
wait for the second VB script untill ended from primary VB script

Hi I have VB script that run second VB script The second VB script ask some questions from the input box My problem is that “MyShell.Run” not wait until SecondVBscript.vbs will ended And the Other VB syntax run immodestly also Need to wait for MyShell.Run process ended and then perform the Other VB syntax How can I do that? Set MyShell...


does anyone know where i can get the official list of all AT COMMANDS available? i would like to get my computer speaking to my cell phone. i need all AT COMMANDS and i will hook it up to either .NET or VBA or anything else. btw i have a motorola phone ...

How to retrieve large data from oracle database using vbscript

Hi guys, I'm now working on vbscript to do some test. Actuelly, I want to retrieve a large amount of data from an oracle database, so I write the code like this: sql = "Select * from CORE_DB where MC = '" & mstr & "' " Set myrs = db_execute_query(curConnection, sql) Then I count the rows in myrs,there are 248 rows. So then I do a For...

Change Console Title with vbscript

Hello, is there a way to change the cmd title? I wrote a vbs program. But the dos title is bad. The name ist c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe I try it with: title the_name and title ="name" But both doesn't works. Thanks for help. ...

How to convert many thousands of lines of VBScript to C#?

I have a collection of about 10,000 small VBScript programs (50-100 lines each) and a small collection of larger ones, and I'm looking for a way to convert them to C# without resorting to by-hand transliteration. The programs are automated test cases for a web application, written for HP/Mercury's QuickTest Pro, and I'm trying to turn t...

Call a subroutine/function in Global.asa from an ASP page?

Hi all, In Classic ASP, shouldn't a subroutine in global.asa be available to all .asp pages in the application? For some reason I am having trouble calling the sub. Before I look at whether something specific to my application is causing the problem I wanted to make sure I understood properly. global.asa: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" RU...

insert VBS variable within a single-quoted WMI query

Hi all, I am really frustrated by the snippet below: Dim objFSO, varSrc, varDest, varExt Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") varSrc = WScript.Arguments(0) varDest = WScript.Arguments(1) varExt = WScript.Arguments(2) If objFSO.FolderExists(varSrc) Then WScript.Echo varSrc strComputer = "." Set objWMISer...

Why does InternetExplorer Object become unresponsive?

I am attempting to login to a password protected site. I'm using the InternetExplorer Object in VBScript. Error lies after oIE.readystate value is read one time - that is, in my loop, it reads the oIE.readystate value one time, but upon the second time oIE.readystate value is attempting to be read, I get a "800A01CE" runtime error, stati...

Compiling a DLL in Visual Studio Express for use in a VB Script

Hi, I am looking at converting a DLL written in VB into C++. The dll gets called as part of a login script to perform various functions. My C++ is a bit rusty, and i've only got Visual C++ Express. I can create a DLL ok from C++, but i cant register it using regsvr32. I'm assuming I need to include something in the build options to m...

VBScript get MIcroseconds

Does anyone knows how to get microsecond value in VBScript (Classic ASP) without using SQL Queries ...

VB script + change the first value of the first param in txt file

hi how to replace only the first value of MODE parameter in the bash script from "ON" to "OFF" by VB script? the bash script location: C:\folder_scripts\script.bash THX Yael the bash script (txt file): !/bin/bash MODE=ON if [[ $MODE = ON ]] then echo "the machine is on line" elif [[ $MODE = OFF ]] echo "the machine is OFF ...

Ping script with email in vbs

Hello, i know i asked already the question about the ping script but now i have a new question about it :-) I hope someone can help me again. strText = "here comes the mail message" strFile = "test.log" PingForever strHost, strFile Sub PingForever(strHost, outputfile) Dim Output, Shell, strCommand, ReturnCode Set Output = C...

VB script + create select BOX in VB script to select one of two questions from window

Hi How to create select box or check box window in VB script In order to select one of the following questions and put the answer in to My_Answer parameter? My_Answer param Should get ON or OFF need to select ON or OFF : ON <*> OFF <*> THX Yael ...

VB script + change word in VB script on text file

how to change word in text file by VB script (like sed in unix) ...

VB script + open Check BOX window in order to choose on of two quastions and put answer in to Answer param

Hi How to create check box window in VB script In order to choose on of the following questions and put the answer in to Answer parameter? ON LINE MODE OF LINE MODE THX Yael ...

VBScript: Disable caching of response from server to HTTP GET URL request

I want to turn off the cache used when a URL call to a server is made from VBScript running within an application on a Windows machine. What function/method/object do I use to do this? When the call is made for the first time, my Linux based Apache server returns a response back from the CGI Perl script that it is running. However, subs...

VB cript + create Check Box window with two options

hi how to create checkbox by VB script my target is to ask the USER about two options and user will select one of them by the check box input type="checkbox" name="name" /> THX ...

VB script + replace word only in specific line

hi I find way to replace word in text file as the following strNewText = Replace(strText, "OLD_WORD", "NEW_WORD")t but this replace every OLD_WORD in the file my question is if it possible to replace the OLD_WORD with the NEW_WORD only on specific line for example I want to replace only on line that start with "THIS_LOCATION" THIS_...

VB script + replcae word in txt

hi I have the follwoing code , that find in the txt file the line that start with the : THIS_LOCATION and replace the OFF_LINE with NEW if InStr(strText , 'THIS_LOCATION' ) then strNewText = Replace(strText, "OFF_LINE", "NEW") End if the VB script failed on the line : if InStr(strText , 'THIS_LOCATION' ) what wrong? THX yae...

finding subfolder of a folder getting by getFolder method in asp

hello guys, i am troubling from this problem , i want to find the list of folder but there is some problem , i have a support folder in root directory, first i have the subfolder of this "Support" folder then in each folder i have to find a specific say "x" folder and then in this x folder i want to check each file and folder. i am send...