
MS Access 2003 - Sparkline Graphs in Microsoft Access

Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone knows of a method to create sparkline graphs on a form in MS Access. The chart builder does not really work very well to create sparkline charts (graphs that small). Just curious, thanks! ...

VB.NET with the UAC

I have an application that sends keystrokes to the computer using sendkeys. This works fine when the user is logged in. However, if a UAC window is open or the user is on the Windows Login screen , the sendkeys doesn't work. My understanding is that the UIPI requires code signing of my application. Can anyone provide me with a complete h...

VB.NET Browser Auto Refresh

Hi, I want to make a program in Visual Studio 2008 in Visual Basic. It involves a web browser and I want to make it auto refresh and allow people to choose the time period in which they want to auto refresh. It won't take user input but I have checkboxes that are preset. I think this may be possible using a timer and the WebBrowser1.Ref...

best way deploying standalone installer for crystal report?

Because a crystal report requires crystal reports to execute, I need to find a way to deploy the report on a user's desktop as a standalone app. After some searching around, it seems the best way is to embed the report using VB or C#. Priorities here are getting the thing programmed fast and easy obviously. I've been told this can b...

How to color item text in GridView for non-selected lines only?

Hi, I have a GridView with image buttons for selecting rows. I am using an OnRowDataBound event to color selected rows Blue: e.Row.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue Now that works great as long as I don't set a color either in the CSS stylesheet or on the grid Items themselves. If I do that, then all rows are colored that colo...

VB.NET - Webrowser freezes when navigating from Form Load event

I'm trying to load up a YouTube page using Visual Studio 2008 and a very simple Visual Basic project that contains just a WebBrowser. I want to load the page when the form loads: Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load WebBrowser1.Navigate("http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/...

Language Comparison, Java, FoxPro, Visual Basic

Hi, I want to get some Ideas from you about Edge and Overview of languages below. Java = ? FoxPro = ? VisualBasic = ? What projects are best using that languages? Are there approach or tool that unites them? (database? I think) ...

I found this Reboot Vista.vbs script. Can you help with it ?

Hi guys. Found this Reboot Vista.vbs script on a number of forums. Seems like the whole post ( text including the code ) was posted on many forums. So I don't know who the original author is. Heres the code here: Option Explicit On Error Resume Next Dim Wsh, Time1, Time2, Result, PathFile, MsgResult, MsgA, AppName, KeyA, KeyB, TimeDiff ...

what is the keywork of App_Path in vb.net?

what is the keywork of App_Path in vb.net? ...

Combine multiple objects for insert into one table using Linq

I want to insert into one table from the properties of multiple classes using Linq. Here are some representations of my objects( I am custom creating my Linq Objects with the attributes): <Table(Name:="Certificates")> _ Public Class Certificate : Implements ICertificate, INotifyPropertyChanged <Column(CanBeNull:=False, IsDbGenerated...

What's the best way to remove (or ignore) script and form tags in HTML?

I have text stored in SQL as HTML. I'm not guaranteed that this data is well-formed, as users can copy/paste from anywhere into the editor control I'm using, or manually edit the HTML that's generated. The question is: what's the best way of going about removing or somehow ignoring <script/> and <form/> tags so that, when the user's te...

Need VB code commented to convert it to Java

I am a Java developer. I have the task of converting a VB class to Java. Can some VB developer comment the following VB code so that I can write its Java equivalent? Public Class RmaValidationCode ' Values for test type Public Const SOFTWARE_TEST_TYPE = 0 Public Const FIRMWARE_TEST_TYPE = 1 ' Values for test length ...

Using .Net XmlSerialize for strings with embedded <cr><lf> loses <cr> when deserializing

The following (abysmal) code demonstrates how standard serialize/de-serialize in VB loses the CR when on de-serialize. This can be overcome by applying 'XmlAttribute(DataType:="string")' to Description. Why does it do this? I would like to fix this without applying a 'LF' -> 'CR''LF' in every affected class. This is fixing a bug in exist...

Newby question: how could I write a program/script to automatically copy directories to a remote computer?

Firstly, I have the utmost respect for programmers & IT professionals. I'm a newby/wanna-be. I'm looking for help on developing a small program/script that helps me with the task I have detailed below. I am NOT submitting this as homework. This is work-related, but I'm NOT asking you to do my job. I'm taking this as an opportunity t...

Best way to display a loading gif while a database call process on the first page load.

So I'm new to Ajax. I have an ASP.NET wizard panel wrapped in an ASP Ajax UpdatePanel. The Ajax is working well, with the page doing partial updates as you step through the wizard. I'm even firing an animated gif images using the unblockUI.js jQuery library to prevent multiple page submits. What I can't figure out is when the page fi...

How to edit/update records from the database using textbox by linq to sql?

I'm using visual basic 2008 express edition by linq to sql for my database operation such as edit records. I did not use any sql server but I'm just using the built-in sql server within the visual basic 2008 express. I tried to revised the codes, no error in syntax but there's an error at runtime and it pops-up a window message saying it...

2.How to edit/update records from the database using textbox by linq to sql?

I'm using visual basic 2008 express edition by linq to sql for my database operation such as edit records. I did not use any sql server but I'm just using the built-in sql server within the visual basic 2008 express. I tried to revised the codes, no error in syntax but there's an error at runtime and it pops-up a window message saying it...

Convert C# statement body lambda to VB

It appears that VB in VS8 doesn't support/convert lambda expressions with a statement body. I'm using them in my C# application, but now must convert it to VB. I'm creating a whole bunch of controls dynamically, and I want to be able to give them event handlers on the fly. This is so I can build a dynamic user interface from a databas...

How do I force a Visual Basic 2008 function to only be accessed via events?

I want some event handling functions to only be able to be accessed via raised events and not called from the program. Such as: Public Event Event1(Byval TheText as string) private sub Event1Handler(Byval TheText as string) handles me.Event1 msgbox("Hi") end sub I want this code to execute the function:RaiseEvent Event1("Hi") But...

.NET Throwing Custom Exceptions

Can anyone shed some light on the pros and cons of throwing custom exceptions (which inherit from System.Exception), or the proper way to use them? I'm already aware of the when/when not to throw exception, but I am looking for guidance on how to create my own custom exceptions. ...