
How to retrieve the process start time (or uptime) in python

How to retrieve the process start time (or uptime) in python in Linux? I only know, I can call "ps -p my_process_id -f" and then parse the output. But it is not cool. ...

What's the Best method of checking Site / Server Uptime Efficiently (PHP)

I am trying to build a system of monitoring site / server uptime in PHP, the system will be required to check thousands of domains / ips a minute. I have looked into cURL as this seems to be the best method. Edit: The system will be required to probe a server, check its response time is reasonable, and return its response code. It will...

OSX: programmatically get uptime?

Something similar to linux cat /proc/uptime which returns the uptime in seconds, and preferably not parsing uptime(1). ...

monitor process uptime on Windows

We want to monitor some processes on windows machine. If process is down for 30 minutes, an alarm will be raised. Is it possible/or necessary to monitor a process downtime precisely, say, a process is down EXACTLY for 30 minutes, then an alarm will be raised? Normally, we can check it every 1 minute, but technically, most of the time, yo...

Cheking if a webpage is online (best practices for making a Uptime Bot)

Hello, im making a investigation and i need to check every 15 min for about 7 days if a web site is online. I have the url and high programing skills in VB6 and PHP, and some ideas of how to do that (like making a ping to the port 80 of the url), but due the important of this investigation i need recomendation from professionals, so if y...

Website availability API

I'm one of the developers of TryAgain, an add-on for Firefox that keeps trying to load a webpage when the server cannot be reached. A user recently suggested having the add-on check if the website you're trying to reach is down, or just blocked for the local machine. I was therefore hopeful that there might be a website similar to downf...