
Is there any way to make this UDF deterministic?

I assume this is not deterministic simply because DB_NAME() is not deterministic? If DB_NAME() is not deterministic, why is it not deterministic? ALTER FUNCTION [TheSchema].[udf_IS_PRODUCTION] () RETURNS bit WITH SCHEMABINDING AS BEGIN RETURN CASE WHEN DB_NAME() = 'PRODUCTION' THEN CONVERT(bit, 1) ELSE CONVERT(bit, 0) ...

Need help on rewriting a query that Uses a Cursor

I have a query that looks like this: DECLARE Match_Cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT ID,UserKey,TypeCode FROM [DB1].Table1 as t1 OPEN Match_Cursor FETCH NEXT FROM Match_cursor INTO @ID,@UserKey,@TypeCode; WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1) BEGIN INSERT INTO #TempTable SELECT t2.Name, t2.Address, t2.Country, @UserKey, @Typ...

SQL Server: what can a stored procedure do that a user defined function cannot?

Can you tell me what is the need for a stored procedure when there is UDF? ...

Optimize MySQL query to avoid unnecessary calls to user-defined function

I have a query that makes several calls within a SELECT statement to a user-defined function. The function (vfget) returns the value back from key=value pairs contained within a string. Is it possible for the query to just call the function once and store this in a variable so that it can be reused within the same query? Currently my q...

Multi-statement Table Valued Function vs Inline Table Valued Function

A few examples to show, just incase: Inline Table Valued CREATE FUNCTION MyNS.GetUnshippedOrders() RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN SELECT a.SaleId, a.CustomerID, b.Qty FROM Sales.Sales a INNER JOIN Sales.SaleDetail b ON a.SaleId = b.SaleId INNER JOIN Production.Product c ON b.ProductID = c.ProductID WHERE a.ShipDate IS...

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Function, passing list of start and end times

I'd like to do had a dynamic number of one start/end time pairs passed to a function as an input parameter. The function would then use the list instead of just one start, and one end time in a select statement. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetData] ( @StartTime datetime, @EndTime datetime ) RETURNS int AS BEGIN SELECT @EndTime =...

Retrieve input and output parameters for SQL stored procs and functions?

For a given SQL stored proc or function, I'm trying to obtain its input and output parameters, where applicable, in a Winforms app I'm creating to browse objects and display their parameters and other attributes. So far I've discovered the SQL system function object_definition, which takes a given and returns the text of t...

convert to UDF from select statement

How would one go about converting this into a scalar UDF? I'll pass the product_id to the UDF. Running SQL 2k5 SELECT sum(qty) as qty, product_id FROM vProductQuantity WHERE product_id = @product_id GROUP BY product_id ...

How do I make a function in SQL Server that accepts a column of data?

I made the following function in SQL Server 2008 earlier this week that takes two parameters and uses them to select a column of "detail" records and returns them as a single varchar list of comma separated values. Now that I get to thinking about it, I would like to take this table and application-specific function and make it more gen...

user generated / user specific functions

I'm looking for the most elegant and secure method to do the following. I have a calendar, and groups of users. Users can add events to specific days on the calendar, and specify how long each event lasts for. I've had a few requests from users to add the ability for them to define that events of a specific length include a break, of...

How do I get an stored procedure output into a variable inside a function in T-SQL?

I've got a task which can be only accomplished by construction a QUERY at runtime and executing it with sp_executesql. The result has to be a boolean (0/1 integer) value which I need to return as a result of the function. The only way I found to capture an SP's output is "INSERT INTO [table] EXECUTE [sp]" query, but functions forbid thi...

Finding all Stored procedures calling a function

Hi, How can I find out all the stored procedures that are calling a particular user defined function in SQL Server 2005. Or how to assign a defult value to a parameter in a user defined function so that when a stored procedure calls that function and does not pass any value to that parameter function assumes the default value. Regards...

Creating a CLR UDF with variable number of parameters

Hi I wanted a function to find the greatest of a list of String values passed in. I want to invoke it as Select greatest('Abcd','Efgh','Zxy','EAD') from sql server. It should return Zxy. The number of parameters is variable.Incidentally it is very similar to oracle GREATEST function. So I wrote a very simple CLR function (Vs2008) and t...

T-SQL: How Do I Create A "Private" Function Inside A Stored Procedure

Okay so im writing a SQL Server 2008 Stored Procedure (maintenance script). In doing so, being a good boy i've done plenty of error handling, checking rowcounts, printing output messages, etc But in doing this, ive found myself writing over and over again something like this: SELECT @RowsAffected = @@ROWCOUNT IF @RowsAffected > 0 BEGI...

SQL Server 2008 - How do i return a User-Defined Table Type from a Table-Valued Function?

Here's my user-defined table type... CREATE TYPE [dbo].[FooType] AS TABLE( [Bar] [INT], ) This is what ive had to do in my table-valued function to return the type: CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[GetFoos] RETURN @FooTypes TABLE ([Bar] [INT]) INSERT INTO @FooTypes (1) RETURN Basically, im having to re-declare my type definition in the RETU...

tsql scalar function - need to return a concatenated value

I am new to writing SQL fucntions and trying to write a scalar function in T-SQL. The function should insert leading zeros into an input field of numbers the length of the input can vary in length, i,e,. 123, 1234567, 9876543210 and so forth. The input field is defined as varchar(13) here is the code that I have written for the function...

SQL Scalar UDF to get number of days in Year

I writing code to determine how many days in a year. I am trying to keep it really simple. I found code that I think is very clean to determine a leap year. I am passing the inputted date using DATEPART(Y,@Year) to the leap year program and some how am not getting the correct results so I has to be in my SQL code to process the input da...

Calling a user defined scalar function from a sql program

I am still really new to SQL functions. I am trying to figure out how to use the in a SQL program properly. I am wanting to test scalar UDF's that I have created to see that the return the data correctly and can return a large quantity of data in order. I am not sure what is wrong with my syntax in the SQL to use the function as this is...

udf not returning data correctly in t-sql programming


SQL Server - CASE within a CASE checking for NULL

I am still learning SQL so this may seem a very odd question, but is this the best way to use CASE within a CASE to check for NULL? @FN_InputDt datetime) RETURNS varchar(3) as BEGIN DECLARE @Result varchar(3), @MonthNo int Set @MonthNo = datepart(m,@FN_InputDt) Set @Result = CASE WHEN @FN_InputDt IS NOT NUL...