
following a log file over http

For security reasons (I'm a developer) I do not have command line access to our Production servers where log files are written. I can, however access those log files over HTTP. Is there a utility in the manner of "tail -f" that can "follow" a plain text file using only HTTP? ...

Longest line in a file

I'm looking for a simple way to find the longest line in a file. Ideally, it would be a simple bash shell command instead of a script. ...

Is there a Spy++ like utility for WPF?

As a “hardcore” WinForms programmer from a Win32 background I have always used Spy++ to understand what my applications are doing at the UI level including: Seeing what events the controls are sending to each other. Seeing the control tree at run time Finding the control that is drawing part of the display I then often search for ...

Java: convert List<String> to a join()d string

Javascript has Array.join() js>["Bill","Bob","Steve"].join(" and ") Bill and Bob and Steve Does Java have anything like this? I know I can cobble something up myself with StringBuilder: static public String join(List<String> list, String conjunction) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (String...

Utilities file in php?

What is the best way to deal with "utility" functions in a OOP PHP framework? Right now, we just have a file with several functions that are needed throughout the system. (For example, a distribute() function which accepts a value and an array, and returns an array with the value distributed in the same proportions and same keys as the...

Useful WPF utilities

What are some useful utilities that help you when writing WPF applications? I know about Snoop for visual debugging of WPF applications at runtime, and Shazzam - a WPF pixel shader effect testing tool. I'd like to know about other such applications and what are they useful at. ...

What utilies you like of FxCop

I love Resharper, but Fxcop is free, and does some bits Resharper does. My question is what can do more to get best out of Fxcop? I am using VS2008, and planning to upgrade to VS2010 next March hopefully. ...

Given list, subset of list: return bitmask (bit vector same length as list) corresponding to the subset.

For example, bitmask({1, 2, 3, 4}, {2, 4}) returns {False, True, False, True} The naive way to do this is to map a membership function over the list: map(lambda(x, member(x, subset)), list) but that's O(n*m) and it can be done in O(n+m). What's the best way to implement bitmask() in your favorite language? PS: It doesn't actua...

Creating a Good Notification System for Everything

I would like to have a central place for every type of notification. I'm talking anything and everything. Here are a few example events: Receive a new email Unable to ping a server New Instant Message received Appointments (eg 3pm Dentist appointment) Webcam detects motion at front door Temperature outside is below freezing Allergy l...

Are there any tools for consolidating a whole bunch of style tags into classes?

Example: Say for instance you had the following two tags some where in a legacy page you've been assigned to work on: <table style="padding:0px; margin:0px; border: 0px; width:100%;"> <td style="width:100%; margin:0px; padding:0px; border: 0px;"> Would there be a program that could make a list of these random style tags and...

Making good use of XCode performace tools

What are the best practices, tricks, and tutorials for using XCode's performance tools, such as the Leak Monitor and the CPU sampler, for someone trying to debug and enhance performance of an iPhone application? Thanks! ...

What is a good CSV Java Utility

I was using opencsv which seemed fine but from the looks of the website it's gone so it's time to look for a new library to deal with parsing CSVs it is a simple task but I would like to keep it with a utility not have to roll my own or maintain one by myself. What is the best alternative? Seems like the opencsv site was updated and is ...

List names of files that are referenced by projects but don't exist on disk

I have inherited some source code (Visual Studio solutions and C# projects) and have found a couple of scenarios where a project references a file that is missing. Does anyone know of a tool that will recursively parse a directory structure, read each .csproj project file and list the names of any files that are referenced by the projec...

jpegtran and GoDaddy

Does godaddy have jpegtran installed by default? If so, how do I use it from php? If not, how do I install it? Thanks! ...

Why jQuery.each() and jQuery.grep() has different parameter orders?

Hi, I have noticed there is a difference in parameter orders between callback function of .each() and .grep() functions in jquery. jQuery.grep( array, function(elementOfArray, indexInArray), [ invert ] ) jQuery.each( collection, callback(indexInArray, valueOfElement) ) Do you have any idea of the possible reasons that they preferred...

Looking for a binary image layout tool

I am looking for recommendations for a tool that will let me construct a binary image out of a series of smaller images. I have an embedded system with a flash ROM that I program using a single image. That image consists of a series of smaller objects (data, compiled code, etc) placed at specific offsets. The build system I inherited ...

Powerful search-replace GUI app for Mac?

What's the best dedicated search-and-replace GUI tool on a Mac? "Find & Replace It!" seems decent, but they've ridiculously disabled the replace function in the demo, so I can't give it a real test before paying. Is there anything else comparable or better? ...

Is there something like Snoop (WPF) or FireBug (ASP.NET) for Windows Forms?

I want to point with the mouse on an area in my application and know the name of the UserControl. ...

Is there a CSS optimizer that will discover identical single properties in selectors and group them together?

Here is an example of what I'd expect: Input: a { background: red; } p { background: red; } strong { background: red; color: green; } Output: strong{color:green;} a,p,strong{background:red;} Most optimisers will output something like this: strong{background:red;color:green;} a,p{background:red;} Notic...

Memory/Handle/Gdi leak utility

Hi all, I remember from past having a utility that would allow to leak various system resources, such as memory, handles and gdi. It had a small dialog where one would choose what to leak, it was nice for system stress testing.. I don't remember whether it was part of VC6 or I got it from somewhere else. If you know such tool, please l...