
validating that only a given number of entries are flagged

I'm really really new to rails. I haven't really written any custom validation methods and I was wondering if one exists for this or if I should write my own. I have a boolean value for images that says whether it's featured or not. How would I validate upon creating new entries and editing that there aren't more than a given number of ...

ASP.NET like ValidationGroup using JQuery validate plugin?

Hello, We're trying to get the JQuery validate plugin working on our site but we've stumbled across a problem here. On our site we have a login form available for the user on every page where we'd like to use the plugin to validate that the user has entered a username and password. We also have a couple of pages showing for instanc...

jQuery remote validation race condition

I'm having a problem with the jQuery validate plugin and the remote validation rule, used in combination with the jQuery form plugin. So I use the jQuery form plugin to intercept to form submition and if the validation fails, the form is not submitted. However, if the remote rule is already being validated (waiting for an answer from th...

How can I validate a filename with only eight digits and an extension, in Perl?

Perl (no modules loaded and -Tw & strict) I found much info on regex and pattern matching here but not exactly what I need. I want to know if this is the correct way to validate a couple things. Sorry about the beginner attempt here. I am quite new to this. my $this = "12345678"; if ($this != m/\b[0-9]{8}\b/x) { print "$this is bad"; }...

is this a valid xpath and if so what does it mean ?

/html/body/input[@id='query' and @name='query' and @value='Search Text'] ...

Validate Emails with Bash

Hi, I try to validate an email with a shell script. Is there a easy example to validate a mail? Asked google but just found crap and PHP (also crap..). Thanks and regards. ...

Validate an HTML embed code using PHP or javascript or PHP framework (Zend)

Hi, just a simple question.. Is there any good practices to validate an HTML embed code? fyi, I am using Zend Framework and prototype+scriptaculous right now.. it would be great if someone could give a clue around that environment. Thank you! ^^ ...

jquery: validate form with multiple checkboxes -- at least one must be checked

I'm trying to validate a form using the validate plugin for jquery. I want to require that the user check at least one checkbox in a group in order for the form to be submitted. Here's my jquery code: $().ready(function() { $("#subscribeForm").validate({ rules: { list: {required: "#list0:checked"} }, messages: { list: "Plea...

How to validate sql query syntax?

java 1.4 Sql server 2000 i am taking input of sql query (for validation of field value against values retrieved by executing sql query) from admin user which will be stored in database and later i will executing sql query corresponding to field.Before inserting sql query in database i want to validate its syntax in java code. Fields ...

calling custom validation methods in Rails

I just upgraded my rails to 2.3.4 and I noticed this with validations: Lets say I have a simple model Company which has a name. nothing to it. I want to run my own validation: class Company < ActiveRecord::Base validate :something def something false end end saving the model actually works in this case. The same thing h...

how to validate domain class fields during update in grails

Hi, There is domain class with natural key defined as below class InterestGroup { String intGrp String name static constraints = { intGrp(blank: false, maxSize: 4, unique: true) name(blank: false, minSize: 10, maxSize: 50) } static mapping = { id generator: "assigned", name: "intGrp", type: 'string' } String toString() { ...

How can JQuery validate() be executed before onClick="functionname()";

A form, I use AJAX to transfer the data. The AJAX is triggered by onClick="", I also use JQuery validate(). JQuery validate() is executed after the onclick=“function()", I would like the JQuery validate() is executed before the onclick="functionname()", how to do it? <?php $addtext=<<<html <a id="give_comment" href="javascript:void(0)">...

Jquery validate date range fails

I have an HTML page with a web form. Among other things, it includes the following form fields: Title - textbox SourceName - textbox Url - textbox FullText - textbox PublicationDate - textbox using jQuery datepicker UI StartDate - textbox using jQuery datepicker UI EndDate - textbox using jQuery datepicker UI I am trying to implement...

Validating Multiple Textbox Date with jQuery Validate

I'm trying to write a custom method to validate a date. The date however exists in three text boxes. Furthermore, there may be multiple instances of this date. <div class="customDate"> <input class="month" id="dob_Month" maxlength="2" name="dob.Month" type="text" /> / <input class="day" id="dob_Day" maxlen...

combining jquery validate and ajaxForm plugins

I had both the validation and the ajaxform working fine alone, but when I try to combine the form doesn't work properly. I am not that familiar with JQuery and so think the syntax is wrong somewhere. Can anyone spot what Im doing wrong? The form takes two attempts before it validates, and then the form sends but does not give any respon...

Validate radio input form with unknown set of radios

HI, I am trying to validate a radio button form that has an unknown amount of radio groups. So far I have this: var object = $(".radio:checked"); var length = $('#numq').val(); if(object.length==length) { return true; } else { var unchecked = $(".radio:not(:checked)").empty(); var q = ""; unchecked.each(function(){ ...

Determine is XElement contains valid xml

Hi, I have an application that makes hundreds of calls to a third party web service. Each time a call is made the response is parsed into XElement and a series of operations are performed on it. The processed XElement is then added to an XDocument that is later saved to disk. Occasionally a response will include some bad data. In this...

Collection exploration in validator interceptor

Hi all. A question about Java-Hibernate-Validator. I need to access to a collection attribute when my validation system intercepts an entity insert/update. I mean, my model defines A class with a set of B elements. When I call saveOrUpdate(a), the onSave/onFushDirty method of my interceptor is invoked. In that moment I need to know the...

Android:how to validate an e-mail address

What's the best practice to validate an e-mail address (e.g. from an user input field) in Android? org.apache.commons.validator.routines.EmailValidator doesn't seem to be available. Are there any other libraries doing this which are included in Android already or would I have to use RegExp? ...

Include space between two words Javascript if() statement.

I'm trying to validate a generic contact form that's provided by my CRM unfortunately they control the server side script that puts the information into the CRM. The name of some of the form fields have spaces in them. How can I accommodate for that? if ( document.contact_form.First Name.value == "" ) { alert ( "Pl...