
Where does the delete control go in my Cocoa user interface?

Hi, I have a Cocoa application managing a collection of objects. The collection is presented in an NSCollectionView, with a "new object" button nearby so users can add to the collection. Of course, I know that having a "delete object" button next to that button would be dangerous, because people might accidentally knock it when they mean...

WPF: Editable ComboBox; how to make search/auto-fill functionality case sensitive?

Say I have a ComboBox, like so: <ComboBox IsEditable="True" Height="30"> <ComboBoxItem>robot</ComboBoxItem> <ComboBoxItem>Robot</ComboBoxItem> </ComboBox> If a user comes along and starts by typing a lower-case r into that ComboBox when it is empty, the ComboBox predictably auto-fills itself with the word robot. Great. Now ...

Do you think its user unfriendly to show error message in tooltips ?

Hello, when my user enters data validated as wrong a red circle with a white exclamation mark is shown in the right part of the textbox with the wrong data. The error message is only shown when the user hovers the textbox with wrong data. Do you think that is a bad User experience ? I could show the red error message text to the right...

UX: HTTPS and "Lock" for Shopping SItes

Our geeky back-end developer is trying to tell us that we really don't need to have the whole logged-in section of our shopping site be "https" with the browser "lock". He just wants to put the credit card fields in an https frame (which customers will not be able to see is secured). As far as we can tell, this is sheer UX lunacy that ...

Has anyone ever worked with a UX designer who also did the graphic design, is it a good combination?

I am working on a framework for web based apps, including both UX guidelines and the art/graphic design guidelines such as what menus will look like, headers, colors, fonts etc. The UX designers I met, were unable to provide the artistic side, and the graphic designers didn't have the UX skills. Should I continue to look for one person...

OpenLayers, Layers: Tiled vs. single tile

Each time we add a new layer to our OpenLayers based website (data provided primarily by a GeoServer server), we discuss whether to use a single-tile or a tiled approach. Some of the parameters we evaluate are the following: Using the tiled approach we get: Slow but continuous buildup of the viewport Lots of small images Client sid...

UX Design Question: Should a multi step wizard save the form contents when the user clicks 'go back'/previous?

I am developing a web application that collects data over multiple steps through a wizard. Steps are generally not interdependent, in that data input at each step has little or no effect on the consequent steps. However each step may have a set of validations which determine whether the user can progress to the next step by clicking 'con...

Animated transitions for jQuery UI's sortable

Just out of curiosity, as I haven't been able to find anything anywhere; does anyone know of a way to get jQuery UI's sortable function to animate its sorting? What I mean is, when you move an element around the sortable parent, its children, the sortables, skip around instead of smoothly animating to their new position, which besides f...

How to drag-and-drop on custom Swing components

How can I implement drag and drop on custom components, e.g. my own JPanel subclasses? What I need is full Swing-like drag and drop support. With TransferHandlers, DropTargetListeners etc. So the trivial mousePressed() and mouseReleased() is not what I'm looking for. ...

Handling GUI after clicking the Back Button

I use a small JS to mark entries as Read upon click, before the user goes to the entry page. When the user clicks Back, the removeClass I used doesn't seem to keep its effect. Is there a way to force this on Back behavior? ...

When do you use a circular slider/knob in a good user interface?

As I am familiar with some synthesizers, I often user real life circular sliders (e.g. to control the master volume), also called knobs. Like this one: Sometimes I also find these controls in virtual applications (yes I like extreme minimalism =P): But most of them are irritating, confusing or just wrong, and simple sliders could be ...

Click on label to select radiobutton in WPF with MVVM

I'm learning WPF, and am wondering if there's an idiomatic way to create a label that, when clicked, toggles a checkbox or radio button. I was somewhat surprised that the Target attribute on Label doesn't do this. I am using the MVVM pattern (with the MVVMFoundation framework.) ...

Totally different views on iPad for portrait Vs landscape ... is this acceptable user interface design?

I'm refactoring one of my apps from the iPhone to the iPad and this has resulted in the removal of tabs as I've been able to combine functionality onto 1 screen and use popovers to enable the user to select stuff that previously required a new tab. I'm basically left with 2 tabs now. One (which is best viewed landscape) shows a map of t...

HCI/UX Design Blogs

I'm interested in learning more about HCI design decisions and practices, but I haven't been able to find any consistent source of articles on the subject: Many blogs have an article or two on the subject, then go off and talk about something else. I would stick to web design blogs, but videos like this one about Firefox 4 tab design pro...

How forgiving should form inputs be?

I went to my bank website the other day and entered my account number with a trailing space. An error message popped that said, "Account number must consist of numeric values only." I thought to myself, "Seriously?! You couldn't have just stripped the space for me?". If I were any less of a computer geek, I may even have thought, "What? ...

What is the best way to work with a user interface/user experience designer on an iPhone app?

I have a friend who is a graphic designer & user experience designer who will be collaborating with me to develop an iPhone app. He does not have previous iPhone experience. What is the best way to work with him on developing the user interface, i.e. custom colors for UITableViews, UIButtons, etc? We've looked into Photoshop mock ups,...

UI design so users will actually *read* disclaimer screen/text?

Client insists that users see disclaimer/legal/iAccept screen/text on their way into the web application. Same Client already perceives users as not reading that sort of text when presented with it. How do you design/decorate/etc this sort of screen/text in a web application so that users will actually read the content? I'm hoping som...

Why is Windows Phone 7 emulator so slow compared to, um, iPhone OS Emulator?

I don't mean to start a war between iPhone vs Windows Phone 7, nor am I against Windows Phone 7. But I've noticed on both of my computers Windows Phone 7 emulator (Beta and CTP) lags like it's running on a crappy last-decade Celeron computer. I have 2 computers: Macbook Pro 13" (2010 Model) with 2.4GHZ Core 2 Duo, 4GB RAM and ASUS G1 wi...

Tell AuthLogic to not use a password confirmation

I have this view: new.html.haml %h1 New account - form_for @user do |f| = f.error_messages = render :partial => "form", :object => f = f.submit "Create account" _form.html.haml = form.label :email = form.text_field :email %br/ = form.label :password, form.object.new_record? ? nil : "Change password" = form.password_field :pas...

Is it better to automatically redirect users or to show them the requested page with an error?

Given a scenario in a web application where the User has to do X before they can proceed to Y, but where the link for Y is always available, we are currently discussing two ways of redirecting the user if they try to navigate to page Y: Display page Y with a message and a link back to X. Redirect to X automatically but display a an err...