
How do integrate the windows live msn in vb.net application?

How do integrate the windows live msn in vb.net? I will try it. But I can't do it. How do integrate msn (Adds to sound,picture,video etc) in vb.net forms application.You think any idea please help for me. ...

Add a security header to SOAP message using MSSOAP30

Hi I'm really stuck on getting my SOAP messages to work. I've tried many approaches but they all have the same problem in common: they don't have a security header. The security header needs to contain a username and password. In VB.Net this is done by: userNameAssertion.UsernameTokenProvider = new UsernameTokenProvider(username, pass...

SOAP Message parameters - how to send strings and schemas

Hi I'm quite new to SOAP. I need to understand something failry basic I'm sure. First, the info: This method returns a list of all items in a database where a field matches a value. For example: WhereClause = "TypeCode = 'M'" Code //[some code] bool morePages; //[some other code] PartListDataSetType plType = proxy.GetList(CompanyNa...

How to override or workaround compiled DB connection info

I've faced a bit strange problem. There is a site client would like to duplicate on another domain name. Site is built on ASP(yes, old v1 ASP :( ) with SQLServer. Problem is that all the database operations, including connection information is compiled into a DLL library. Is there a way to some how intercept, override or workaround this...

Is there any Visual Basic 2008 scrolling text code?

I want a code that when applied to text in Visual Basic 2008 it scrolls across the screen. I don't want anything flashy, just something basic to start off with. If you guys know of such a thing that would be great! EDIT: I would like it to cycle, hope this makes it easier! ...

How to trigger a rebind of gridview from javascript or jQuery on markup page?

Is there a way to trigger a GridView rebind from an html markup page using jQuery or jscript? I have an ActiveX download control which passes all events via jscript. So, a have a download complete event on the markup page but not the code behind. Thank you, James Here is the main aspx page: <script type="text/javascript"> ...

Do "heavy" properties carry weight, even if they are not populated?

Let's say you havew a user class. When the user is logged in there are properties representing basic user info, an associated address and, say, 5 profile pictures, the last a generic lsit like this: Private _photos As List(Of Photo). However, instead of carrying the weight of the profile pictures in a session vairable, to reduce resource...

How are value type properties in a refernce type class allocated?

In VB.NET, if I create a class it is a reference-type. But, if that class it chock full of value type properties, how is this handled? If the class is instantied but never filled, I suspect a pointed for to the heap is allocated. But is more space allocated on the stack for all of it's value type properties? ...

Why JScript runtime error: Object expected

I am trying to use jquery or jscript to click a hidden button and I always get "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected" error. I have tried all of the following (all with the same results): $('#btnCompleteHidden').click();or: $('#btnCompleteHidden').trigger('click');With plain JavaScript: document.getElementById('btnCompleteH...

What is sadscript? Can I use it in vb.net? Why hasn't anyone I have asked heard of it?

The title is my question. Basically, I have heard people speak of it before, I understand it to have something to do with vb6, and I know it lets the user code for the application, but I am unable to determine if it is a separate library or built into vb, and I cannot find documentation for it anywhere. Thanks for the help! ...

Which Error Handling Model Is More Robust?

I'm kind of torn between these two error-handling models: Create a boolean Error and a string ErrorMessage property for your object. Catch all exceptions internally in the object's methods and pass the messages along using conditional logic from the caller, ie: Dim o As New MyObject o.SomeMethod() If Not o.Error Then 'Do stuff' El...

Quicky: VB, XML and SOAP. Minor error?

Could someone please help me with what's wrong here? I have tried to add a security header, so far just containing a username. Thanks Dim ENC As String Dim XSI As String Dim XSD As String Sub SOAPsuds() 'Define Envelope Constants ENC = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" 'Encoding XSI = "http://www.w3.org/199...

Where can I find VBSQL.VBX?

I've been given the task of re-engineering a really old VB3 application. As part of this I have an XP virtual workstation upon which I've installed VB3 Pro, so I can create a running verison of it to help me emulate it, but the VB3 app uses a control called VBSQL.VBX, which didn't come with VB3 Pro, apparently. I've checked Microsoft's...

Specific VB Excel Color Dialog

Hello, I've been looking for a very specific Color Dialog box in Excel the last couple hours, but all examples I've found aren't exactly the same. I'm looking for this Color Dialog box to incorporate into a form: http://yfrog.com/29colorboxj I'm not too familiar with Dialogs either... any advice is greatly appreciated! ...

Moq, VB, HttpResponseBase and Headers

I'm in the process of writing a heap of tests around some custom controllers using Moq in VB. Up until now, I've not had to deal with VB Lambda shortcomings since I've only moqed properties or methods. That is until this morning when I try also running integration tests using Cassini against my code. I had code to add headers using Resp...

Using VB and MS Access buttons and text boxes to search records in a database

When clicked, I want the button to search the the database for the text that has been entered into the text box, then I want it to display the record in other labels. Also if there are multiple records that match, i would like the button to go to the next record. Any help would be appreciated. ...

Rookie SQL inside of VB question - MSAccess 2003

Hey guys, can anyone help me with a simple question. I have this SQL statement below in a sub in VB within access from a button click, and I am new to this. Here is what I typed: Private Sub Command0_Click() Dim rs As Recordset Dim sql As String Dim db As Database Set db = CurrentDb sql = "SELECT * FROM Transactions" Set...

error ;overflow6

Hello I am running an vb application on windows 2003 server ,when i am running it is giving ;overflow6 error? Can any one tell me why is so? ...

How do spell check to type the text for TextBox in vb.net?

I will try the way of the following code: 'Click on Button1 spell checks Text1 textbox Dim strResultText As String Dim sc As New SpellChecker sc.OpenDictionary "c:\SpellUS.lex" Private Sub Button1_Click() TextBox1.Focus() strResultText = sc.CheckText(TextBox1.Text, ExitStatus) TextBox1.Text = strResultText End Sub But The...

In Process session state mode is only mode that supports Session_OnEnd event

I read two MSDN articles on Session state modes in ASP .Net. 1 and 2. Both articles shows that 'In Process' session state mode is the only mode that supports the Session_OnEnd event. If the session state Mode is StateServer or SQLServer, then the Session_OnEnd event in the Global.asax file is ignored. If the session state Mode is set t...