
Implement Rewrite Module to have ApplicationName with querystring

How can i rewrite the URL to have application name + querystring for example i have a web application with the following querystring mywebsite/default.aspx?UserName=xyz How can i have URL with the folllowing mywebsite?xyz i have managed to implement RewriteModule using HttpApplication on Begin_request event and currently i can use ...

IIS URL Rewriting for all Inbound URLs?

Hopefully a simple question although one I have found impossible to answer myself using the Googles! I have a website on IIS with the URL http://www.contoso.com/ which points to C:\www\public\ There has been a forced directory restructure so now all of the data (Default.aspx, Product.aspx, etc.) that originally resided in C:\www\public...

Is it possible to map a root domain URL to a Grails' controller?

Let's have an example: A grails project, myproj, is deployed in Tomcat 6. It can be accessed anywhere thru this link: http://www.mycompany.com/myproj. Let's say we purchase another domain, http://newcompany.com, and we would like to point it to http://www.mycompany.com/myproj/url. If I go to http://newcompany.com/12345, it should be t...

SEO Url Redirect/Rewrite Using Database Managed Links

I have searched left and right. And i am trying to find a script or a method on how I can store links in database and use them for redirection. This is an E-commerce project and I am looking for something to manage Product and system URL from database. Something Similar like magneto dose. Basically anything after the domain say like d...

Beginner SEO question on urlrewrite rules

I just starting reading about SEO and realized that I should change my "GET" queries to / separated keywords for SEO purposes. Here's my question: I have a multi-select checkbox on my form, so my query string would be: http://www.domainname.com/searchitem.html?cat[]=A&cat[]=B&cat[]=C&param1=p1&param2=p2 Whats the conv...

What's the best way to debug URLRewrite rules?

Trying to do a few URLRewrite rules - some of them worked, some didn't. For those that didn't work, how do you debug it? Especially if the rule was never invoked, how do I tell where I'm making a mistake? Tried Live HTTP Header extension with firefox as well as checking the server access logs, to no avail. My site is hosted with cpanel,...

How do you set up a URLRewrite for a form?

if I have a form <form action=script.php> with a parameter like <input name=keyword> so my URL would be like www.domain.com/script.php?keyword=keyword1 how do I use URLRewrite in this case to change it to www.domain.com/script/keyword1/ had this been a regular link i can easily do it.. but what got me was how to do this out of a form ...

How to rewrite image/<text>-<imageID>-<text> to image/ID.jpg ???

Hi everyboy, I used to have PHP websites and using url rewriting on picture to have SEO friendly urls, On php I had links like /image/blablablabla-1234-blablabla rewriting to: /image/1234.jpg by using a url rewrite rule on apache .htaccess file. So I would like the structure /image/<text>-ID-<text> to return /image/<id>.jpg reguardl...

IIS7 Rewrite changing default button

Hey, I've run into a strange problem regarding default buttons in master pages and IIS7 rewrite module. All my content pages have default buttons set in the code-behind (on prerender), or they are in panels on the aspx page. This works fine on my local machine and on the production server. However, when I enable IIS7 URL Rewrite, the...

Using CakePHP with GoDaddy IIS 7 IIS7 and Microsoft URL Rewriter

Hi, I'm trying to move a CakePHP app from a Windows Apache setup to a GoDaddy shared IIS7 setup. It's been easy to migrate except for the Apache mod_rewrite part -- which obviously wouldn't work in IIS7. I basically have no url rewriting capability, which is crucial for Cake to work. GoDaddy now offers MS URL Rewriter, but they don't off...

how to convert Apache mod_rewrite rules to Microsoft URL Rewriter IIS7?

can someone tell me how to convert apache iis7 mod_rewrite .htaccess file to the equivalent web.config in MS Url Rewriter? Here is the .htaccess file I have: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L] </If...

Images logging as 404s with Zend Framework

Hello, Due to Zend rewriting URL's to module/controller/action, its reporting that images are coming through as a 404. Here is the error: [_requestUri:protected] => /images/Movie/124/thumb/main.png [_baseUrl:protected] => [_basePath:protected] => [_pathInfo:protected] => /images/Mov...

Rewrite css images to other host

I want to speed up my website using subdomains for image and javascript requests. This is the entry of my htaccess file for images: RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.mywebsite.com$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*\.(gif|jpg|png))$ images.mywebsite.com/$1 [QSA,L] This works fine, only the images in my css file are still loaded from the www.mywebsi...

IIS url rewrite rewriting all .asp to .html

I need to create rules for web.config that will rewrite all requests for files with extension .html to .asp and redirect all .asp requests to .html Example: file_xyz.asp rewrites to file_xyz.html directory1/file_xyz.asp rewrites to directory1/file_xyz.html and file_xyz.html redirects to file_xyz.asp directory1/file_xyz.html redire...

Can backslash be encoded correctly in URL with URL rewrite?

I am working on a ASP.NET MVC2 project. The problem is when a string which would be rewritten into URL that contains special character such as backslash or question mark. That will make the URL wrong, even I have encoded it before. For example: I have a product id "p001\2-2". I encoded it into "p001%5C2-2" The URL http://domain.com/P...

IIS7 URL Rewrite and User Control postback

When a URL redirect rule fires on a page with user controls the user controls are robbed of their child control events. Does anyone have a solution for how to make URL Rewrite and user controls play nice? ...

Is it possible to write an IIS URL Rewrite Rule that examines content of HTTP Post?

I need to split a portion of functionality away from a legacy ISAPI dll onto another solution (ASP.NET MVC most likely). IIS7's URL Rewrite sounded like a perfect candidate for the job, but it turns out I cannot find a way to configure the rules the way I need. I need to write a rule that examines the content of the HTTP post for a parti...

URL rewriting to a common end point

I want to create an asp.net white-label site http://whitelabel.com, that could be styled for each of our clients according to their specific needs. So for example, client abc would see the site in their corporate colours and be accessed through their specific url http://abc.com. Likewise client xyz would see the site in their own styling...

How to rewrite URLs on jboss

Hi all, I am developing a JEE project (used EJB3, JSF and maven) run on jboss 4.2GA app. server. My problem is I want to rewrite my URLs while passing param values between pages. In other words, for instance, when user clicks a submit button, some of the params are added to the end of url, you know; however I want it to be more clear li...

How to rewrite url containing plus and special chracters?

We've got some incoming URLs that needs to be redirected, but we are having trouble with URLs that contains pluses (+). For example any incoming URL must be redirected to the Homepage of the new site: /eng/news/2005+01+01.htm Should be redirected to to the home page of the new site /en/ Using UrlRewriter.net we've set up a r...