
Data Annotation Validators

Sorry my poor english! I'm trying to use the data annotation validators to make my validation server-side, I'm driving through this tutorial site:, but is giving error in the time I put the attributes [Required], [StringLength (10)], etc., that because I'm using When I cre...

Collection exploration in validator interceptor

Hi all. A question about Java-Hibernate-Validator. I need to access to a collection attribute when my validation system intercepts an entity insert/update. I mean, my model defines A class with a set of B elements. When I call saveOrUpdate(a), the onSave/onFushDirty method of my interceptor is invoked. In that moment I need to know the...

NumberValidator conflicts with resourcemanager

Hi, I have written the following test <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application creationComplete="{init()}" xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html"> <mx:NumberValidator source="{testInput}" property="text" minValue="0" domain="real" tri...

Solving "loader constraints violated when linking [...] class" error in Java

I am new to Java and experiencing problems understanding exceptions thrown by the framework. Right now, I am trying to implement a regular expression validator into an application consisting of Java 5 EE with myFaces 1.2 and Tobago running in an apache tomcat 5.5. I followed a couple of tutorials (including the Java 5 EE tut from SUN) ...

Where are the Spring MVC validation error codes resolved?

I am attempting to write validators under the Spring MVC framework, but there is a glaring omission in the documentation. When calling passing an error to the Errors object most of the methods expect an String parameter named errorCode. These errorCodes, if I understand correctly serve as stand ins for specific error messages. But I can'...

ASP.Net MVC 2.0 Client Validation with Castle Validators

Hi there, Im trying to implement a client and server validation for my webapplication using castle valitors.Has anyone got any examples of how to use Castle Validators with mvc v2 Client validation. ...

ASP.NET: RegularExpressionValidator Doesn't reCheck the input

i have a RegularExpressionValidator to validate an Email input that i have, it works perfectly, if the input matches the Regular-expression, However,if i enter a mistaken email it would show an error msg, if i fix the email in the input , it doesnt recheck it, the error msg stays not allowing me to click the Registeration button-or more...

Using duplicate control IDs in different conditional blocks / validators

Hi, I have an asp page that renders controls based on a Request parameter. Simplified example: <% if (Request.QueryString["personType"] == "D") { %> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxName" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("first_name") %>' /> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxSurname" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("surname") %>' /> <% } else { %> ...

How can I use a regex to tell if a string has 10 digits?

I need to find a regex that tests that an input string contains exactly 10 numeric characters, while still allowing other characters in the string. I'll be stripping all of the non-numeric characters in post processing, but I need the regex for client-side validation. For example, these should all match: 1234567890 12-456879x54 32122...

How to use the Validator controls with controls other than TextBox?

I want to use the Validator control to validate a FCKEditor rich text control. Is there a way to do this on either client and/or server side? And a broader question, is there a way to use the Validator controls for anything other than text boxes? ...

Attach ASP.NET's RegularExpressionValidator to an INPUT created by some javascript?

Hi everyone. I've got an ASP.NET page that includes an asp:TextBox with a RegularExpressionValidator attached, and some JavaScript that creates an INPUT textbox (among other things) on the page. I'd like to attach another RegularExpressionValidator onto that new INPUT without going back to the web server. Is this possible? Many thank...

Using validators to ensure that user filled either one of two required fields

I have an ASP.NET form for currency exchange requests. There are two text fields there: amount-source and amount-target. One of them must be filled and only one. How to implement this using Validators, if applicable? ...

Can I use validators, just to show warnings.

In ASP.NET... Is there a way I can use validators just to show a warning (Ok / Cancel) msg box? if the user chooses OK.. it should proceed submitting the page. I know a javascript function could do the job. But there are many controls like that for me to check.. Just thought of checking whether validators will be of any help, befor...

.NET Base Validator and reflection

I am creating .NET validators dynamically and passing the property I am invoking and the value to a method that invokes the property and supplies the value. This is working for most of the properties. But when I try to invoke the Operator method or the Type method of the compare validator, I get an error saying the property cannot be fo... compare validators to allow comma and dot (both!) as decimal separator

I am using a compare validator, which validates that the entered number is a valid double and also validates it against a given value (greater than zero). I am validating money amounts. Because of the location where the app is used, the locale sets the comma as the decimal separator. The problem is that when a user enters the value using...

Custom messages in Hibernate Validators

link text following this link i can get the custom messages but from properties file. what if i need same from class i mean some thing like.. public class Messages_en_US extends ListResourceBundle { @Override protected Object[][] getContents() { labelsArray = new Object[labels.size()][2]; int counter = 0; ...

Dynamicdata Validation Exception Message Caught in JavaScript, not DynamicValidator

I have a page here with a few list views on it that are all bound to Linq data sources and they seem to be working just fine. I want to add validation such that when a checkbox (IsVoid on the object) is checked, comments must be entered (VoidedComments on the object). Here's the bound object's OnValidate method: partial void OnValida...

SelfValidation problem

Hello , I have a MyBO class which contains: ... [RangeValidator(typeof(byte), "0", RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive, "20", RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive, Ruleset="validate_x")] public byte x { get; set; } [IgnoreNulls] [RangeValidator(typeof(byte), "0", RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive, "50", RangeBoundaryType....

Can an ASP.NET Validation Rule belong to multiple groups?

Is it possible for an ASP.NET Validation Rule to belong to multiple groups? I'd like to validate the same control in different ways based on what mode the form is in using a single Validator. For the purposes of this question, the modes are Simple, which requires fewer fields, or Complex, which requires more fields. I know I can write ...

Validate date on the format "yyMMdd" in ASP.NET

I'm trying to write a custom ASP.NET field validator which makes sure the input is a valid date on the format "yyMMdd". How do I do that? ...