
Display Jquery UI Dialog on current mouse position, bug in IE 8

I am using Jquery UI Dialog and its working fine in FF/Chrome/Opera but there's some issue with IE, I am having latest version of JQuery UI 1.8.5 and all the workarounds setting position:absolute etc are not working at all, What I need is if my anchor tag is near to end of the browser window and there's not enough space for the ui dial...

What kind of status messages can be shown to the user on a search

What kind of status messages can be shown to the user on a search, involving active users. are no active users. msg.many.users=There are {0} active users. is one active user. We currently show 3 different messages, as shown above. We have been thinking of removing and modifying the ms...

Pattern for switching between discrete modes of behaviour

Design philosophy question: Suppose I have a user control which draws a graph of the characteristics of a collection of objects. The control is placed on a form with a long-lived controller class that exposes the collection of objects to draw from. The form also contains a control which allows to switch between 'modes' or different p...

trouble invoking a Jquery dialog box on a 'parent' page.

I am having a trouble invoking a Jquery dialog box on a 'parent' page. I'm calling the dialog 'open' from a dynamically loaded page within an iFrame on the 'parent' page. The showDialog button is on that dynamic IFrame form. I'm using #divId as the placeholder div, and #modalIframeId1 is where the dynamic form gets loaded via src='Add...

jquery datepicker- ie only lets me have 5 where firefox doesnt care how many

Hi guys. I am developing a web system that has 12 text boxes. When you click on this textbox, a jquery datepicker pops up. Before I post code up, just wandering if there is a simple answer. Basically, IE will not let me have more than 5 instances of a datepicker. E.g. I have 12 text boxes and when you click them, the date picker comes...

JQuery UI Tabs in IE appends ajax tab before body!

Wall Info < a title='members' href="ajax_commune_members.aspx"><span>Members</span></a></li> <li><a title='photos' href="ajax_commune_photos.aspx"><span>Photos</span></a></li> </ul> <div id='community_wall'> ...this one is local and is not loaded via ajax!, it is a...

jquery ui tabs body background

Hi I can use jquery ui tabs and bend the css used for the tabs. I m using this to display a background color for the body of the tabs .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel { padding: 1em 1.4em; display: block; border-width: 0; color:white; background-color: #111010; backgorund-image: url(backgrounds/g4wd10.gif) 0 0; opacity:1; font-size: 12px; } ...

Lazy loading of Drawable fails in SoftReferences.

I have a list view with 100 different images. My cache looks like the following, public class ImageCache { HashMap<String, SoftReference<Drawable>> myCache; .... .... public void putImage(String key, Drawable d) { myCache.put(key, new SoftReference<Drawable>(d)); } public Drawable getImage(String key) { ...

Using Jquery to Create a search for A series of LI's with more detail in the "alt attribute"

So here is the scenario. I have a series of about 60 hidden li's that contain important information about each link. When a user hover overs the link the alt info displays in a special information area. <li style="list-style-type: none; "><a href="a" alt="This offers details on cars, monkeys trees, horses and how to do your t...

Need jQuery plugin to implement this UI

Hi, Does anyone know of a jQuery plugin to implement this UI? Unfortunately I'm not able to find anything like that on Google. You can write a script on JQuery, but I would not want to waste time reinventing the wheel. ...

How to create horizontal menu in android ?

Hello Friends, I am working on horizontal menu that will open on top of the screen. Layout is something like following, || < || Menu Item1 || Menu Item2 || Menu Item3 || > || I want to put this on top of the screen. It can have more than 3 menu item and it can traverse through previous and next arrow. I started with like this, Relat...

jQuery UI dialog with iframe and anchors

I am loading a page into an iFrame in the dialog. This is a help page with anchor tags. When I load the page using an anchor or even when using the anchor tags in the dialog the browser jumps up to the anchor, even if the dialog is centred. See: Is there a workaround for this? An...

android: reflect UI language change on the on-the-fly without reload/restarting app

Hi I have a setting in my app that allows user to select different localization (language), ie Chinese, German, etc. What i would like to do is that once the user makes their choice, to immediately update the layout with strings in the currently selected language. Of course, i want the lang change propagated to ALL current activities...

Date ranges: inclusive vs strict boundaries

When allowing a user to select a date range, let's say: Show me entries from [August 1] to [September 1] As a user, I would generally expect this to include the results for September 1. Especially when you consider that when I select the same date for both ends, I obviously mean "from start of day to end of day": Show me entri...

iPad SplitViewController UI - Replicate Apple Mail App

Ok, so I've asked a similar question already, but I'm now faced with a different issue on the same problem! I'm creating an iPad application and trying to replicate the Apple Mail App UI. Initially I could not update the DetailView because I was not updating the delegate when pushing a new navigation controller on the left view, this wa...

Draggable, resizable and movable iframe

I can't find any draggable, resizable and movable iframe on the web. Can anybody help? jQuery would be better. ...

Android Listview Row Layout

I'm developing what I thought would be a simple listview row layout, but I'm having some trouble getting my views to line up properly. There are 4 TextViews all using layout_weight within a LinearLayout to size themselves appropriately. What I can't figure out, however, is how to align them consistently so that each TextView begins in ...

Android UI Layout Question

I am new to Android programming and have done a lot of searching for the answer to this question however I can not find an answer. Maybe I am using the wrong search terms because it seems like a pretty basic request. I my design (as an example), I would have two text fields defined in my relative layout followed by an image and I would ...

JQuery UI Accordion - Sortable Problems

Hello, I'm using this code to make the accordion sortable, and to make the active accordion panel move to the top of the stack: $(function() { var stop = false; $("#ccaccordion h3").click(function( event ) { if ( stop ) { event.stopImmediatePropagation(); event.preventDefault(); s...

How does a Windows non-native user interface work?

Hello! Through experience I have found that the native windows forms/components don’t like to be changed. I know using Delphi or Visual Studio you are given native windows components to populate a form or window with and then you attach code on events that these components may do (onClick for example). However, how do all of these prog...