
Keep old URLs when implementing UrlRewriter.net

I added UrlRewriter.net to my site today and it works fine with redirecting my SEO links to actual pages. The question is if there is any way to keep my old links in site and have ResolveUrl() using the rules to output links in my page. The "old" links should never be viewed by either search bots or users. Example link in page: <a href...

What does [L] mean in apache rewrite?

Like here: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^(.*)\.[\d]+\.(css|js)$ $1.$2 [L] ...

Rewrite spring-security redirect URLs

I'm trying to get Tuckey UrlRewriteFilter to tidy up URLs for my webapp. One problem I've got is that when spring-security notices that an anonymous user is trying to access a protected resource it redirects to a URL which includes the servlet path. What I'd like is, by example: > GET http://localhost:8080/my-context/protected-resource...

URL Rewriter not grabbing the exact match

I'm implementing some url rewriting using UrlRewriter. So going to http://domainname/11 will go to ~/Items/Details.aspx?Itemid=11 <rewriter> <rewrite url="~/1" to="~/Items/Details.aspx?ItemId=1" /> <rewrite url="~/2" to="~/Items/Details.aspx?ItemId=2" /> <rewrite url="~/3" to="~/Items/Details.aspx?ItemId=3" /> <rewri...

How to elegantly handle ReturnUrl when using UrlRewrite in ASP.NET 2.0 WebForms

I have a folder with multiple .aspx pages that I want to restrict access to. I have added web.config to that folder with <deny users="?"/>. The problem is that ReturnUrl is auto-generated with physical path to the .aspx file while I'm using UrlRewrite. Is there a way to manipulate ReturnUrl without doing manual authentication check a...

Masterpage, Intelligencia url rewrite and updatepanel = possible ?

Hello all, I cannot seem to get my updatepanel to work while using urlrewrite. It does work in terms of code execution, but it refreshed my whole page instead of the usercontrol which contains the updatepanel. Am I missing some very basic things here? I hope someone can help me thanks for reading! Kind regards, mark ...

Help me with the Clean URL problem

I have an .htaccess file set up like so: RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^home/ /member.php [L] So when users type http://domainname.com/home/ it goes to the member page, but when they type http://domainname.com/home I get a 404 error. What am I doing wrong? ...

URL rewriting - removing hash

How can I remove the hash sign (#) from the page's URL ? I am using the SWFAddress plugin (jQuery) for deep linking purposes. I need to replace this localhost/site/#blog by localhost/site/blog (Yes, #blog is just an anchor). Somehow url rewriting in .htaccess doesn't work RewriteRule /blog #blog [L] Any suggestions ? ...


Hello all! I have a question concerning urlrewiter. I want to rewrite the following url like this: <rewrite url="~/sportswear/browse-by-category/(\d+)/(.+)/(\d+)" to="~/Browse.aspx?cid=9&amp;type=category&amp;mid=$1&amp;p=$2" /> This does work but my get variable p cannot be read. However when i write 'shoes' which is the categorynam...

How to route a multiple language URL with a MVC

I need multi language url route of existing controller. let's explain more: I have a controller with name "Product" and View with name "Software", therefore by default if user enter "http://mysite.com/en/Product/Software" ,get right content (that really exist in http://mysite.com/Product/Software), but i need if other user (french user...

Help with complex nginx rewrite rules for subdomains needed please

I currently have the following (hacky) re-write rule in my nginx.conf to allow dynamic sub-domains to be re-directed to one Django instance. set $subdomain ""; set $subdomain_root ""; set $doit ""; if ($host ~* "^(.+)\.domain\.com$") { set $subdomain $1; set $subdomain_root "/profile/$subdomain"; set $doit TR; } if (!-f $req...

UrlRewrite on Windows server R2 core

Is it possible to install UrlRewrite2.0 module on windows server 2008 r2 core? ...

URL Rewriting and 301 Redirect... Redirects to the original URL

In answering another persons question here on SO, I discovered that there is a small "bug" in my global redirect code. I have wired up a Global class to an HttpModule. It's job is to detect "http:/www." in the URL and redirect the user to the NON www. version Protected Sub OnBeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) ...

why tuckey UrlRewriteFilter outbound-rule mapping did not work ?

hi, i'm using the urlrewritefilter to pretty up my product links for a better google indexing (removing product parameter). example: .../product/snowboarda is transferred via url rewriting rule to .../product.seam?product=snowboarda rewriting rule <rule> <from>^/product/([a-zA-Z]+)$</from> <to>/product.seam?product=$1</to> ...

list and explode

Hey everyone, I am trying to use url rewriting on my website and I want to use the list() and explode() functions to get the right content. Currently my code looks like this: list($dir, $act) = explode('/',$url); In this case $url is equal to everything after the first slash in the absolute url i.e. http://example.com/random/stuff =>...

Redirecting user to admin page with usernamed url

Hello, I have a directory structure root->admin-> admin operations admin page inherited from a ase page with principla security.demand role = "Admins" i am usinf forms authantication mode. i have also put a web.config file in admin folder, restricting other users. it is working normaly with siteroot/admin. I want to setup a mechan...

UrlRewrite to not redirect for certain files

I am using Tuckeys UrlRewrite filter for getting clean urls on my java application. I redirect all the requests to a certain resource to a spring request dispatcher. Here is my original rule <rule> <from>(.*)$</from> <to>$1.htm</to> </rule> Problem is that accessing .js, .css files also seem to be redirecting. I want to know h...

How to redirect to application root using the IIS7 URL Rewrite Module?

I have tried: 1) I tried empty string first: <action type="Redirect" url="" redirectType="Permanent" appendQueryString="false" /> Result: HTTP 500.52 - URL Rewrite Module Error. The substitution URL for the current action cannot be empty. 2) Maybe I should omit the url attribute: <action type="Redirect" redirectType="Permanent" ...

How to use URL Rewrite on IIS for a single code base for multiple sites in PHP.

I have used the Apache Mod Rewrite for PHP but not in IIS. BACKGROUND: I have inherited over 400 sites on IIS with PHP all with a copy of the identical code base. The current code base has a unique connection string per client and that is why it was copied over and over again. Each being a subdomain pointing an individual site in IIS:...

Tomcat 5.5 - multiple contexts using same path

Is it possible to set up multiple contexts using the same path? For example: <Context docBase="/www/websites/site1/java/base" path="/base" reloadable="true"/> <Context docBase="/www/websites/site2/java/base" path="/base" reloadable="true"/> ...