
MS Acess 2003 - VBA for Update SQL query?

hey guys, could someone show me the simple update query through vb? I need to add new fields to the table (just 3) and add a couple text boxes on a form so that users can add some additional data relative to the record (which is already what this form is based on). So the first form I have is a form that populates a list, when the user ...

How do I float a control over the top of an image (using the background of image)

Hi, I have a logo image across the entire top of my wesit page. The logo itself only takes up about one third of the left hand side. The right two thirds of this bar is plain and dark blue in color. I have several links and the user name displayed on the right side and would like to float those over the image. Originally, I had the...

How to abandon session if user X's out of browser?

Hi, Is there a way to do a Session.Abandon() when the user just kills the session by X'ing out with the little red X box in the upper right corner? I am seeing situations where after an "X out", the user comes back in and it seems like session variables are still present? I guess explorer keeps them intact? (I am unsure of this). Th...

connect vb app to worpress

I'm wanting to write an app with visual basic 2008 that can post to my wordpress blogs. Has anyone done something similar? I'm looking for some relevant links or advice to get started. ...

opposite of Previous aggregate function in Report Builder

I'm trying to show a tablix of data where the result of a sum changes in each row. I have the rows grouped by date and sorted in descending order such that the most recent date is first. What I want to do is compare each row's sum with the sum of the previous row, e.g. Date Sum PrevValue ---------- --- -------------- 2009-09...

VisualBasic (or Applescript) Excel Sheet sorting with names

Hi All I have a big problem in the moment. I have to sort out an Excel sheet with names in it. There is always a first name and a last name following each other in the same order. Each name fills a cell. These Cells are alligned in one row. Example Bill|Cospy|James|Bond|George|Clony|Michael|Jacksson Now I want that each first name a...

Splitting an html string into the seperate div tags

I have a string full of html & which reads Dim strHml as string = "<html><head><title></title></head><body><div class="normal">Dog</div> <div class="normal">Cat</div><div class="normal">Elephant</div><div class="normal">Giraffe</div><div class="normal"><div><p>Random Div</p></div>Lion</div><div>Wolf</div> <div>Tiger</div></body></html>...

Combobox with comparison operators

I actually have an equation to make on visual basic. An exemple of it (12 = 12) AND (12>1) true and true the answer would be TRUE But for both comparison operators i must create a combo box to insert <, >, =, <=, >=, <> My problem is my program wont function because I don't know which variable to use for those... could anyo...

vba "IN" operator

How best can one imitate the "IN" operator in VBA for excel? eg if X in (1,2,3) then instead of: if x=1 or x=2 or x=3 then ??? ...

MS Access 2003 - Information from a form output to a text file

So I have this form that has tons of text boxes, combo boxes, etc. There is VB in the form's module that check to see if there are duplicates, and then run a few update queries to save the information in to tables. All that works great. My question is what VB method can I use in this forms module to take information from all these objec...

What operators should have LINQ query expression support?

Of the 51 Standard Query Operators (of which only 42 are actually query operators), only 24 are directly supported by Visual Basic 9 and just 11 by C# 3: Query Expression Syntax for Standard Query Operators. In many cases, query syntax is arguably more readable than the equivalent method syntax, especially when transparent identifiers a...

how to hide & show div elements with jquery (not working on second div)

Hi, I have two div's. I want to show one and hide the other based on a condition. My problem is that jquery is only assigning the first div, I can tell this by looking at the web developer output to confirm, why? if(!fd.getActiveXInstalled()) { $(".divActiveXdownloadButton").hide(); $(".divActiveXNodownloadButton").show(); ...

Which number cast is a registry Dword in vb?

Which number cast is a registry Dword in vb based on its minimum and max values? I am trying to build an editor that can read and edit registry dumps ...

Open another user registry settings

Hi all, I want to write a application that writes to all users on a local machine a specified key (eg: i want set the location for IE Favorites for all users to the same folder) PS anybody used these functions? LoadUserProfile RegOpenCurrentUser CreateProcessAsUser ...

How to use Windows Authentication in WPF?

I'm not finding much documentation on how to use Windows Authentication in a WPF app. I wouldn't have thought that it would be any different than in any non-WPF app, but it seems that it is. I want to go into my project Properties -> Application and ensure that Windows Authentication is on, but that option is not available in a WPF app...

how to display current time with chosen timezone?

how to display current time with chosen timezone instead of server TZ? (VB) ...

A more complex word macro then I'm used to (i.e. I can't record it)...

I am trying to write a word macro that Selects everything that is Heading 2 (or any specific style), copies it and pastes it into an Excel document. Macro recording doesn't work here and I'm stumped as to the syntax for the necessary commands. Is it possible to do? P.S. It would be really great if it could select whatever style the curs...

Unable to load referenced library The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

We are getting the error message noted in the subject line. It just started today. Environment: OS - WinXP SP3 with all the latest updates. Visual Studio 2008 with all the latest updates. Steps to recreate the problem: Open Visual Studio and create a VB Class Library project. Add the following property and property method to Class...

Need to convert C# to VB.NET

I have some C# source code that I got off the Internet and I want it in VB.NET. How would you convert it because I don't know C#. ...

Problem creating a VBS Function

Hello, I'm trying to create a simple VBS script, in this I need a Function that takes a file path and returns true if there is a file there, and false if there's nothing. I'm using the following code Function FileThere (FileName As String) As Boolean FileThere = (Dir(FileName) > "") End Function I get the following Error Expected '...