
Handling scroll bars in VC++ 6.0 and MFC

Hai in vc++6.0 MFC, i connected a serial port, while reading and displaying a data(i want to display date and time ) in edit box (IDC_EDIT1), My problem is I used a vertical scrollbar in the edit box. Whenever I display new data, the vertical scrollbar moves up; it must come down (scroll down), The written code: CString temp; stat...

VC++ 6.0 access violation when run in debugger

I am trying to add enhancements to a 4 year old VC++ 6.0 program. The debug build runs from the command line but not in the debugger: it crashes with an access violation inside printf(). If I skip the printf, then it crashes in malloc() (called from within fopen()) and I can't skip over that. This means I cannot run in the debugger and ...

Can I embed Strawberry Perl in a VC++ 6.0 compiled application or use Inline::C with the compiler mismatch?

I am looking at embedding perl 5.10 in a large C++ application compiled with VC++ 6.0. This leads to two questions. 1) Is it a bad idea to simply use Strawberry Perl as a dependency rather than compile my own perl with VC++ 6.0? Would Strawberry even work given the compiler mismatch? I presume Strawberry is compiled with mingw. I wo...

How can I calculate the inverse of a matrix?

Can somebody show me how to calculate the inverse of a matrix? I'm using VC++ 6.0 ...

Unit testing framework for VC6 ?

Is there a unit test frame work that i can use in vc6 ...

User Breakpoint from nowhere

Hi, I have some code in MS VC++ 6.0 that I am debugging. For some reason, at this certain point where I am trying to delete some dynamically allocated memory, it breaks and I get a pop up message box saying "User Breakpoint called from code at blah blah".. then the Disassembly window pops up and I see *memory address* int 3 The ...

OwnerDrawn control in MFC

Hi, I am creating a MFC application in which there is a skin library which handles the UI effect of rendering the controls (it gets called in oninitdialog). But, meanwhile, I have also the requirement of displaying an icon on the buttons. For this, I am marking the buttons as ownerdrawn=true, and able to display icon, but in this case,...

Set format of data read through serial port?

while reading a data through the serial port.I want to know that the data which is coming through the port in which format it is ? wheathr ASCII, Decimal or Hexa or in Bytes it is, plz any boby give the hint ...

Unable to create temporary files while compiling

I find increasingly now when I am building a large project, I get the following error. fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler intermediate file: 'C:\Temp\SYS\a03132ex': Permission denied It occurs in Visual Studio 2003 and VC6, and I have investigated the potential MSDN reasons and drawn a blank. There is plenty of space ...

Debugging Howto

Hi. I am new to C and I am using MS Visual C++ 6.0 for now. I am currently working on sorting algorithms and i want to track the values of each variable automatically. This may provide me insight on how the algorithm does the hard work. That is, I don't want to write what is produced by what on a paper :) Are there are any operators or f...

How to add padding bytes to a bitmap?

Lets say I have some raster data I want to write to a file.. Now I want to write it as a bmp file.. This data happens to be not DWORD aligned, which, if I understand correctly, needs to be padded with enough bytes to reach the next DWORD.. However, when I try to pad it with this code: bmFile.Write(0x0, (4-(actualWidth%4))); I get an...

UTF-8 From File to TextBox VC++ 6.0

How do I get an old VC++ 6.0 MFC program to read and display UTF8 in a TextBox or MessageBox? Preferably without breaking any of the file reading and displaying that is currently written in there (fairly substantial). I read a line into CString strStr, then used this code: int nLengthNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8,0,strStr,1024,...

Is there a TRACE statement for basic win32 C++?

In MFC C++ (Visual Studio 6) I am used to using the TRACE macro for debugging. Is there an equivalent statement for plain win32? ...

[Visual C++ 6 - MFC] How can I get and set the 'read-only' property of an edit box?

How can I get and set the 'read-only' property of an edit box? ...

How do I parse this correctly with spirit?

My situation: I'm new to Spirit, I have to use VC6 and am thus using Spirit 1.6.4. I have a line that looks like this: //The Description;DESCRIPTION;; I want to put the text DESCRIPTION in a string if the line starts with //The Description;. I have something that works but looks not that elegant to me: vector<char> vDescription; //...

Explaining Debugging Symbols in MSVC++6

How would you explain "symbols" in a way that a novice programmer like myself would understand? What are they? Are they some sort of mapping to functions? I would like to learn more advanced debugging techniques and this term has been a roadblock for me. ...

Removing SourceSafe Integration from Visual Studio 6

Recently, the SourceSafe integration into visual studio has started to perform badly because we have moved, and the SourceSafe "server" is located across a VPN which goes across a slow connection. This has made loading large projects in visual c++ 6 take 5+ minutes because it has to talk to the "server" for each project. Also, there are ...

Modifying decorated names - VS6.0 to VS2005 migration

After a number of hours Googling, I think it's time to ask the experts. We have a legacy module (MS Visual C++ 6.0) that we are trying to port to VS 2005. A number of calling applications exist, so we're trying, if possible, to keep these backward-compatible. Code-wise, this turned out pretty straightforward and a few hours of develop...

How can I get the value (string) of the current selection in a combobox?

How can I get the value (string) of the current selection in a combobox? (Not the integer index) ...

Qt and VC++ 6.0 IDE?

First of all I was wondering if I should use Qt and Windows together. If so should I use VC++ 6.0 IDE or another one? ...