
Java: Detect non-displayable chars for a given Character Encoding

Hello! I'm currently working on an application to validate and parse CSV-files. The CSV files have to be encoded in UTF-8, although sometimes we get files in a false encoding. The CSV-files most likely contain special characters of the German alphabet (Ä, Ö, Ü, ß) as most of the texts within the CSV file are in German language. For the ...

Validating user input?

Hi, I am very confused over something and was wondering if someone could explain. In PHP i validate user input so htmlentitiies, mysql_real_escape_string is used before inserting into database, not on everything as i do prefer to use regular expressions when i can although i find them hard to work with. Now obviously i will use mysql_r...

Undefined is null or not an object - Jquery validate

Hello all, I have an issue when using the jquery validate plugin with IE. I get the following error "undefined is null or not an object" when validating the form. The error is at line 431 : " $("#signup_meeta").submit();" $(document).ready(function() { $("#pseudobox").hide(); $("#passwdbox").hide(); $("#emailbox").hide(); $("#sexe...

Validate XML using LibXML

Hi All, Currently, I am using the XML::LibXML perl module to validate an XML file against a defined XML schema. At the moment, if my XML file fails to validate successfully against the defined XML Schema, I will get a list of errors informing me, for example that certain elements were not expected and then what was expected instead. In ...

Validate Oracle dmp

Hi! I have a Oracle backup done with EXP utility. How can I validate it? Is there any command/tool to validate the backup archive? Thank you! ...

Including a hyphen in a regex character bracket?

$.validator.addMethod('AZ09_', function (value) { return /^[a-zA-Z0-9.-_]+$/.test(value); }, 'Only letters, numbers, and _-. are allowed'); When I use somehting like test-123 it still triggers as if the hyphen is invalid. I tried \- and -- ...

Validate Extension (jQuery)

<input type="file" id="css-file" /> <input type="text" id="css-url" value="eg." /> I need both the fields to accept only .css files. Can I validate without having to use a validation plugin just for these 2 fields? If anything other than .css is detected, it should give an alert() Thanks! ...

Validate form with jQuery in different section

Hi All, I have been thinking how to display the validation messages into different sections of the form. I have an online quotation with single html form. I have put them into different section to ease the user enter the information based on the categories. I have divided the form for example into the Customer Contact Details, Consulta...

Testing Java regex appendReplacement()

I have developed a UI that allows users to define a regex pattern and then a replacement string that is used by appendReplacement(). e.g. Pattern - 7(.*) Replace pattern - $1 So 71234 would yield 1234. Is there anyway I can verify that the input pattern and replace pattern are compatible without the user having to enter a matching ...

cakephp multiple select validation

Hi, I am using CakePHP and i have something like: PRODUCT -------> PRODUCT_CATEGORY <---------- CATEGORY so one product can have 'n' categories and viceversa. The problem is that i would like to validate the products so that the have at least one category. Since I am using the Form assistant and the validate functions of CakePHP y have...

jQuery Validation Plugin: Element with Error has same CSS attributes as my Wrapper Target

Let's say I have a page using the Validation Plugin more or less as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#addGigForm").validate( { messages: { url: { graphicURL: "Please enter a valid web address and file name in Gig Grap...

python validate text

I need to check that text contain only small letters a-z and , best way to do it in python? ...

jQuery.validate() newbie: it doesn't work for me

HI, Im trying to validate an email field dinamically using jquery.validate here. The field i'm speaking about is "Email" ("Registro" form). any idea? Regards Javi ...

Java - Get Certificate Chain

I have a certificate encoded in Base64 ----- BEGIN CERTIFICATE ----- MIIGezCCBWOgAwIBA ...., how to get the root and intermediate certificates that appear in the certification path from it! ...

PHP Form Validator/MySQL Insert

I have written a small PHP file that gets the information that was posted to it, then checks to make sure it is no empty. If it isn't empty, it checks to make sure the username doesn't already exist. If it does, it redirects. If not, it adds the information to the MySQL database. I don't know what the problem is, but when attempting to n...

How do I stop jQuery validate from validating automatically?

I have a textbox on which I have made an onblur script that takes the input and converts it into a date. I'm using jQuery validate-plugin to validate the input, but the problem is that the input from the user is often not valid until I've parsed it, which makes the automatic validation that jQuery validation makes, both redundant and unw...

Struts2 Validation

In Struts2, can we have both validation xml (ActionClass-method-validation.xml) and validate method implemented in Action class. I was asking as this validation xml don't get invoked in my situation. ...

How check image properties(size)?

How can I validate image properties(heigth, width) in Kohana 3 before resize? Or how can I use image resizing only if my image do not less size what I need? What I want to do: during avatar uploading I must resize image if it bigger that i want. Or take action to prohibit uploading bigger avatar. Now I have this rules: public function...

Why my form doesn't validate correctly?

I'm trying to validate a form, but doesn't work :\ , When I submit the form goes to mail.php even if the required fields are missing, but I set onsubmit to validate() so it should check, but doesn't work. What's the problem with my code? I can't find it. HTML: <form action="mail.php" onsubmit="return validate()" method="post" class="co...

jquery validation errorPlacement issue when adding tooltip style error message

I followed the excellent post by Nadia here and it works great. But the form i am working on is submitted via ajax and a table above the form is updated when succesful The table grows with each submit and the position...