
How do i create a movie from a set of images using qtj and java?

I have a set of images i want to add one after another and create a movie. I will be using Quicktime for java for this(I'm on a mac). I searched the web i have found lots of examples that show how to play movies using qtj, but i can't find any code snippets or tutorials showing how i can create a movie frame by frame using qtj? ...

Turn image sequence into video with transparency

I've got what seems like it should be a really simple problem, but it's proving much harder than I expected. Here's the issue: I've got a fairly large image sequence consisting of numbered frames (output from Maya, for what its worth). The images are currently in Targa (.tga) format, but I could convert them to PNGs or other arbitrary...

mp4 encoding used by Google Video?

I have an HTC Touch HD on which mp4 videos downloaded from Google Video play the best, both in terms of video and audio quality. So I am wondering which settings exactly Google Video uses to encode videos into mp4, so that I can replicate it for videos not available on Google Video. A tool which reads an mp4 file and tells you all the e...

What's the best CSS tutorial?

May I know the best CSS tutorials? Site links, books, video tutorials perhaps? ...

What's the best Javascript tutorial?

May I know the best Javascript tutorials? Site links, books, video tutorials perhaps? ...

Youtube content identification technology?

I'm not sure if Youtube is the only website with this technology, but content identification in YT (Content ID) is basically a technology to automatically identify and remove copyright infringements. You can read more about it here: Well when one of my videos (containing a particular music track) got ...

Putting FLV video on website - How to add a static image before it plays

Hi, I am trying to put an FLV video on a website. I tried using Dreamweaver CS3 (Insert - Media - Flash Video), it works great except for 2 problems: The video starts black (How do you show an image prior to playing the video?) The browser starts downloading the whole movie even before the play button is clicked (I want the video to ...

Can someone suggest free video conferencing tools

I have already tried zoomcall pro which is pretty good but it is not free. I am using my digital camera connected to a tv tuner card for the video input.Can someone suggest some user-friendly and free video conferencing tools? The video should be available in full screen as well. ...

Good Tutorials in general

Can someone tell me why there are so little good programming tutorials in general? I know one site, and that's for flash, but I don't use that much flash: I think it's a nice place. All tutorials are video, you see it happening on the screen as they explain it and most of them are pretty clear on what's hap...

How do I force Firefox to redraw a video element?

I'm developing a dynamic html pop-up window (an absolute positioned div) using jQuery that automatically centers itself on the screen. It can also accommodate content that fits or exceeds the dimensions of the window screen. The idea is that our customer clicks a "read more" link next to our product listing and then this pop-up window c...

Do you think it's possible for video content to be encoded in JavaScript?

I know how this will sound. I couldn't help asking this question after looking at Any ideas on possible implementation approaches? ...

Free/Open h.264 video decoding libraries? (Non-GPL)

The main players seem to be x264, and xvid, and both are GPL. This means we can't integrate decoding capabilities into a playback application without licensing the whole thing as GPL, so we can't use either. The preferred target platform is Linux. Any non-viral open license is fine, we're more than happy to provide the source of any ch...

Software to make product video demos?

What kind of software do you think is used to make demos,like the once seen in PDC etc by Microsoft or seen on Channel 9. Example: Basically you have text and sound. ...

How do I add a custom share option in iMovie?

The Mac's OS X iMovie has built-in share options (like YouTube, iTunes, MobileMe, etc.). I currently develop a video-oriented content management system, and I would like to add "share" functionality to iMovie for my CMS, even if the installation is painful or 'hacky'. There does not seem to be an API, but maybe there is? Or maybe the ...

Are there any way to know whether user open the UAC dialog

I have a simple video player SW, but the render window goes black or freezes after UAC message on Vista 32 or 64. Are there any way to know whether user open the UAC dialog? ...

Java EE video lectures

There are plenty of java videos and video lectures floating about, but does anyone know of any that deal specifically with Java EE? For my own point of view I'd be more interested in the EJB side of things, but any Java EE lectures would be useful, as well as videos on things like Spring etc. Thanks. ...

File comparison in C#

Is there any in-built class/method for comparing content of two audio/ video files? Or is there any in-built class/method for converting a audio/video file to bit stream? ...

Good free video training (Webcast, Screencast, etc.) on .NET/Visual Studio/SQL Server

I am looking for some good free video training (Webcast, Screencast, etc.) that focus on ANY of the following: .NET Visual Studio SQL Server I would like to focus on Videos only becuase it is a great learning tool to see what other programs people using while developing. (Such as Resharper, Code Rush, RefactorPro, Snippets, Red Gate...

How can I get the resolution (width and height) for a video file from a linux command line?

I've been digging through the mplayer/mencoder and ffmpeg documentation and I can't seem to come up with anything. I'm not especially picky as to the output format as I can use a regular expression to pull it out, I just can't seem to get the data in the first place. Thanks in advance! ...

video streaming

Hi, i've been making an asp website in which i'm providing the user a facility to upload videos and view them once they are uploaded. I've been successfully been able to upload videos to my server, but not getting as how to play it on the client's page. I want to buffer the video and stream it on user's browser, don't want him to wait an...