
Caching videos to disk after successful preload by MPMoviePlayerController

After launching a video using MPMoviePlayerController's initWithContentURL:, is it possible to cache the downloaded video so that the next time the video is played it can be loaded via a local file:// URI? I understand that it's possible to do my own downloading and then launch the movie player, however I would like to take advantage of ...

What tool(s) can I use to produce iPhone App Screencasts?

I need to produce demonstration video screencasts for my iPhone app... I'm referring to those such as this one for the Reddit iPhone app (the one on the right, not the YouTube video). I'm assuming the best way to do this is to record the simulator using a screen recording utility, does anyone have any other methods? What tools have you...

Video processing using VCAPG2 MATLAB

Hi; any suggestion about of how can I use the VCAPG2.dll in background or segmentation processing?, thanks for your help. I'm using the follow code (from an example by de author), for processing in real time, I was trying to convert in binary image, I hope you can help me. clear all; cardnum=vcapg2; % you will get available video cap...

How do I read a video camera in a win32 C program

I have this garden variety USB video camera, and it came with two mini-apps, one that just lets you see what the camera sees, and one that records to an .avi file. But what's the API if I want to grab images from the camera in my own C program? I am making the assumptions that it's (1) possible and (2) desirable to make some call and ha...

How can I script the creation of a movie from a set of images?

I managed to get a set of images loaded using Python. I'd like my script to take this series of images (in whatever format I need them), and create a video from them. The big limit in all this is that I am looking for something easy and simple to install. Ideally, using the standard OS X installation procedure: download .dmg click m...

Create video from nearly still images

I make a set of pictures of landscape from nearly same point and direction, one photo each day for three months. Is there a way for creating video from this image set which can run smooth? I need some like this question ( but with nois...

Audio/Video content hinting

What kind of semantic information can be extracted from such media? Anything would be fine, be it differentiation between music and spoken text, detection of distinct sounds (like gunshots or birds or cars), detecting indoor/outdoor takes or intensity of camera motion. I know that there are many, many, many, manymanymany research topics...

How can I control the depth (layer position) of a Flash Video?

I would like to place a video object above one movieClip instance ("mc"), but below another movieClip instance ("mc_top"). I instantiated the _root.flashVid object by dragging a "New Video..." from the Library to the stage, and giving it the instance name "flashVid". I create mc, then paint a blue box, then I create mc_top, and paint...

How to show quicktime videos in succession

How do I have two or more quicktime videos to play one after the other, with no action taken by the user? I've seen an example of the technique here: I can't seem to boil down their code to the good stuff. Thanks! ...

Playing video on a dynamic website

Hi I am currently designing a website for a client - the site will be written in with a cms built in. My client has come back saying he wants to play mp4s on the site - plus being able to embed some other videos from youtube, vimeo etc.... in his blog - I have managed to convice my client that playing .flv would be better for obv...

lenth of a video file flv -mpg -avi

I am trying to add video files to a sql server database table and one of my field is supposed to be the length of the video file. Is there an easy way to get that information in for files of type .flv - avi - mpg ...? update: i should have precised it .. i meant length in terms of minutes and seconds. ...

Very low bitrate video codec?

I was wondering if there are any video codecs out there that are suited for extremely low bitrates, especially for webcam input? Throwing around some numbers: let's say a 160x120 stream that will result around 32kbps or so. Quality will be poor, probably. However, the video should be "understandable", and the frame rate should be suffi...

Storing Videos in Web Application or Otherwise

Hello All, I'm looking to let users of my web application upload videos to my site, however i believe i will be constrained by how much storage i will actually have. Is there any alternatives such as being able to store videos on Youtube via the api and recall them when needed. Any help for the design of how videos should be stored woul...

ASP.NET video and audio handler.

I am using ASP.NET's "handler" to show images in an application. I need to play files of audio and video like I do with the image: I recover it from database and show it on an aspx page. Can I create a "handler" for the video and the audio? I don't want that a dialog box is opened asking to the user if he wants to play or save the video ...

Which video formats to use for Java ME in mobile phones?

I (or rather some of my students) have a Java ME (the platform everyone still calls J2ME) application that shows videos using JSR-135 and VideoControl. They have created mpeg-1 video files, and it works in the emulator, but not on any of the actual phones they have tried. The call to getControl in Player returns null. I think this is be...

Where to find good WCF video tutorials?

I am learning WCF, and trying to take a look at its power and how it can help me in my projects, so i want to see some videos about it before start reading a book. Please can you send me all good video tutorials you trust. ...

how to easily create videos in c from a series of cairo canvases?

I'm writing some physics simulations in c for university, and now I output a series of hundreds of png that I then watch in fast sequence... is there a way to merge them to a video in c with some simple lossless codec library? P.S. I'm using cairo graphics and have very little experience in graphics programming in general ...

Export Video using Actionscript

Hi! Here is what I am trying to do: A user will launch my flash application from my website. When they do, it will ask for permission to use their webcam and then display the image coming from their webcam in my flash application. Then, they'll be able to see themselves in the flash application on my site through their webcam. What ...

MPMoviePlayerController and long movies

Hi, I am using MPMoviePlayerController to play a clip off my website. I am able to play small clips ( i.e less than 2 MB) but not longer clips. Does MPMoviePlayerController download the entire clip before start of play? Is there a way to get it to start "streaming" immediately? Thanks. Srini ...

Can I deliver protected video content from the Amazon S3 service

Revision on initial post: I'm looking to deliver video content after a purchase of content is complete. Here are my requirements I need to protect content until purchase exists I want to use the Amazon S3 service because it is cost effective So that is about it, as I said before I would most likely use PHP to call the file from the ...