
Converting stream of jpg files to FLV stream

I work with a Panasonic hcm280a camera that can be controlled by my software, It generates a stream of jpeg files that are huge and I want to convert this stream to a FLV stream preferably with a good compressional ration Does FFMpeg do that? I am basically looking for an off the shelve open source software (or commercial software) that...

[iPhone] Play video not in full screen mode

Hello, First, excuse my english :) I've read on apple developer website that video playback provides by the framework supports only full screen mode. I will need to develop an application where video can be played in reduce screen mode. I've see that Orange TV make something which looks like what i need to do. http://img218.imageshac...

Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?

I have a series of images that I want to create a video from. Ideally I could specify a frame duration for each frame but a fixed frame rate would be fine too. I'm doing this in wxPython, so I can render to a wxDC or I can save the images to files, like PNG. Is there a Python library that will allow me to create either a video (AVI, M...

How to render WPF animation as a video frame by frame?

I've created a nice effect that I like in WPF, I'd like to be able to "record" this effect. But it is choppy during run-time. Is there a way I can convert it to a frame-by-frame process and save it as a video myself instead of trying to record it during playback? Basically I'd like to render WPF as a video, or list a series of frames s...

Grab random frames from video & make a gif image - Java

Hi! I want to know if it's possible to grab random frames from a video and then "stick" these frames together to make a gif image? I intend to achieve the above said idea by programming in Java. What should I use? (I have no previous experience in programming involving videos, although am proficient in Java) ...

Video Stream / Hosting

Hello. Our client wants us to update their web application by adding video capabilities. It's kind of like YouTube, but with accounts and video privacy. It should be able to stream videos, both live and recorded. Instead of developing a custom application, we just decided to get a out of the box application. It can be open source, but w...

RTSP in Flex

We are currently working on a Flex application that needs to connect to a set a traffic detection cameras via RTSP. Being totally new to the world of video streaming in general, I was wondering if that is possible. AFAIK it is not possible to consume an RTSP feed in the Flash player, so I'm thinking that we would need some sort of a con...

How do I run a line of actionscript when a flash video has finished playing?

I am including a video within a flash banner. When the banner loads, in the space where the video will play I have prepared 'click to play' graphics, with a button which invokes nextFrame – taking the main flash movie's play head to the frame where the actual video is. The video then plays fine, but finishes on a blank, black screen. W...

What is a good lossless video codec?

I often have to write up specs for video conversion for some of the video production houses that my company's clients work with. Unfortunately, I am a programmer first and "video-guy" on the side, so I don't know too much about all the different codecs. I am looking for a good lossless codec that is both cross-platform (Win and Mac) and...

How to Store Video in a Video Web Application

What is the best way to store lots of video in a web application? Hardware, Database, etc. If you were building a YouTube clone, how would you do it? ...

What could be causing display corruption in a flash video player?

We're seeing some really gnarly display corruption in our flash video player. Here's an example: We're using for displaying our video, and it seem like perhaps this bug appears most when we're switching between different instances of VideoPlayer, particularly when there's something else above the VideoPlayer that...

Video processing in .NET

I want to open .avi file (preferably any video file), to work with that video as a sequence of bitmaps (arrays) and then display it on the screen or save it to the file. What options do I have in .NET? ...

programmatically taking a snapshot from an MPEG file from C#

How do I programmatically take a snapshot from an MPEG file with C#? ...

Flash playing video half speed, audio at normal speed

I have a swf on a web page playing an flv. On the server it plays the video at half speed and the audio at normal speed. When I play the same swf on my local machine everything is played correctly. Here is the object code on the page: <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia....

ask for easy to use Silverlight player sample

Hello everyone, My purpose is simple, to find a sample which is just enough for my usage other than reading a long page sample. :-) My requirement is very simple, just embed a Silverlight player into web browser to play some specific videos, the videos are hosted on an IIS server, some are wmv format and some others are flash format. ...

From Bitmaps to Video Streaming

Hello guys, I'm building a C# application that continuously takes screenshots of the screen. While I'm taking the screenshots, I want to stream them using vlc. Any ideas of how can I send the bitmaps to vlc for streaming? tks in advance Jose ...

How might I write a Flash app to play snippets from larger videos?

I want to write a Flash applet(or any other possible app) to embed in my website that will play part of a video (for example: from the 0:20 to 0:40). The video is in MPEG format. I'm new to Flash - any suggestions on how to get started on this? ...

Free/Paid Silverlight Video Players?

I'm looking for some nice looking silverlight video players to be used on a website. Similar to this question regarding flash:, I'm looking for some good silverlight skins. Any good resources available? I'm aware of:

WPF integrating with a web cam and rotating the video

is this possible? ...

integrating a plug-in into moodle

hi, am tryng to integrate a video plug-in into moodle. But i tried copying the plug-in to the /mod/ directory. But still,our module has not been included under notifications in Moodle. We consulted the MOODLE site for help, "" and followed the instruction: 1)Visit you...