
jquery validate with multiple rules

How to validate a email address field with three rules with three customized messages in the div container. ie. rules: { email: { validationRule: true, email: true, remote: '/ajax/emailDuplicationCheck.php' } } if first one false message should be "validation rule failed" if second one false(...

Expert opinion on string validation?

I could have asked these 3 separately, but decided to merge them. I would like to ask for some expert opinion with examples on: how to properly validate a alphanumeric string? (only latin letters & numbers) how to properly validate a written unicode string? (like the above but any country letters allowed) how to properly validate that...

How to validate after a certain number of postbacks

Hi I have a peculiar situation at hand in which I need to validate a pair of dates in an ASP.Net web app.This is how my page looks like : I have a "From Date" field which consists a set of three dropdownlists ( for Year , Month and Date) I have a "To Date" field which also consists a set of three dropdownlists ( for Year , Month and Da...

CakePHP: help me with error validate ( why error is miss field when data have that field )

Gallery model var $validate = array( 'id' => array('rule' => 'numeric', 'required' => true, 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'update'), 'name' => array('rule' => 'notEmpty', 'required' => true, 'allowEmpty' => false, 'on' => 'create'), 'model' => array('rule' => 'notEmpty', 'required' => true, 'allowEmpty' =...

PHP MySQL? Problem

I am using a simple PHP script for the activation part of one of my applications. The applications posts one variable to the page ( The variable is the serial number, posted as 'Serial'. Each time I post to this page, it returns Invalid. Here is the code: <?php $serial...

jquery ajax validate,success,append

hi, i have this working code index.php <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $("form#submit").submit(function() { // we want to store the values from the form input box, then send v...

Jquery validate depend field

Huy Guys, I am trying to use jquery validate and specify that one field is required only when 3 other fields are blank. the thing is that the rule is working but it still remain requiring the field even when I type value on it. Thanks. This is my code: $("#ProspectDtlFrm").validate({ rules: { prsptEmail: { required: function(...

Adobe Flex 4 XML validation against XSD

Is there any way using any of the standard XML tools or E4X tools in Flex 4 (Adobe Air WindowedApp) for me to validate an XML against an XSD schema I have created? ...

cakephp Custom validation rule message

I have a custom validation rule to check if two passwords entered are the same, and if they arent I wish to have a message that says "Passwords do not match". The rule works, however, when the passwords don't match it simply displays the normal error message, what's going on? var $validate=array( 'passwd2' => array('rule' => 'a...

Lightopenid + Google Apps + validate() = No servers found!

I'm using LightOpenID and have a test page that is a near-copy of the example-google.php that came with it (I threw some echo's in to debug). Clicking the 'Login with Google' button takes me to Google. I sign in with a valid Google Apps email address and I get returned to my page. But when it tries to validate the claimed_id, I get a ...

SOAP Response Schema Validation

Short version: I'm trying to write an XSD that will validate my SOAP service's responses. I feel compelled to just import http:// instead of redefining the SOAP elements like Envelope, Head, and Body, but that schema definition of Body is too broad for my use--as soon as I import the SOAP ...

How do I refresh the Screen before a method ends in droid?

If I change one imageview's source to another (and thus changing the image) but then have more changes occur within the method and such. How do I force it to refresh to show the changes before the method ends? (As waiting for the method to end to show the changed images is not good for my purposes at all) ...

python: how to validate userdefined condition?

what I am struggling with is testing predefined conditions which takes user provided parameters like in example below: cond = "if ( 1 is yes and 2 is no ) or ( 1 is yes and 2 is no )" cond2 = "if (3 is no or 1 is no )" vars = [] lst = cond.split() lst += cond2.split() for l in lst: if l.isdigit(): if l not in ...

Update JscrollBar without resetting position

I have a class which extends JScrollPane, its viewport is another class which extends JComponent and implements Scrollable. When the size of the component changes the JscrollBars do not update unless I call revalidate() however this resets the position of the scroll bars to the top left. Is there a way of updating the size of the scroll ...