following syntax to update a row in a database on my iPhone: NSString *dbFile = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"database" ofType:@"db"]; sqlite3 *database = NULL; if (sqlite3_open([dbFile UTF8String], sqlite3_exec(database, [sql UTF8String], MyCallba...

SQL - Move multiple rows worth of data to one row

What I am trying to do is take multiple rows of data from a column and insert it into a single cell. Here's what I have below: +++HouseNumber+++++++CustomerType+++ + 1 + Residential + + 2 + Commercial + + 2 + Residential + + 3 + Residential + +++++++++++++++++++++++++...

[PHP-MySql] Can SQL tell me how many row(s) were updated?

I would use only a single query: $sql = "UPDATE gallery SET order = (order+1) WHERE id_categ = ".$id; $res = mysql_query($sql); ... Is it possible? ...

Populate data in sql table

Hi, I have a table with two columns id_test1 id_test2 1 Null 2 Null 3 Null 4 Null 5 Null How can I update or populate the id_test2 as below? id_test1 id_test2 1 256 2 214 3 147 4 987 5 ...

Cassandra: Update multiple rows?

Hi everybody, In mysql, I can do the following query, UPDATE mytable SET price = '100' WHERE manufacturer='22' Can this be done with cassandra? Thanks! ...

MySQL Updates are taking forever

Hey, im trying to wirte about 600000 Tokens into my MySQL Database Table. The Engine I'm using is InnoDB. The update process is taking forever :(. So my best guess is that I'm totally missing something in my code and that what I'm doing is just plain stupid. Perhaps someone has a spontaneous idea about what seems to eat my performance: ...