
vba: evaluating whether sql statement is true or false

how do i evaluate in VBA access whether the following statement is true: ([Panels] like '*IT_AMPH,*' or [Panels] like '*AMPH_SN,*' or [Panels] like '*AMPH_S,*') and ([Panels] like '*IT_BARB,*' or [Panels] like '*BARB_SN,*' or [Panels] like '*BARB_S,*') this is going to be running in Report_Load and i need to know whether the statement...

text-box conditional formatting dependent on other text-boxes

i have a bunch of textboxes on a report whose conditional formatting references the record i have another textbox on the report that references the TEXT in the textboxes mentioned above (which is dependent on the record set) the question is, will i have an accurate evaluation of a conditional formatting on a textbox that is referencing...

What does the return value of an Access/VBA expression mean?

I have a huge expression for a textbox in the CONTROL SOURCE. Sometimes it returns 0 and sometimes -1, what do these values mean? ...

ms-access: check if font color is white

in conditional formatting what would be the expression i would use to check whether a DIFFERENT textbox's font color is set to white? ...

Print "report" for meeting/appointment with Outlook Macro

I have an MS Word template that I use to print off paper where I take notes in meetings at work. I copy the subject, the list of attendees, the times and location, one-by-one and paste them into my word document. The end result is a page with a header at the top with all the elementary info about the meeting. I'd like to automate this...

search and replace with wild characters as LITERALS

i am trying to search for [Panels] like "*,*" within a worksheet and unfortunately instead of retrieving exactly that string it retrieves anything like: [Panels] like "*blah,*" [Panels] like "*blah,123123*" i need it to be EXACTLY [Panels] like "*,*" and i suppose that perhaps i would to do this in VBA instead of manually? if this i...

SQL: problems with like and NOT LIKE

i have this statement in access: SELECT * FROM accountsnew WHERE [Panels] not like '*IT_OXYC,*' and [Panels] not like '*OXY_SN,*' and [Panels] not like '*OXY_S,*' and [Panels] not like '*OXY_N,*' and [Panels] like '*OXYC_SNEG,*' or [Panels] like '*OXYC_PNEG,*'; for some reason it is not returning the proper dataset. when i look more d...

Excel: Sort columns by row content

Hi, it's hard to describe. I have some columns, say three: 10 20 20 20 22 24 24 24 26 What I like to get is: 10 XX XX 20 20 20 XX 22 XX 24 24 24 XX XX 26 where XX is an empty cell. Is there a way to get this? Bye, Thomas ...

How do I open a worksheet in vba?

Hilariously the following code only works if the worksheet is actually selected in the excel window. I really want to finish this macro soon but can't seem to work out how to select a specific worksheet so it is open in excel? Many thanks if someone knows how. I have to use range and so on. sheet.Range(Cells(firstRow, 2).Address(False, ...

Excel 2003: Double clicking a cell to change another cell's content in another worksheet

All I'm trying to do is figure out how to change the cell in one worksheet to that of another when the one in the other is double clicked. In my second worksheet, I have the following code set up: Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) End Sub My question would be what's the code to chan...

Suggestions on troubleshooting QueryDefs in Access 2000

Access seems to hang when it executes a specific querydef. If I pause the code before it executes, manaually run the querydef and then start the code after it calls for the querydef it runs fine. There is something with Access calling the querydef that just kills it's performance. The code itself is and has been fine for years. This se...

Access VBA parameter query using 'IN'

Hi all, I have a make table query that is used to run a report (due to a series of joins and various other complicated criteria - it has to be a table or it fails with too many queries). I now need to be able to filter the data used (it is summing fields) using an 'IN' with selections from a list box. Here is the query I want, wi...

How do I create a stacked column chart purely through programming with excel vba?

I am trying to create a stacked column chart in VBA where there is a bar graph and each bar graph shows the breakdown of subcategories on the graph (See right side of picture). For the normal bar graph all I had to do was create a new series and set the Values and XValues properties. I'm not sure how to tell it about the values for the...

Can't populate VBA Collection with Custom Objects using Collection.add

I don't understand why the Debug.Print n & " - " & objTrans2.DESC line at the bottom of this code is outputting "Description 2" twice. I want it to output "Description 1" and "Description 2". Is there something wrong with how I am trying to add a custom object (Transaction) through the sampleCollection.Add from within the For loop? Th...

Adding a new page in MS Word using Qt

Hi, I am using Qt 4.5 and using ActiveQt to generate MS Word documents. I am able to create a document based on the ActiveX commands of VBA for MS Word. But I am not able to create a new page at the desired position. I tried selection->dynamicCall("InsertBreak(const QString &)","wdPageBreak"); selection->dynamicCall("InsertParagraph(...

ms-access: best way to add trailing character to every record

i will be importing a table with data. one of the columns called CAR will look something like this: mercedes,ford,toyota for every record in the DB i will need to add a comma , to the end of the string like: mercedes,ford,toyota, since i will be programmatically importing the table, what is the best way to add this trailing comma t...

Getting the selected cell's range from a different worksheet in Excel

I'm trying to set up Excel so that the cell's value that is selected in the first worksheet is set to the value of a cell that's double clicked in a different worksheet. So far my code looks like this: Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Dim c As Range For Each c In Sheet1.Range("M11:M24...

Schedule a subroutine to start at a specific time

I'm trying to find out if there is an equivalent of Excel's OnTime event for PowerPoint 2003; I would like to call a subroutine at a specific time of day. ...

MS Access converting row information to column

I've spent hours trying to figure this one out. This is for a manufacturing plant. A person on the plant floor logs their activities on different machines using a computer system which produces data like this: Empnbr Datestamp Shift Machnbr Time 00090 6/30/2010 1 0354 11:10 00090 6/30/2010 1 S 12:00 00098 6/...

Open fileLocation For Input As #1

what does As #1 stand for? ...