
Why is returning false with onSubmit reloading?

I know this probably staring me in the face but: I have a basic for with a for header of: <form onSubmit="return validateClinicalReports();" name="clinicalreport" method="post" action="process.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> the js looks at each input using: document.getElementById("name"). If it sees that the input is blank it c...

Validating XmlDocument with a XSD

I am developing a system that will receive a XML (XmlDocument) via webservice. I won't have this XML (XmlDocument) on hardisk. It will be managed on memory. I have a file XSD to validate the XML (XmlDocument) that I receive from my WebService. I am trying to do a example to how validate this Xml. My XML: <?xml version="1.0"?> <note> ...

boost::program_options : how to declare and validate my own option type when it belongs to a namespace ?

Using boost::program_options, I can not get my own option type to compile when it is declared inside a namespace. However outside of the workspace it compiles and works fine : #include <boost/program_options.hpp> using namespace boost; using namespace boost::program_options; struct my_type1 { my_type1(int nn) : n(nn) {} int n; ...

How can I validate CSS within a script?

Is there a library out there which will validate CSS? The only tools I can find to do so are web sites. If one of these sites has an API, that would fit the bill, too. I have a script that serves as a CSS compiler. It sets various variables according to settings for a theme, and generates and writes a CSS file. Before committing to wri...

cakephp form validation

does anyone know if there is a VALIDATE function for a form in cakePHP and view the errors array? checked the documentation but the only thing i found is the SAVE function, i just need to know if the data i send is valid and review the errors manually. ...

Validating US phone number with php/regex

Ok, so I've already got the bulk of this worked out... I've got a function right now that will run a pattern check on the phone number it's given and then determine whether it's a "valid" phone number based on the NANPA guidelines. However, the problem I'm running into is that it allows people to enter "extension" numbers, but I can't f...

regex taken from jQuery.validate email method doesn't work with my php script

Hi I have a form with jQuery.validate. It checks if typed email is correct using it's own method. What i would like to achieve is to use the regex from it with my server-side php input validation. The regex i'm talking about: /^((([a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'\*\+\-\/=\?\^_`{\|}~]|[\u00A0-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFEF])+(\.( [a-z]|\d|[!#\$%&'...

[C#] How to Validate XML Against Schema (XSD)? Something is wrong.

Hello, I do not know enough about the XML namespace to see my error. Do you? public static bool ValidateXml(string xml, string xsd) { try { // build XSD schema StringReader _XsdStream; _XsdStream = new StringReader(xsd); XmlSchema _XmlSchema; _XmlSchem...

How to validate if an ActionForm has changed in Struts (Java)?

which is the best option to validate if an ActionForm has changed (the user changed one or more values in it inputs on the jsp) in Struts? the ActionForm has a lot of instance variables, including lists. ...

Using jQuery validate plugin to check if the end date is greater than start date/

Hello every one. I am using jQuery validate plugin and i want to make sure that end date is greater than start date. Is it possible to check this using jQuery validate plugin. Can anyone please help me on this. Your help would be very much appreciated. Thanks. ...

Classic ASP e-mail verify that e-mail exists...

Here's something I couldn't find an answer to. Say you have a form and on that form you have a field for someone to enter their e-mail address. Now after the e-mail address is entered, is there a way after using RegEx to verify that it follows the syntax of an e-mail address, to then verify that it is a valid e-mail that can receive mess...

Zend Framework: Conditional validation

I need to set up some validation for a form field based on a value of another field. For instance if profession is Doctor, then require specialty not to be blank ('') or none ('none'). $professionOptions = array( '' => 'Choose Profession', 'Dr.' => 'Dr.', 'zzz' => 'zzz', 'None' => 'None'); $th...

Trigger a pop up modal div after 1 minute

Hi Guys, Ive never used this site but really need some help with this one. I have this page and in the top left corner if you click learn more you will see my pop up div So i need to trigger this event but after 1 minute instead of using the link learn more. Also in the same breathe is it possible to validate and...

Validate media objects in PHP

I want to allow users on my website to link to remote media objects: flash, music, movies, etc. I already have a regex to check for links: /(http|ftp|https):\/\/[\w-]+(.[\w-]+)+([\w-.,@?^=%&:\/~+#]*[\w-\@?^=%&\/~+#])?/i With the matched links, I want to check if they are media files instead of just checking for the the extension on the...

validating openid textbox

How to validate open id text box as that of stackoverflow i am using dotnet open id what i have done is <asp:CustomValidator runat="server" ID="openidValidator" ErrorMessage="Invalid OpenID Identifier" ControlToValidate="txtOpenId" EnableViewState="false" OnServerValidate="openidValidator_ServerValidate" ValidationGroup="validat...

Validate HTML on local machine

I'm currently trying to learn HTML and Java EE Servlet programming. I have an application server running on my local machine (Orion Application Server) and I'm connecting to web pages I've deployed on this server using a browser running on the same machine, directed to http://localhost/mypage.htm (for example). I know W3C has a site yo...

How to use only certain validation set for validating data in Cake PHP?

I was trying to validate my User model data and I came upon this problem. Say i have the following validation rules, stored in $validate variable: var $validate=array( "username" => array( "usernameCheckForRegister" => array( "rule" => ..., "message" => ... ), ...

Display error messages containing variables when validating forms in CakePHP

I have the $validate variable in my model which contains: var $validate=array( "username" => array( "usernameValid" => array( "rule" => "__alphaNumericDashUnderscore", "message" => "The username you entered is not valid!" ) ) ); The question is: how do I return an error message from the __alphaNumericDashUnderscore...

Any way to get border-radius to validate?

including the 'border-radius: num1 / num2;' property gives a '/ is an incorrect operator' error. any way to get this to validate? ...

Validate VAT number offline

Hello! I'm writing a small app with different inputs from a file (like countrycode, vat number etc) and I have to validate that the vat numbers are in the correct format. I've tried this one: - and it works.. but, and yes, there's always a but :-), I have to check anywhere from 100 - 500...