
Problem with using SVN with VS.NET to version compiled code - .svn folder conflict with /bin

I'm using SVN to version a ASP.NET web project that I'm working on. I have recently decided to try versioning published versions of the site. I commit these to the repository along with tagged Release versions of the code in the root of the branch. This is proving useful as I can deploy to my server using SVN. Problem that I'm facing is...

Read AssemblyFileVersion from AssemblyInfo post-compile

How can one read the AssemblyFileVersion, or its components AssemblyFileMajorVersion, AssemblyFileMinorVersion, AssemblyFileBuildNumber, AssemblyFileRevision, within the .csproj, following compilation? I have tried the following which pulls the information from the built assembly: <Target Name="AfterCompile"> <GetAssemblyIdentity A...

How to check in delphi the OS version? Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2?

I always used to check the windows versions by their major/minor build numbers. Strangely enough, Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2, both return the same major/minor version number combination. Confirm this by typing ver into a command prompt ...

Version Tracking with mysql

I have an database with books. One book has one Author, Publisher. Some Prices, ID's and Descriptions. I want to keep track of changes made to one product. One way is to save the product with time AND id as primary key. Are there other ways? Are there database systems (i've only used mysql) who can keep track of changes automaticly? ...

What is your preferred style of product version number and why?

Is it Major.Minor.Release - IBM style (eg. 1.2.3)? Is it the Year? (Windows '98) Something else? Reference: Presently I use major.minor.release.internal-release Example For the next product, I was thinking of making it simpler Version-Build Example v1-b22 Before I finalize ('cause...

Versioning of programs as dependent on library

I have a set of programs, each one with its own version. All these programs are dependent on a library, again with its own version. For example Foo-1.0.3 Bar-2.1.5 Baz-1.3.4 They depend on libfrobniz-1.4.5. It happens that I have to do a major overhaul of the library (involving a lot of refactoring). This means that it will break ever...

Website version numbers - useful or pointless?

My personal website and others which I am involved with) display their current version number discreetly in the footer or some other area of the site. My question is whether this is useful information to visitors or whether its just textual "noise". It is worth noting that the version number is the version of the software (not the data ...

Realize entity copy on NHibernate update

How can I make such behaviuor in NHibernate: There is an entity called User in my domain // I ommit mapping attributes public class User { int Id {get; set;} int pId {get; set;} //....other props, such as Login, Name, email... } I need to make full copy of it, when updating. pId must be set to original Id. Old entity must be un...

CouchDB versioning strategy

Would the following be a viable strategy for implementing versioning(using "example" as a sample document type): Have one original document where the type field is named example_original. Subsequent changes to the document all have type example_change and the id of example_original document as a key. The change would also carry a times...

Historic reason for using periods in version numbers?

Is there a historic reason that periods are used instead of any other separator for software versions? One of our products was previously version 3.5, and now it's 3.08 -- I'm sure this was management saying that putting a leading zero would make it less confusing for our customers once we hit 3.10. But as a software developer, version...

Vestal versions not working

I'm trying to get the Vestal Version gem to work, but I keep getting this error: >> Song.first.version => 8 >> Song.first.revert_to(7) NoMethodError: undefined method `>' for #<Version:0x231bddc> from /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/activerecord-2.3.2/lib/active_record/attribute_methods.rb:260:in `method_missing' from /Library/Ruby/...

What controls version number inside codedom generated file?

What controls the version number inside of a codedom generated file? Some of our developers get: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // <auto-generated> // This code was generated by a tool. // Runtime Version:2.0.50727.4005 while others get: //------------------------------------...

Versioning for Dummies

I'm looking for a subversion tool, and i have the following requirements: Must integrate into VS 2008 Automatically submits new versions Does not use the command line as primary interface Doesn't clutter up explorer with bright icon overlays or context menus is only going to be used by one user mostly if not completely, so doesn't need...

Version-control the test cases

Should the test plan be kept in the version control with the code ? That is, the test plan and the code are put under the same version control system and have the same revision numerating. I am not talking about unit test code, but a test plan document populating with manual test cases. There are some web-based test case management syste...

Find latest approved version of an SPListItem

I am trying to iterate through the SPListItem.Versions collection to find the latest approved list item. My list item has three versions: the first two are approved, the last is in draft. But my code says they're all in draft! Please help! // Iterate through all versions for (int index = 0; index < item.Versions.Count; index++) { S...

versioning in dot net

I always create a MSI file for our web application.There are different states when I build a MSI For system testing on test server after the issues are fixed Another for submitting it to the customer Third is for a hot fix The current versioning scheme is v3.2.18.18 i.e v x.x.xx.xx Now how to increment in the above three cases & wha...

How do you manage versions in Workflow Foundation?

How do you manage versions of workflows in WF when you have long running workflows and you might have two or three versions in the persistence store at the same time and have to be able to access them all? ...

.NET-related platform names & versions

For my current project I need to be able to specify platform name, platform version and CPU architecture. For instance, I should be able to say that ComponentX can be used in .NET 2.0, Mono 2.2 and Silverlight 3.0, whereas ComponentY can only be used in .NET 3.5 and is built for x64 only. So I'm wondering if there's a more-or-less stand...

How to force the build to be out of date, when a text file is modified?

The Scenario My project has a post-build phase set up to run a batch file, which reads a text file "version.txt". The batch file uses the information in version.txt to inject the DLL with a version block using this tool. The version.txt is included in my project to make it easy to modify. It looks a bit like this: @set #Description="Ta...

WinSxS: How to take dependency on specific version of gdiplus.dll?

I need to add a dependency on a specific version of GDIPlus. This is the version of GDI+ that i want: I want to be sure that I'm using this version for a specific compatibility reason. I've added an assembly manifest to my executable, defining my dependancy on the version of GdiPlus: <dependency> <dependentAssembly> <assemb...