Verify/Check to see if a Configuration Profile has been installed on iPhone
Does anyone know if there's an API to check to see if a particular Configuration Profile has been installed on a iPhone OS device? Thanks, Cole ...
Does anyone know if there's an API to check to see if a particular Configuration Profile has been installed on a iPhone OS device? Thanks, Cole ...
I am trying to write a function which validates the username for an alphanumeric value and in the case of failure it should log my custom error message and return 0 to the called function instead of die-ing: sub insertUser{ my ( $username, $password, $email, $name) = validate_pos( @_, { type => SCALAR, ...
Has someone validated date of this format Feb 9, 2010 12:07 PM in javascript previously.There is a problem with javascript Date object its accepting Feb 9,2010 00:07 PM as a valid date. ...
Hi Guys, I have a quite perflexing problem that I have researched and come up blank; Scenario: I have a form, with the jQuery's validate() plugin ( Does the job on submit perfectly, however; I two types of submit button. One submits the form as usual, triggering my back-end v...
I know there are tonns of questions on here to validate a web address with something like this /^[a-zA-Z]+[:\/\/]+[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+\\.+[A-Za-z0-9\.\/%&=\?\-_]+$/i The only problem is, not everybody uses the http:// or whatever comes before so i wanted to find a way to use the preg_match() but not checking for http as a must have but mor...
this is currently what i have, if the request times out there is no message returned. $.getJSON(jsonUrl, function(data){ /*here*/ if (data.stat != "ok") { //checks if query was valid $('#content').html('content not available'); return; } else {...Do Code...} }); My question is,...
Hi I'm trying to validate my website but it complains about my slideshow Is this because its using html? Should I ignore it? validator link <embed src="" width="632px" height="308px" flashvars="file=
I've got a Tcl/Tk window with an entry box in which I'd like to force upper case character entry. That is, if any letters are typed I'd like them to appear in upper case in the entry field, instead of simply rejecting any lowercase input. I've looked at the documentation for entry and the Entry Validation page on the Tcl/Tk wiki, but I ...
Hi All, I am new to Win Forms, I have a scenario here.. When User enter ID in a textbox, I want to check that value in database and get the name for that ID before submitting the Submit Button. In webforms it can be done using OnFoucs and OnBlur events but how can I do here before submitting the button. I am using .NET 1.1 Regards ...
Hi, is there a way to choose different containers with the jquery validate plugin for showing the errors in an independent container or a way to create a new container for every error but not just use the same one ? currently my code looks like this: $(document).ready(function(){ $("#loginForm").validate({ errorClass: 'err...
Hello! I try to validate my code, but i get a few error, and i need help with this: I get a few error for this: end tag for "param" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified cannot generate system identifier for general entity "color" general entity "color" not defined and no default entity 4 reference not terminated by REFC delimiter...
Hello! I try to validate my xhtml and i have a little problem with this: The end of the document i have this little JS script which contain IMG and FONT tags, and i get error for this: document type does not allow element "img" here; document type does not allow element "font" here $("#nick_name").change(function() {var usr=$("#ni...
Hello! I'm having problem with custom builded validator that does not returns any error. I copied a file NotEmpty.php form folder library/Zend/Validate, rename class Zend_Validate_NotEmpty to My_Validate_EmailConfirmation and put it into folder My/Validate. If I call this class like ->setRequired(true)->addValidator('NotEmpty',true,arr...
On my client registration form I have the following rules // Define the div containing validation messages var container = $('#clientErrorWrapper'); // Start validation routine // validate the form when it is submitted var validator = $("#frmEdit").submit(function() { // update underlying textarea before submit validation tinyM...
Hi all, I have a Flash web app which displays user submitted PNG files. Files are uploaded to the server via some API prior to being displayed. I'd like to make sure no "bad" files are served to Flash, where "bad" is entirely unspecific. Is there a way to validate PNG files against the PNG specs (this would catch corrupted files)? Or an...
Firefox does not read an external DTD and it does not provide schema evaluation even when an external schema definition is included in the XML file. If I want to validate the XML against a DTD or an XSD at the Firefox browser directly or by using JavaScript, what should I do? ...
Due to space limitations I'm trying to place the error messages for a form inside tooltips. $("form").validate({ rules: { username: { required: true, email: true }, password: "required" }, onkeyup: true, success: "valid", errorPlacement: function(error, element) { ...
Hi, I want to use validates_format_of to validate a comma separated string with only letters (small and caps), and numbers. So. example1, example2, 22example44, ex24 not: ^&*, <> , asfasfsdafas<#%$# Basically I want to have users enter comma separated words(incl numbers) without special characters. I'll use it to validate tags from...
I need to validate the contents of a C# method. I do not care about syntax errors that do not affect the method's scope. I do care about characters that will invalidate parsing of the rest of the code. For example: method() { /* valid comment */ /* <-- bad for (i..) { } for (i..) { <-- bad } I need to validate/...
I tried to do <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ document.write('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=index.php" />'); //]]> </script> but that doesn't validate on strict =[ how can I do that with JS alone? ...