
subversion prevent listing of a repository in folder with SVNParentPath

Hello, I have several repositories setuped on my domain at: and i have it so it will list the repos by the SVNParentPath configuration. And now i would like to create user permision for each folder / repo, but i want to remove that repo from the listing if a user does not have permision to access it. This is mainly for ...

SharePoint 403 error for users not exist in "All People"

It is complex, I'll trying to describe it here. If the user and his group have no access rights to anything on the SP site, the user will get a proper "Error:Access Denied" SharePoint page upon logon. If the user has some access to something through his group membership, then a. If the user is listed in the All People list, then the ...

pandora website user profile system

Hi guys, does anyone know how Pandora saves user profiles/accounts after a user registers? How does it remember the user - even after the user has cleared cookies and cache. I also found today that if you register with one browser and visit with another browser you are recognized as the registered user. Awesome functiona...

Vista permission denied programdata

I'm trying to add a tool to Visual Studio and it is a DOS command line utility. The command line args require a path to a config file. It seems that no matter where I try to store this config file, the command line utility can not get permission to open the file. I tried C:\ProgramData\Utilities\JavascriptLint\ C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Ut...

Using a class to dynamically load user controls

I am makign extensive use of user controls. I am dynamically populating them. My plan was to use a single class to decide which controls should be loaded into place holders on a given page. This class would then passback each control. The page itself would only load the control. However, i can't seem to access my user controls from class...

Is there a way to use a class as a class factory for user controls?

Is there a way in .NET 2.0 to use a class as a class factory for user controls? In other words, 1 super that sits there and when I want a user control, it creates it and returns it to me. It seems it needs the ASP namespace which I can't seem to get it to reference. I have a masterpage with a placeholder. Depending upon the user's authe...

What good software or scripts are available for managing users and subscriptions on our website?

hi all, Ok so it's not exactly a programing question but does anyone know or have experience with looking for a system for managing users on a website we are building? what is the shortlist of good feature rich secure solutions. we need Php and mysql integration and payment support for main credit cards. We will also want to be able to ...

Django: The best practice to implement CRUD outside the contrib.admin

Hi all :) I'm currently developing a Blog project using Post model, which will be used by multiple authors. I want to make an admin/control-panel interface where each author of the Post can view the Post list the author created (so he won't see the Post created by the other authors), edit, and multiple-delete them. http://stackoverflo...

How do I get the current user in an MVC Application?

Possible Duplicate: How to get current user in Asp.Net MVC I've tried a bunch of different things, I know I've done it before when I used Webforms, but I can't seem to figure out how to do it in MVC. Membership doesn't work User gives me an IPrincipal or something User.Identity gives me the same type of variable... Anyone know...

System.Web.UI.Page won't let me access CurrentUser or User.Identity from a Controller in ASP.Net-MVC

When I try user = System.Web.UI.Page.CurrentUser or user = System.Web.UI.Page.User.Identity I get an error saying that the method is not defined for System.Web.UI.Page... I am trying to access it within a Controller, does that matter? I've checked to make sure that I do not have another class named Page, Why would it say the metho...

How to perform Request destination in user page

Hi, I'm trying to redirect any logged user attempts to access /user. In my module I've the next code to redirect after login: function ccmm_user($op, &$edit, &$account, &$category = NULL) { switch($op){ case 'login': $_REQUEST['destination'] = 'admin/'; break; } } And this is working great.. then I try with ca...

Dynamic User Menu in Django

Is there a way to have a user menu that'll change according to the permissions assigned to the user group a user belongs to? I'm thinking of something that checks for these permissions at the view level, and also removes menu options a user doesn't have permission to. ...

HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name is always string.Empty

Hi I use a custom MembershipProvider. I want to know the current username during an application scenario, but when I try accessing HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name it always returns string.Empty. if (Membership.ValidateUser(tbUsername.Text, tbPassword.Text)) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(tbUsername.Text, true); bool...

Django users and authentication from external source

I have a Django app that gets it's data completely from an external source (queried via HTTP). That is, I don't have the option for a local database. Session data is stored in the cache (on my development server I use a SQLite database, so that is no error source). I'm using bleeding edge Django 1.1svn. Enter the problem: I want to use ...

Internet Explorer find out when a user navigates away from the page

I'm using VS2008 (C++) to create an IE plugin that creates a child window. It's like a normal explorer window, but customized to fit my needs. I want to destroy the window when the user navigates away from the page, by calling DestroyWindow(). Unfortunately, I don't know how to detect if the user has actually navigated away. Is there an ...

Program to control user access for different folders on web

I've been looking for a small program/script to run on Apache that can manage user access to several folders on my website. The issue is that it's not one block of content that will require "member" status but several different folders. User 1 may have access to folder A, but not B and user 2 maybe both folders or only B. Looking for a...

Install Shield 2009 Premier: Abort installation if not admin user

Install Shield 2009 Premier: Basic MSI Project. I need to check if its admin user and if not showing a message box the installation will abort. How to do it ? ...

Apache2: Environment variables for user http

Hello, Is it possible for the apache2 user, http, to have environment variables like normal users do? How would I go about setting those up, if possible? ...

Multi-Site website Authentication like

How would one go about creating a site that will log you into other sites and gather your data. For instance, how allows you to input all your online bank details and it gathers your data for viewing within Mint. If someone could point me in the direction with some keywords or any scripts, it would be much appreciated. ...

How to check whether a user is in Administrator group in Install Shield 2009 Basic MSI Project

Install Shield 2009, Premier, Basic MSI Projcet:[I want to allow only administrator users to run setup] In the Releases->MyProductConfiguration->MyRelease->Setup.exe tab i chose "Required Execution Level" = "Invoker" and in General Information->Product Properties I put a Install condition as Condition = "AdminUser" Message = "Require ...