
valitade zend framework's output

I use xhtml1-strict.dtd and not validate Zend Forms. Tell me how you can validate Zend's html use $view->doctype('XHTML1_STRICT');, but is work only for FormText View Helper :/ example Zend output: <input type=""> I need: <input type="" /> ...

Validating url with jQuery without the validate-plugin?

Hello I need to validate a url in variable with jQUery, but can't use validate-plugin. Is there a simple way to do this? Martti Laine ...

How to valiadate a xml document with Multiple xml-schemas

xmlns:m="" as localfile:"ma.wsdl" xmlns:m0="" as localfile:"MaTypes.xsd" how can i validate it. ...

Getting the valid email address.

Hi In a MVC application i want to validate the email addresses. I want to get the valid emailID from the list.If I use the emailaddress from the address book of any mail account then the name of the user get appended with the emailID .eg:"Ayushi Soni" ,.. and then copy these address to a textbox in an MVC application. Now I want to ret...

jQuery Validate Plugin - Trigger validation of single field

I've got a form that can optionally be pre-populated via facebook connect. Once a user connects, their name and email are automatically filled in. The problem is that this doesn't trigger the remote validation to check if the email already exists. Is there a way I could call the validation on that field alone? Something like: $('#e...

How can i validate a SOAP message with a WSDL file?

when we receive a SOAP message, then we Resolve it, then we have a TEXT like: 1 how can i validate the para: xx . to check it's value is accord to the WSDL of the web service ...

JQuery validation using is() and multiple CSS classes

Hi Folks, Trying to debug something that basically .trim()'s, .val()'s and .length's a textarea input as HTML below (truncated): <form id="Kontaktanfrage" method="post" action="tests/testform/"> ... <textarea cols="50" rows="8" id="el_12" name="FORM[Kontaktanfrage][el_12]" title="Ihre Nachricht: *" class="textarea required"></textarea> ...

jQuery working in everything but IE7. (checked my commas)

The following code works in IE8, FF, Safari, Chrome etc. (not bothering with IE6 for this one), but doesn't work in IE7. I've been through the code with a fine tooth-comb. Checked the commas, messed around with ; but it's not going anywhere. I'm using the jQuery Validate and Uploadify scripts. Can anyone see the problem here? Thanks. ...

winforms datasource PositionChanged validate previous object

In my appplication I have a ListBox with items in the left panel and in the right panel I have the item details. If user click a new item in the listbox and if the current item was changed I want to ash the user if he wants to save changes or discard them. The way I am doing now is on SelectedIndexChanged of the listbox to remember pre...

jQuery Validation using the class instead of the name value

Hi, I'd like to validate a form using the jquery validate plugin, but I'm unable to use the 'name' value within the html - as this is a field also used by the server app. Specifically, I need to limit the number of checkboxes checked from a group. (Maximum of 3.) All of the examples I have seen, use the name attribute of each element. W...

Before after select event validation and results with jquery

I am using a javascript function (F) (jquery )which uses 3 select values selected by the user to calculates a value - R(result) R is a number ranging from (1 through 9), (11) and (22); I need 2 extra steps one before the calculation and one after. a. Before calculation takes place: Make sure all three select values are changed before...

Using jQuery to disable function untill all selects are changed

I am using a javascript function (F) (jquery )which uses 3 select values selected by the user to calculates a value - R(result) R is a number ranging from (1 through 9), (11) and (22); I need 2 extra steps one before the calculation and one after. a. Before calculation takes place: Make sure all three select values are changed before ...

VBA: Validate List settings

Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' ' Worksheets("Drop-down").Select For i = 1 To 10 ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 2).Select With Selection.Validation .Delete ' Error in this line .Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _ xlBetween, Formula1:=Range(Wo...

jQuery Validate PHP Response

Hello Everybody, my problem is, I want to validate an email adresse with jquery. Not only the syntax but rather if the email is already registrated. There are some tutorials but they are not working! At first the Jquery Code: <script id="demo" type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { // validate signup form on keyup an...

jquery - validate characters on keypress?

I have a form text field that I want to allow only numbers and letters in. (i.e., no #$!, etc...) Is there a way to throw up an error and prevent the keypress from actually outputting anything if the user tries to use any character other than numbers and letters? I've been trying to find a plugin, but haven't really found anything tha...

How to get input text length and validate user in javascript

I want to valid if user has entered username and password at the time of creating an account is safe or not based on its length(for my case five) on the right side of input field by showing that in different color i.e. for shorter in red, otherwise in green. How can I do that with javascript? ...

JQuery Validate - class="cancel" submit button only stops validation once.

Hi. I have a form with buttons I do not what to Submit the form, but they are (necessarily) submit buttons. I've given them the class "cancel" and on the first click they are cancelling submission. the desired effect. However, any subsequent click is then back to normal; Submitting the form. Which I don't want. Now, I do have some post-...

jQuery validate plugin with a minimum of 2 elements from a single array name

Hi, I have a list of input type="file" with their names as list[]. Following this question, I was able to make the rules and messages working in my jQuery. But I do need at least 2 elements of list[] to be filled and adding the rule required: true only works for the irst element of the list, any idea how do I do that? Cheers, Nicolas. ...

validate() > show field after radiobutton selection

hi im saw this jquery script: and i want also the posibility to show a field when a button is checked but not with a checkbox. but with two radiobuttons. if radiobutton1 is checked, display field1 and if radiobutton2 is checked display field 2 what do i have to change..? <script type="text/ja...

The submitHandler is not binded to the form after loading. why?

$(".normalform").click( function() { var hrf = $(this).attr("href"); var typ = $(this).attr("frm_type"); var cls = $(this).attr("class"); var nam = $(this).attr("frm_nam"); var url = $(this).attr("url"); //alert("href:"+hrf+", "+"type:"+typ+", "+"class:"+cls+", "+"name:"+nam+", "+"ur...