
iphone OS 3 Video api

Does anyone know if its possible to open up the new camera/video API for the new 3gs in the app, similarly to the camera API in 2.2.1? recording functions and all? but in the same token, is it possible to edit the video recording you just took and edit it? all the best ...

How to analyze a video stream

Is it possible to analyze a video stream on the fly? For example, say i have a TV tuner installed and want to do some pixel testing every .5 seconds. How would one go about doing analysis? Would it be the same procedure if it was a video file (ie .mpg / .wma)? ...

Feedback on Apple instruments tool

Hi all, I was wondering if there are some video tutorials on using the instruments tool and / or good step by step tutorials with good illustrations. ...

How to take control if we are playing a video /mp4 file in iphone /ipod ??

What I have to do is play a video file in mp4 format. If the device is in portrait mode then it should display the video, but when the user changes the device to landscape mode it should just show an image. But currently when I play a video, it takes control of the whole app; I can't send a notification to any event, and control only r...

How do you inject metadata into a f4v file?

I was wondering how do you inject metadata into an f4v file with quepoints? I've been reading somewhere that it's either during encoding or a custom actionscript that embeds when the file runs. ...

How do I build digital signage?

Hi, How do I go about building digital signage (the screens seen everywhere with advertising, or information), Which piece of hardware should i use to connect multiscreens to my computer? Does anyone know how and if there exists a managed framework for connecting to an amount of these monitors? Is it by IP or how does it work? /H4mm3rH...

what's the current best way to put audio and video on a web site?

I'm working on a very small site, with almost zero budget as a favor for a friend. She wants to put a short audio and video clip on the site (both clips are under two minutes). The audio is currently a 1.6 MB AAC (.m4a) and the video is a 30 MB H.264 (.mov). What's the current best practice that's going to be the easiest for me, while s...

Is there a way to make html5 video fullscreen

Is there a way to play a video fullscreen using the html5 video tag. And if this is not possible does anybody know if there is a reason for this decision. ...

load video in shadowbox on page load

I need to load a video in shadowbox when the homepage loads I need to know what the code would be and specifically where the onload code would go to make this happen Thank you DeZiner76hd ...

"How to get the Google video's thumbnail image ? " in PHP or Javascript ?

I want to use the thumbnail of the Google video's. In PHP or JavaScript function function getScreen( url, size ) { if(url === null){ return ""; } size = (size === null) ? "big" : size; var vid; var results; results = url.match("[\?&]v=([^&#]*)"); vid = ( results === null ) ? url : results[1]; if(size == "small"){ return "htt...

Upload Video using new FileReference class

With the changes to the FileReferance rules for FP10 it is now possible to upload a local file directly to the client side application without the server roundtrip. For loading an image I use this code to deal with the ByteArray: private function completeHandler(e:Event):void { loader = new Loader(); var f:FileReference = FileRe...

Video hosting/upload API service for small business (other than YouTube)

I'm looking for a company that provides video hosting with an upload API, for a small businesses. Now, I know YouTube has an API for harnessing their technology, but the client doesn't like the idea of YouTube hosting their content. Other than trying to justify YouTube's API, has anyone had a good experience with another provider, or kn...

Video equivalent of PNG?

For raster images there is: JPG is for natural scenes PNG or GIF for geometric scenes that are characterized by smooth colors, straight lines and gradients. For vector animation there is SVG And for raster video there are various MPEG codecs which do a good job for natural scenes. So my question is, what should I use for a video which...

Offline view of dynamic content?

I want to view dynamic contents (flash games, online transaction...etc) offline. For example, I finish level 1 of this cool flash RPG game. I go offline and play the level again. Or, I make a purchase. And make the purchase again offline. Of course this won't do anything. It will be strictly for demonstration purpose. Or, I watch a ...

video codec programming issue

Hello everyone, I am programming on Windows Media Encoder 9 to record screen, and we can select two video codecs, (1) Windows Media Video 9 codec and (2) Windows Media Video 9 Screen codec. My questions, I am a little concerned about using (2), since I think for most client computer, they intalled with Windows Media Video 9 codec, bu...

Audio Video (ogg) Generation using Javascript

Hi, is it possible to generate/send video/audio using javascript ?? for example, see jspdf - generate client side generated pdf file using base64 encoded datauri and embed the datauri ! Can similar approach be applied for generation of Ogg files ? This can be useful for text to ...

Is my understanding correct about web APIs

Is it true that any REST based API to upload videos will always require you to have the video file on your server i.e. it is not possible to pass it directly to that web service? I am just trying to rule out all the possible APIs that are open to me. Anyone know of an API I can make use of to upload directly from the users machine so t...

Uploading Video with iPhone

Is it possible to upload video to a server? I know that images are possible. If someone can just point me in the right direction that would be awesome. Thanks ...

Use FFMpeg to get middle frame of a video?

I'm wondering how to use FFMpeg to grap the middle frame of a video. I've already written the C# to grab a frame at a certain time (ie pull one frame at second 3). But I've yet to figure out how to find the middle of video using the FFMpeg commands. ...

How to embed video like Firefox page?

I just updated Firefox 3.5. When I visited Firefox website there is a video. When you click it, it enlarges and plays. I wonder if anyone knows how you can do it. Does it use any plug-in? ...