
Streaming video file?

Hi I need to stream flv file. streaming should look like live streaming. and I their should be a way to change target file. sorry for my poor English. ...

best resource video for learning php

I recently found this post on SO: best-resources-to-learn-javascript and have really learned a lot from Douglas Crockford's video series. I'm not new to PHP, but I would like to see a comparable video series on PHP (either from a beginner's perspective, or from a more advance angle) Can anyone suggest similar videos / lecture series...

A bunch of questions about SDL

I'm starting a little RTS game with SDL and here are some questions: I work with small sprites, is there a way of displaying the screen x2 with scanlines ? I tried zooming it with rotozoom but it slows down the game and I would like to avoid scaling my sprites by hand. How can I switch between fullscreen and windowed while running ? I ...

iphone video recording for 3rd generation??

what are peoples take on the iphone video recording? any predictions on quality of video or thoughts on how this might open up the iphone app world? ...

f4p flash video format

What is the difference between .f4v and .f4p flash video formats. Only information I have found on Adobe website is that f4p is "Protected media for Flash Player". Well my question is: how is it protected? ehat type of protection is that? Ways of encoding? Anything really... Cheers. ...

Where can I find video lectures on software engineering?

I am eager to learn stuff about code, product ,efficiency ,etc. "Software engineering" course actually, not the course that related to software. Thanks for any information. ...

What bitrate can I expect with MPEG?

What bit-rate (approximately) can I expect MPEG encoders to produce for 160x120 "ok-quality" webcam stream? How much CPU-demanding will the encoding be? The decoding? Are there any better encoding formats for that purpose? (In terms of bit-rate or CPU) ...

video file upload

What is a good file size limit to use when allowing users to upload video. I am not worried about bandwidth I just don't want users trying to upload files and getting server timeout errors. ...

Which high quality iPhone video ressources do you know?

I'll start: iTunes U: The famous Stanford University offers the "iPhone Application Programming" courses online. I wonder if there are any more great video ressources to know, that have a reasonable quality. ...

How to easily recognize whether stream is video or image [ffmpeg library]

Having an AVStream object how should I reliably distinguish whether this is video or image stream? I've tried to use duration. If it's 0 - we are having image (system constraints allows for such assumption). But it turns out that duration have special meaning for images - the number of images stored in file. Is there any tricks to dete...

How to place text through parameters in a video at different position

I am asked to create a video where texts are inserted dynamically at various points in the video. Its kinda like creating personalized video. For example a person's name is given as a parameter to the swf file, then that name is inserted inside the video at runtime. I am new to video editing and it will be of great help if anyone could...

Convert frames to NTSC Drop Frame Timecode

I'm looking for a function that converts an integer value in frames to NTSC Drop Frame Timecode (hh:mm:ss.ff). I'm using Delphi, but could be in any language. Thanks ...

How to upload video to Facebook

I am working on a PHP/CURL project that uploads videos to the various websites. Is there a way to post a video to the Facebook without creating an application? I found a way to update status info by posting to the Facebook Mobile version URLs but mobile version doesn't support video upload. All suggestions are highly appreciated! ...

Video processing colour finder in .NET

I want to find the area/s in a video that have a certain colour. C# would be preferable Java is possible. For example I have a feed from a web cam and I want to know what region of the live picture has the colour red. I have looked at the library but cant see which part might be appropriate. Any suggestions? ...

Playing video or audio in ASP.NET

Hello! I have store in SQL Server 2005 audio and video files. I want to play this files in ASP.NET without storing them on filesystem. With images stored in SQL Server 2005 I use a custom HTTP Handler, but I don't know if I can do the same with video and audio files. Which is the best way of doing it? Silverlight? Maybe I need a phys...

how to improve video quality?

Hello everyone, I am using the following code snippets to record screen, and in most situations recorded wmv file is clear enough, but for some part of video it is not very clear (grey color for some parts). What I record is ppt with full screen mode. I am using Windows Media Encoder 9. Here is my code snippet, IWMEncSourceGroup SrcGr...

writing an iPhone application with embedded video

Hi, I am researching video streaming for an iPhone application that I may have to write in the near future. The application does a whole lot other than stream video, but video aspect is the part that I have no experience with. Anyone know of any good articles on writing streaming video apps? Google seems to inundate me with links that...

How can I emulate a video capture device and provide dynamic video content?

I would like to emulate video input from a webcam for testing purposes. So I need to be able to emulate a software video capture device in Windows and be able to dynamically generate its output. How can I achieve this? I would prefer a solution in C# or C++. ...

iPhone MoviePlayer example, where did the button and label come from

Hi all, I had working with the iPhone example named "MoviePlayer" where it show you how to add an overlay over a MPMoviePlayer. This works great, but I can't find where did they set the button and label? how can I add some controls of my own? Thanks! ...

What video format is the smallest without losing quality?

We have a new client that we will be hosting content for. The client is producing a lot of video content. They have asked us what format we would like the files to be in. Now this video content will be uploaded and stored in our web based CRM. The client's customers will have access to this content for direct download (no streaming) thr...