
How to convert entites of JSP request arguments for html form textarea?

I am new to JSP and generating a form with a text area. Is there a library to convert the text from/to an HTML's FORM TEXTAREA that will convert to/from entities for the URL to be properly formatted/parsed? For example: textarea (named ta): simple test with ampersand & in textarea url: http://.../myapp.jsp?ta=simple+test+with+ampe...

JSP can't resolve import of org.apache.commons.lang

I am trying to include the library StringEscapeUtils and everything that I can find indicates that I can import the Apache Org page as follows: <%@ page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils" %> however, I can only resolve the URL down to this: <%@ page import="org.apache.commons.*" %> and when I do that, the compile st...

[Ruby] Why do I have to URI.encode even safe characters for Net::HTTP requests?

I was trying to send a GET request to Twitter (user ID replaced for privacy reasons) using Net::HTTP: url = URI.parse("http://api.twitter.com/1/friends/ids.json?user_id=12345") resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(url) this throws an exception in Net::HTTP: NoMethodError: undefined method empty?' for #<URI::HTTP:0x59f5c04> from /Sy...

Passing & in URL variable with the help of urlencode

I have done urlencode of the variable before passing to the URL http://example.com/Restaurants?alias=F%26B But when I try to print like in the page $alias = rawurldecode($_GET['alias']); echo $alias; it prints only F. How to solve this? ...

Strange javascript decoding behavior in IE

I run the following html snippet in IE8 and IE7 with non-English characters (we tried both Hebrew and Chinese), and the second link never works properly. The displayed text in the alert box is mangled. This occurs in IE8 and IE7, but not in firefox. It is not dependent on Windows's regional settings. Here is the html snippet (html heade...

Percent-Encoded Percent in URI

In our application, it is possible for a user to upload files then download them later. We don't restrict them from having any special characters in the file name. The problem comes in when we create the link for the user to download the file. I use the Java URL encoder to encode the file name that gets put into the href of the link, ...

Encoding Special Characters For Outlook HTML Email

I have an asp.net / C# page which takes a comment, and then emails that comment. Sometimes when the user enters "&" in the comment, the comment is being truncated. So for example if the comment is "test & test" the email only sends out "test ". I have tried HttpUtility.HtmlEncode - but it looks like the issue is on the outlook side and ...

URL encoding yes/or no?

I have a restful webservice which receives some structured data which is put straight into a database. The data is send from an OS using wget. I am just wondering whether I actually need to URL encode the data and if so why? Please note that it is no problem to do it but it might be uneccessary in this scenario. ...

How to encode xml data

Hi all, In my app i have to send a xml data as request, I am creating the xml string like this NSString* str = @"<Item><Name>"; str = [str stringByAppendingFormat:string1]; str = [str stringByAppendingFormat:@"</Name><Description>"]; str = [str stringByAppendingFormat:string2]; str = [str stringByAppendingFormat:@"</Description><Ra...

JS encodeURIComponent result different from the one created by FORM

I thought values entered in forms are properly encoded by browsers. But this simple test file "test_get_vs_encodeuri.html" shows it's not true: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-125...

Detect the URI encoding automatically in Tomcat

I have an instance of Apache Tomcat 6.x running, and I want it to interpret the character set of incoming URLs a little more intelligent than the default behavior. In particular, I want to achieve the following mapping: So%DFe => Soße So%C3%9Fe => Soße So%DF%C3%9F => (error) The bevavior I want could be described as "try to decode the...

Is GET Query String affected by content='text/html; charset=gb2312' html meta tag attribute ?

The Question is, In a regular HTTP Request to a server (non-ajax), Is the Query String passed by GET method to some server, get affected by the encoding specified by this : <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'> If the answer is no, How to define the encoding schema for the parameters of GET method ? e...

MOSS Filter webpart not working with & symbol in the query string

Hi, I know this is a fairly common error with URL encoding. The problem I suspect is the MOSS Filter webpart used to filter a dataview webparts results based on the querystring paramter passed to it from the Filter webpart. When the query string contains an & (ampersand) symbol the dataview webpart is unable to display any results but ...

Does UrlDecode handle plus (+) correctly?

According to RFC 2396, The plus "+", dollar "$", and comma "," characters have been added to those in the "reserved" set, since they are treated as reserved within the query component. Indeed, search this site for "plus + comma , dollar $", and you get http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=plus+%2B+comma+,+dollar+$ Plus is...

JSP 2.0 SEO friendly links encoding

Currently I have something like this in my JSP <c:url value="/teams/${contact.id}/${contact.name}" /> The important part of my URL is the ID, I just put the name on it for SEO purposes (just like stackoverflow.com does). I was just wondering if there is a quick and clean way to encode the name (change spaces per +, latin chars remova...

Basic Authentication from url in Restlet

I've been using Restlets "ChallengeResponse" mechanism to authenticate users on the server side. ChallengeResponse challengeResponse = getRequest().getChallengeResponse(); if( challengeResponse == null ){ throw new RuntimeException("not authenticated"); } String login = challengeResponse.getIdentifier(); String password = new Strin...

Using NSXMLParser to extract attributes that are URL encoded?

Hello, I am trying to use NSXMLParser on the iPhone to parse a string that contains HTML, similar to the HTML shown below... <html><head><title>Working...</title></head><body><form method="POST" name="hiddenform" action="http://xxx/zfp"&gt;&lt;input type="hidden" name="wa" value="wsignin1.0" /><input type="hidden" name="wresult" value=...

Convert string with white space into URL

I'm using ruby and googles reverse geocode yql table to ideally automate some search query I have. The problem I hit is turning the query into a legal url format. The issue is that the encoding I'm using is returning illegal urls. The query I'm running is as follows query="select * from google.geocoding where q='40.714224,-73.961452'" ...

How to judge if a URL is already encoded with encodeURI?

I'm trying to do it in VBScript/JScript, to avoid re-encoding. Should I judge if there is "%" ? Does "%" have other uses in URL? Thanks. Edit: Oh, the original encoding function may not be encodeURI. I'm trying to collect URLs from the browser, and store them after encoding with encodeURI. But if the URL is already encoded, another enco...

Unable to allow these characters in URL:- % / \ # +

About the system I have URLs of this format in my project:- http://project_name/browse_by_exam/type/tutor_search/keyword/class/new_search/1/search_exam/0/search_subject/0 Where keyword/class pair means search with "class" keyword. Following is my htaccess file:- ##AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php Options Includes +ExecCGI ...