
Design-time failure: WPF, Usercontrols and Namespaces

Hi I have a very simple WPF project comprising a Window and Usercontrol. I'm very much in a learning phase. It works fine when I run it. However, I am unable to see the form in design time. The problem, I believe is something to do with namespaces, but I don't understand where. It may well be a simple error Main Window XML <Window ...

Overlay WPF controls

Hello I've written an 'auto-suggest' textbox user control in WPF. It behaves a little bit like the 'To' list in Hotmail, allowing the user to enter a list of items, offering suggestions when it is able. The main controls are a a text box, a wrap panel and a list box. The text box captures user input. The wrap panel contains the te...

How to pass information from validation summary(strings) to a user control

I have a user control than display approved inputs but i want to intercept invalid inputs recieved in validation summary to pass them to my user control and display in my user control Any ideas? thanks :) ...

ASP.NET MVC : Good Replacement for User Control?

I found user controls to be incredibly useful when working with ASP.NET webforms. By encapsulating the code required for displaying a control with the markup, creation of reusable components was very straightforward and very, very useful. While MVC provides convenient separation of concerns, this seems to break encapsulation (ie, you ca...

Compile web application project ascx into dll

Is it possible to compile a web application project .ascx (user control) into a dll? I want to do the following: Use the same control in multiple websites Embed css and .js as resources into the control Be able to update super easy. If the user control updates, I just want to update 1 .dll I have successfully followed this article, ...

Caching Web UserControl by Propety is not working (Grr!)

Here's my control's code behind: <PartialCaching(60, Nothing, "UsrCtl_WebUserControl.CacheString", Nothing, True)> _ Partial Class UsrCtl_WebUserControl Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl Private _CacheString As String Public Property CacheString() As String Get Return _CacheString End Get Set(ByVal value As String) _Ca...

how to design a calendar control

I need to design a calendar control which should be added to our companie's application (I know there's already quite a lot calendar controls but I shall develop our own one...). How should I start, should I use a kind of table to display the days or should I completely draw my own grid? How can I do this (I do not need rdy-to-use code,...

ASP.NET - Exception logging approach for concurrent user scenario

I am involved in designing a webforms application using .NET 3.5. I have a requirement where we need to log exceptions. What is the best approach for exception handling, given that there would be concurrent users for this application? Is there a need or possibility to log in exceptions at a user level? My support team in-char...

Select All button WPF DataGrid

Hi, I was wondering if there is anyway of disabling the select all options on the top corner of the WPF DataGrid....this only seems to occur when I add a UserControl to a fixeddocument in WPF. Thanks in advance, U. ...

Usercontrol databinding within a databound datagridview

Good day. I'm developing a Windows application and working with Windows Forms; .Net 2.0. I have an issue databinding a generic List of Car Rental Companies to a DataGridView when that list contains (one of its properties) anoother generic List of Car Makes. I also have a UserControl that I need to bind to this [inner] generic list ......

wpf usercontrol

Dear All, I am using WPF UserControl and I have a grid so I want to generate a click event but it will not work so now what can I do. thanks.. <Border x:Name="frontWrapperWealthBudget" Width="260" Height="150" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Center"> <Border x:Name="frontHostWealthBudget" Width=...

How can I automatically highlight a specific character in link text using JQuery + CSS?

I'm adding hotkeys to a web application in order to enable keyboard shortcuts for our CSRs to use, to reduce injury and increase calls-per-hour. I'm using an UserControl to inject javascript into the page and it's working great. I want the control to "just work", so that when hotkeys are assigned, using a declarative syntax, if ...

SqlDataReader & user control

i try to use userControl to display SqlDataReader data. in the main page public SqlDataReader Data2; ... <uc1:WebUserControl ID="WebUserControl1" RData1="<%=Data2 %>" runat="server" /> and in the userControl Repeater1.DataSource = RData1; Repeater1.DataBind(); <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server"> ...

Delphi control/way to print text sideways

I need a way to have a label (or something like it) print sideways. I would really like it to work at design time if at all possible. Is there any controls / mechanisms that anyone knows of to do this? (Not .net controls please) ...

Adding usercontrol each time on ButtonClick event.

I am trying to add an instance of UserControl each time on button_click event, it works for the first time only. I am adding IDs to user control by appending integers from ViewState. Why does it not add work for subssequent clicks. Here is the simplified version with the same behavoir. protected void Button1_Click(object sender, Eve...

Persisting dynamically loaded user controls in view state.

I have a simple user control containing two text boxes which I am adding to placeholder on Button Click event. I am storing the number(count) of clicks in View state and running a loop using count to create all previously added user control. I am also adding IDs to each User control (appending "UC" and count). I have also checked in view...

How to load a page with its default values after a postback

I'm creating user controls that i will put into an update panel and make them visible only when required using triggers. Once visible it will float in a dialog box so it has a close button which will just hide the control on client side. The controls have multiple post back states, like a wizard, i'm using a multi view control to accom...

Methodologies used for designing user controls

Hi all, I want to able to create reusable user controls within my web app and i'm wondering on how to go about doing so. Should a user controls properties be visible to a form that's using it? What's the best way to go about loading the controls on the user control from the form thats using it? Should there be a public method within...

AvalonDock + UserControl + DataGrid + ContextMenu command routing issue

I'm getting weird behavior with command propagation from MenuItems of ContextMenu. I have the following kind of layout: ContextMenu is set for each DataGridRow of DataGrid inside UserControl, which in its turn is inside DockableContent of AvalonDock. If I get rid of either docking or UserControl around my grid there are no problems. Lis...

two UserControls, one page, need to notify each other of updates

I've got a user control thats used twice on the same page, each have the ability to be updated (a dropdown list gets a new item) and I'm not sure what might be the best way to handle this. One concern - this is an older system (~4+ years, datasets, .net2) and it is amazingly brittle. I did manage to have it run on 3.5 with no problems,...