
Is there any way to play video on an iphone from a website, without using youtube or a custom app?

I'd like website viewers to be able to play a video on an iphone, without posting the video to youtube, and without them having to install any iphone apps. Are there any other options here? ...

converting video files to .flv format in grails

I am developing a web-application in grails.In that I have implemented video's playing option.For playing video I used the flashplayer plugin .It is working.Now I am planning to implement the feature that user's also can upload their video's.After uploading the video files how to convert those video files to .flv format? or Does flash...

access remote video from program

Hello everyone, I want to have a stress/performance testing for my content management site, especially for hosted streamed video part. I am using IIS to host the videos. More specifically, I am using the new Windows Server 2008 x64 and IIS 7.0. The confusion is, I plan to write code to start a lot of threads, and in each thread I wil...

what technologies are available for programmatic video editing?

Problem: Users should be able to upload high resolution video clips from within an app (fat client) that runs on their system. inside this app, i need an framework or lib that is capable of converting an video into an low resolution version. and on the other side, i need something that is capable of building up video right away from im...

H.264 file size for 1 hr of HD video

I'm looking for an order of magnitude estimate for expected on-disk file size for 1 hour of H.264 encoded HD video transcoded from HDV (HD on a MiniDV tape). I want to archive approximately 100 hours of such content and want to figure out whether I'm looking at a big hard drive, a multi-drive unit like a Drobo, or an enterprise-level sto...

Best way to show image sequence as a movie in Adobe AIR

I need to show an image sequence as a movie in an Adobe AIR application - i.e. treat lots of images as video frames and show the result. For now I am going to try simply loading them and displaying in a movie clip but this might be too slow. Any advanced ideas how to make it work? Images are located on a hard drive or very fast network s...

Changing video resolution in n95 with J2ME

We've tried using the parameters in the capture url as documented: capture://video?height=480&width=360 No combination of width and height works. We always get an error -6 when creating the player. capture://video works fine but the videos are ridiculously small. Is it possible to record at a higher resolution on the N95? ...

Android Combine Bitmaps -> Video

Hello, I have a array of Bitmaps. How could I combine them into a video to store on the SD Card? Thanks, Isaac ...

file upload issue

Hello everyone, I am implementing a similar scenario like Youtube for my web site -- uploading video and so that all people could watch. My question is, I think we need to encode the video after upload before other people could play remotely, but encode process is very slow (I tried with Microsoft Expression Encoder and also mplayer, en...

Anyone tried to compile Intel xf86_video_intel for another OS

Has anyone tried to compile Intel xf86_video_intel for another OS. This code is written for Linux. I am wondering if there is any experience with porting the code to another operating system? The code is located at: Thanks, FM ...

audio or video detection library

I am capturing audio and/or video streams. I have a set of audio/video clips and I would like to know if any of these clips appear in the streams. Any recommendation for a library that can do that? OS: Windows. Language: Don't really care - we will interface if needed. Thanks! ...

Error streaming high quality FLV over RTMP with Red5

I'm rather new to the FLV streaming/Red5 scene and have found that for some reason I cannot playback FLV files encoded above a certain quality using the oflaDemo. I've encoded the FLV files from h264 to Sorenson Spark using ffmpeg. It works using -qscale 31, but anything much higher (the number seems to change between different movies) r...

Low-latency broadcast video with minimal client installation issues

I am creating an application for remote-auctioneering a live auction. Key to the application is that there is minimal latency between the actual sale and the end-viewers. I understand that there are alot of factors in latency - but buffering needs to not be one of them. The client needs to not buffer at all. Here are the priorities ...

Unreliable caching and readahead of video frames

Hi, I'm working on an application that displays several videos at once. The videos are stored in the form of directories full of image files. For each frame number, there are up to 9 images that must be loaded from disk. I'd like to implement caching and read-ahead for the images. This would be pretty simple, but the complication is ...

Windows Media Format SDK based encoder drops frame rate and will not recover

I have an application that runs 24/7 encoding video from a capture card. It goes into an encoder build against the Windows Media Format SDK. Under some circumstances (maybe a CPU spike?) the encoder will decide to drop to about 1/4 of the frame rate and never seems to recover. It just gets stuck at the lower frame rate until it is res...

Video Conversion to WMV

A project I am currently working on at work requires the ability to convert videos from other formats to the WMV format. We need to be able to convert virtually any video format that is commonly used to a WMV format. I am looking for a solution allot like On2's flix engine converts other video types to .flv videos. I am aware of the enco...

Video tutorial showing code editing

I'm working on a video tutorial (and accompanying text) for installing a program in Mac OS X ( is where the program is downloaded). I'm almost done, but I've run into a problem that I don't really know how to show in the video. For the most part, the videos are just showing the user what to click, which command...

how to display streaming video on the iPhone

Hi, I am planning to write an iPhone app which can display streaming audio/video from the internet (backend would most probably be Red5 or Wowza and video will be streamed on RTMP (although I have the option to change that). Any ideas on implementation? demos something similar to what I have i...

Sequenced video playback (cutlists) in Java.. can it be done?

If I have a bunch of video files, all in precisely the same format, shape, whatever, then can I play them back seamlessly without jumps or gaps? The effect from the end user's point of view would be as though they are watching one video. I understand that this is possible in DirectX, but I'd rather use Java if possible. ...

Can I embed video using FCKeditor?

I need to create a Wiki using FCKeditor in which I want to provide the flexibility of embedding videos by users. Does FCKeditor support video embedding? If not, are there any plug-ins available for FCKeditor? ...