
WPF - Binding in simple User Control

My problem is certainly right on my face but I can't see it... I am building a very simple user control - a 3D ellipse - and I expose two properties: LightColor and DarkColor. I need to bind these properties to the gradient in my user control, but it is not showing any color at all. Here's my code: <UserControl xmlns="http://schemas.mi...

Need advices designing a .net control.

I need to create a user control, that will be used in an application used to schedule employees tasks. The control will be a two dimensions table. There will be one line for each employees. On this line, there will be 0 or more block that each represent a task this employees has to do. They will be ordered from left to right so the ones ...

Loading Nested UserControls in ASP.NET

I've got an issue with nested controls not loading properly. I've tried various page methods and nothing seems to work. EDIT: The site compiles and runs fine--it just leaves a blank screen though. Basically I have a wrapper control for a Chart that allows me to select data, bind, and customize the chart with a lot of abstraction. I n...

Setting User Control's DataContext from Code-Behind

This should be pretty easy, but it throws VS2008 for a serious loop. I'm trying out WPF with MVVM, and am a total newbie at it although I've been developing for about 15 years, and have a comp. sci. degree. At the current client, I am required to use VB.Net. I have renamed my own variables and removed some distractions in the code b...

usercontrol to connect to a SqlServer database

Hello, I've been writing some small maintenance/viewer tools that each connect to a SQLServer (2005) database via System.Data.SqlClient classes. (C# - .NET 3.5 - Windows.Forms) For each of these tools I had to write the UI and dialog to let the user choose the right db and server: I connect to my test-db, my colleague uses my tools to...

How do I add an ASP.NET control inside an ASCX to an external RequiredFieldValidator programmatically?

I have a drop-down list inside a user control (ASCX) that I want to validate from the page on which I've placed the ASCX, but when I set the ControlToValidate to the drop-down list the page complains that it can't be found. Thanks for any help/suggestions. ...

How do I know if the OutputCache for a given control is being used?

I am attempting to write a common "menu.ascx" usercontrol in Asp.Net MVC that will generate a properly formatted HTML menu for my application. The menu is generated based on content in the database and a series of Resource resolutions... which are passed to the PartialView through an attribute on a ViewModel. It would make sense to ut...

Placeholders Not Instantiated when adding Controls Programmatically

I have a an ASPX Page with a Placeholder control declared. In the Codebehind I create a UserControl I have and add it to the Placeholder. protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserControl uc = new ChartUserControl(); myForm.Controls.Add(uc); } The UserControl in turn has a Placeholder, but in the Page_Loa...

How do I stop a System::Windows::Forms::UserControl from erasing it's background?

I have a C++/CLI System::Windows::Forms::UserControl derived control which should only redraw (a small portion of) itself as new data is fed into it. For some reason though, the OnPaint mechanism is being called even when there's nothing to cause it external to the app. Here's a snippet: void Spectrogram::OnPaint(System::Windows::Forms...

UserControl with UpdatePanel programmatically create ScriptManager possible?

I'd like to use an UpdatePanel in my UserControl. The problem is the .aspx page the control is dropped on will NOT have a ScriptManager. I will need to create the ScriptManager in the UserControl. However if the UserControl is used, say twice on the page, then placing a ScriptManager won't work because you can only initialize ScriptManag...

ASP.NET User control, databinding DataTable

Hi, I got a user control containing a form. On a page that includes the user control, I need to populate the form in the user control, when the user pushes a button. Heres how I've done it, and it doesn't work: User Control: public partial class editUC : System.Web.UI.UserControl { public DataTable dataTable { set { UpdateForm(va...

WPF Usercontrol with textboxes

I have a WPF user control with a number of textboxes, this is hosted on a WPF window. The textboxes are not currently bound but I cannot type into any of them. I have put a breakpoint in the KeyDown event of one of the textboxes and it hits it fine and I can see the key I pressed. The textboxes are declared as <TextBox Grid.Row="3"...

How do I get design mode to work for templated user controls?

Is it possible to get design mode to work for templated user controls? I have tried following the How to: Create Templated ASP.NET User Controls on MSDN, and also tried the various tips at the bottom of page for version 2.0 of the framework, but alas, I still get the dreaded "Error creating user control" error, when switching to design v...

Multipile panels and groupboxes and tab order maintenance

I have a VB.NET (2005) application designed by my boss that uses a over 100 input and display controls (textboxes, comboxes, etc.), many with labels associated. My boss asked me to set the tab order, and then trap keypress so the user can use enter to navigate controls. I have 2 apps like this to work on. For the tab order, I could not ...

Where can I find an ASP.NET control to show rotating ads with navigation buttons?

I'm looking for an ASP.NET control to show a series of ad images (maybe 3-5), that will cycle through the ads (with fading, preferably), and have navigation buttons so the user can jump around. Here's an example. Any recommendations? Free is always nice, but I'm willing to spend to get the job done right. Also, I'm using Sitefinity, so ...

Gold Bar in Winforms

I need to create a Gold bar for my windows form similar to what is shown when asked to install Active X controll. Is there one available? Thanks ...

Hot to: user AutoCompleteExtender in a UserControl (ascx) and place the ServiceMethod on its code-behind.

Hi! I created a AutoCompleteExtender on a TextBox that resides on a UserControl (Control.ascx file). I don't want to create a separate class for the web method, i rather placing it in the code file (Control.ascx.cs) itself. Is there a way? I have successfully tried once ago placing the method on the same page but it was a page, and i...

What's the best way to "wrap up" HTML with a User Control?

I currently have this block of code (or something similiar) on almost all my pages: <div class="tasks"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Do something</a></li> <li><a href="#">Do something else</a></li> </ul> </div> However, I need to turn this into a user control. I'd like something that looks like the following: <foo:TaskLis...

Is it OK to change a winforms designer file?

I have created a class that is simply THIS Class UserControlBase Inherits UserControl End Class Then I changed the Inherits clause in each of my UserControls designer file to Inherits UserControlBase I know that generally you shouldn't manually mod the designer file. But in cases like this what else can you do? Is this O...

jquery ajax tabs with user control gridview

I have a user control that has a gridview in it with paging. The paging is driven by an object datasource, so it's using the dopostback events by default. I want to use jquery to load the usercontrol into a tab via ajax because I have multiple tabs that I don't want to load all at once and take all the database hits if they aren't neede...