
Prevent PowerPoint from pausing when focus is lost

I've written an app that allows me to start multiple PowerPoint presentations, each on its own monitor (this particular config has 4 monitors). The problem I have now is that only the presentation that has focus has any animation. The other 3 pause until they receive focus via mouse click. Is there any way to keep this pause behavior ...

VB6: Special-Draw transparent picture

Hello got a PictureBox (called i_MC) and i draw a simple image (m_ImgMCN) on it doing: Call i_MC.PaintPicture(m_ImgMCN, 0, 0, i_MC.width, i_MC.height) now i would like to put a transparent image on this picture, on a specific position. i found a sample code, which does the job quite well with one problem: parts of the image that shou...

VB.NET: How to close and re-open a dialog in this case?

Hi, I'm developing a WinForms app in VB.NET, that handles sets of style data, and when the user clicks on another set's label, it prompts through a dialog "You are leaving this style preset to edit another one. keep changes on this one? [Yes] [No]" But, I'm facing the problem that, when the user clicks either option, and the dialog clos...

Maximize an MDIChild of another application VB .Net

I'm making an appication that needs to maximize the window of another application. In Spy++, the way it works is -> "Working Model - Untitled1" -> "MDICloient" -> "Untitled1" This is what the tree view looks like. I need to maximize Untitled1, but I'm not sure how. I tried findwindow "Working Model - Untitled1" and then used get and se...

WIX 3 : Using HEAT for Visual Basic 6 COM Dlls

I am using WIX 3. I have used heat to create a wxs file for a VB6 dll. The msi creates without any errors, and the installation is successful as well. All seems to be fine, and I can invoke the component successfully from a VB client. However, if I invoke the component from an ASP page, I get 0x800401f3. If instead of the installer, ...

VB6, Usercontrol: Remove ability of getting focus

hello while designing my user control, i encountered the following problem: i would like to set the UserControl.CanGetFocus to false, which is not possible due an error message telling me that a control unable to receive focus can not contain elements who are able to receive focus. but as i don't want them to actually receive any focu...

Get size and location of childwindow with user32

If I know the hwnd of a window, could I get it's position and location based on my screen size. (I mean, size and location in pixels) What I want to do is capture the screen, but only capture the handle's area. Thanks ...

What is the difference between VB and VBScript

What is the difference between VB and VBScript? ...

How to retrive and download server files (File.Exists and URL)

Hi, I have a database table where the user marks files to be downloaded. Subsequently, I browse this table and need to create a fileList to pass to an ActiveX downloader. My routine works locally and on the server for ONLY the first file. I know my logic must be bad, but I cannot find it. All of these files are always in the same s...

Timing issues in my VB .Net application

I made a program that opens an application, sleeps the thread for 500ms then takes a picture of the frame's handle. I do this to about 600 files. Oddly enough, every 40 or so files, the process.kill() doesnt work or something, because the application hangs, and the running files program is running, when it should have been killed, then m...

Restrictions by file extension in server 2008?

Hi, I am having problems downloading files possibly due to the file extensions not matching the actual file. What is happening is the File.Exists check is returning false for these even though the named file does exist. Is anybody aware of anything in IIS or even IE which would cause this. I have seen this with .txt, .exe. and .avi f...

Odd resizing of controls VB .net

I have a listbox and a panel. In my forms resize event, my listbox is always form1.width * 0.5 and then the panel is also, but it doesnt work very well. I They overlap at a certain point but in theory, they never should. Is there something wrong with my logic? Thanks ...

Conversion of INTEGER to DATETIME differs to VB6

I'm looking at some legacy VB6 code (years+years old, before my time) which runs a query against an SQL 2005 db. It supplies a date restriction in the WHERE clause - where the date is given as an integer value as a result of a CLng() on the Date in VB6. e.g. ... WHERE SomeDateField >= 40064 40064 is what VB6 converts today's date to ...

VB.NET Write yields #ERROR 448#

I have a bit of ported code. It was automatically converted from VB6 to VB.NET. Now when if finally compiles, it produces output files with some values replaced with literal #ERROR 448#. I will eventually find out what's the problem, but I just wonder, if anyone knows what does this error mean. VB's Write function is used. ...

VB.NET Write number formating

Have a bit of code ported from VB6 to VB.NET. It uses Write and WriteLine all the way to produce output files. Now, I need to compare outputs from original and ported code, but there's one tiny problem with number formatting. For instance whereas VB6 code Writes just .5, the VB.NET code produces 0.5, instead of .0005 (in original) it w...

XmlTextWriter responds with System.InvalidOperationException during creation of second element

Hi, I am having trouble with XMLTextWriter.WriteStartElement throwing an exception: System.InvalidOperationException when trying to write the second element in my XML document. This error comes back as "The Writer is closed". I have not closed it, so I am guessing it has fallen out of scope?? I have created a class to write an XML...

How to store and retrieve images in sql server database through VB.NET

SQL Server supports the ability for clients to store objects within tables. Create Field that data type Image and Initialize byte array with a null value initially.Use FileInfo object to get file size.Open FileStream to read file.Use ...

Is there a VB equivalent to C#'s Continue and Break statements?

For sake of argument, how could I do this in VB? foreach foo in bar { if (foo == null) break; if (foo = "sample") continue; //more code //... } ...

VBA - populating collection with arrays

hi i have the foll. code in VBA: Dim A As Collection Set A = New Collection Dim Arr2(15, 5) Arr2(1,1) = 0 .... A.Add (Arr2) can you tell me how to access the Arr2 through A? For example i want to do the following A.Item(1) (1,1) = 15 so the above would change ...

How to bind a nested control from main page code behind

Hi, I have the following structure in place and need to rebind the lower control (DropDownList) from the code behind of the MainPage. x MainPage1 x---- Panel1 (modal popup) x--------- UpdatePanel (upMailOrStatusAction, on Panel1) x-------------- RadioButtonList (rblActionLevel, on UpdatePanel) x-------------- SubForm1 (on Panel1) x---...