
iPhone short animation: video or image sequence?

I have read several post on both matters but I haven't seen anyone comparing so far. Suppose I just want full screen animation without any transparency etc, just a couple of seconds animation (1''-2'') when an app starts. Does anyone know how "video" compares to "sequence of images" (320x480 @ 30) on the iPhone, regarding performance et...

Rails: Best practice to generate custom HTML in Model?

Hi, I let users embed videos from Youtube, Google, Vimeo etc. I thought about the best and most secure approach (I don't want them to be able to include any flash and I also want to restrict the Videosites to exclude free porn websites etc.). So I thought the best and easiest thing would be to let the user just copy&paste the URL of t...

How does HTTP Adaptive Bitrate Streaming work on the iPhone?

Apple has included HTTP Adaptive Bitrate Streaming in the iPhone OS 3.0, in particular Safari handles this automatically. I'd like to play with this in a low cost manner, but I expect it'll require a custom HTTP server in the worst case, and interesting PHP/etc scripting in the best case. But first I need to know what the protocol diff...

video streaming loading time

I have made a kind of Video Slider, where thumbnail of videos are displaying in horizontal view , and when clicking on that video image, that video stats need to play. I am making an AJAX call to retrieve the URL and data related to selected video, and putting the URL inside the <object> </object> code. It's actually working, but th...

Android: How to restart video preview after the surfaceDestroyed()?

Hi, I have created a CapturePreview class and CameraManager class the following way: CapturePreview: public class CaptureView extends SurfaceView implements Callback{ private final SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder; FileReaderWriter fileRW; int frameCount; private static final int MSG_FRAME_REFRESHED = 1; private static final int MSG_AUTO...

Live video broadcast and server resources using RED5

how much ram do i need to run a server with red5 and broadcast live video I am starting a project that will include live video broadcasts from all over the world and it is expected to have at least 1000 users viewing those videos in real time. After looking around a bit i have decided to use RED5 to handle all the video streaming/recor...

Which codec + encryption method makes it easy for streaming J2ME video playback?

I want to transport video files from a desktop system to my mobile device, but I want the videos to be encrypted so the mobile video files cannot be viewed elsewhere. This means I can't decrypt the whole file, I need to decrypt it as a stream. Question: What's the best codec and encryption method to use to make the decryption easier? ...

how to upload videos to youtube from,C# application

Possible Duplicate: Youtube API integration - upload video with a single page how to upload videos to youtube from,C# application (using youtube APi) ...

Actionscript: NetStream stutters after buffering.

Using NetStream to stream content from http, I've noticed that esp with certain exported h264's, if the player encounters an empty buffer, it will stop and buffer to the requested length (as expected). However once the buffer is full, the playback doesn't resume, but instead jumps ahead, as such- instantly playing the buffered duration ...

How do I use ASP.NET to display video from bytes in SQL database?

I am in ASP.NET 2.0. I have uploaded a QuickTime movie to the database. It now resides as a byte array in sql server 2005. I am trying to determine how to read the bytes back out, maybe convert them to a stream and display the movie in the browser or some sort of device. I know this is broad, but can anyone even give me pointers on where...

Real time video capture??

Hi all, Just as a hobby, I want to capture realtime video. The source of video for a start would be a web camera. I have one from logitech. What I am trying to do is make a custom window with Real time video display as one part and other miscellaneous widgets. As a starting point I looked in Qt and phonon did sound promising. But instal...

How do I retrieve iPhone camera or video images before the user presses the snapshot button?

I am looking to stream what the camera sees onto a series of OpenGL ES textures. Getting them to display on the textures is not difficult, however, it isn't clear that the UIImagePickerController is able to grab images from the camera before the user takes a snapshot. Tagged with 3gs because of the new video capture API. ...

HTML 5 <video> tag vs Flash video. What are the pros and cons?

Seems like the new <video> tag is all the hype these days, especially since Firefox now supports it. News of this are popping up in blogs all over the place, and everyone seems to be excited. But what about? As much as I searched I could not find anything that would make it better than the good old Flash video. In fact, I see only probl...

Get total time and time played from Flash Video component?

I've loaded a video into the FLVPlayback component and I'm looking for a way to get the total time and the time played so far and output them to two text fields so the end result would look something like "00:12/00:50". Right now I'm defining the video by the components inspector but I'm eventually hoping to define this bit by actionscr...

AVI or any Video file playback in background of opengl

How I can play video in background of opengl window. Like If I make openGL objects transperent and play video in back of them. I am making plan to develop opengl application but before want to make sure about this feature as it much needed in validation of real objects vs 3D objects. ...

server resources in live video broadcast

I am starting a project that will include live video broadcasts from all over the world and it is expected to have at least 1000 users viewing those videos in real time. After looking around a bit i have decided to use RED5 to handle all the video streaming/recording, based on the fact that it is free and open source, but i am still ope...

Added Image not showing over playing video

its very strange problem which I am facing with my iphone cocoa application. Actually i have to add an image over playing video(i am adding that image on the key window). and then do some event handling with that added video like i have to change the video file when i tap on that added image. i am able to do all this work and its workin...

Can anyone recommend a good java lib to introspect video?

I need to get the aspect ratio from a multitude of video formats (flv, wmv, mp4, mov, etc). What would you guys recommend as a relatively slim JAR that has the tools to inspect the video's header and get this data out. I don't need anything too beefy as this is the sole operation that it's going to perform. FFMPEG is not an option, bt...

F4V Player Works on Every Site But One

I almost don't even know how to begin describing this question - I am completely baffled. Basically, I have a custom-built F4V video player that grabs an F4V via an HTTP request, then plays the video with some standard AS3. Now, I have three sites on identical SliceHost slices, running the same OS, same PHP version, built on the same ...

WPF MediaElement Freezing on last frame when setting Position

I have a MediaElement in WPF playing a WMV, that I'm rewinding 4 seconds (and I've also tried 4000 Milliseconds with same result). I want to simply loop the last 4 seconds of the video, so i'm .... protected override void videoBase_MediaEnded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //would reset to zero (replay) //base.MediaDisplayC...