
Stop video at specific position using windows media player SDK

Is there a way to stop a video at a particular position using Windows Media Player SDK? I am using C# for embedding the player and trying to see if the IWMPControls3 Interface has any stopping capability at a particular point in terms of position or time. If it can be done, then how to do it? ...

text overlaying on windows media player?

Hi I am trying to overlay text on video playing in Windows Media Player using C#. Are there APIs in Windows Media Player SDK for doing the overlay? If not, what are the alternate ways of doing it? ...

The newer version of Adobe AIR can't play video in plain HTML?

The November 2008 version can play video embedded in plain HTML pages (like YouTube). The newest version can't. Is there any workaround to this problem? ...

Silverlight 2 via Windows Media Services 9

I have been using the Silverlight 2 Media Player that comes with Expression Blend and also the sl2videoplayer from CodePlex and the issue I have come across is that I am unable to forward or rewind the video when it is coming via WMS 9. If I host the same video on a IIS 6 website, it works fine. WMS was originally hosted on the internal...

Video Streaming & Flash Embedding

What do I need to know in order to arrange video streaming from a web cam to a website where visitors can watch this video? ...

Displaying a video in DirectX

What is the best/easiest way to display a video (with sound!) in an application using XAudio2 and Direct3D9/10? At the very least it needs to be able to stream potentially larger videos, and take care of the fact that the windows aspect ratio may differ from the videos (eg by adding letter boxes), although ideally Id like the ability to...

How do you Edit Video ID3v2 Tags in Java

I have been doing some research on ID3V2 tags and Video Formats such as MP4 and WMV. The two top libraries for editing ID3V2 tags seem to be: Entagged and Jaudiotagger Both of these support only audio formats. ( They support M4A and WMA but not MP4 and WMV ) I guess first off why is this? Then are they any alternatives. ...

how to read a http video stream with libavcodec (ffmpeg)

hi all, I'm trying to read a real-time http video stream (I've set one up using VLC and my webcam) using libavcodec from ffmpeg. so far I've been able to read an mpeg file fine but when I pass a url instead of the file name it hangs (I assume it's waiting for the end of the file). anyone have experience/ideas on how to do this? I'm a...

Sending Video Data to WCF Restful service as POST

Hello, I was having a problem sending video data to a WCF restful service using post, my contract looks like this [OperationContract] [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", ResponseFormat=WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped, UriTemplate = "UploadMovie")] string Up...

How to generate video screencaps of video files via linux commandline

Is there a command line program for linux (ubuntu) which can generate a large image containing say 6 caps from a given video (e.g. WMV) laid out storyboard style (I know on Windows media player classic can do this)? I need this for part of a script I am writing. ...

Streaming Audio/Video in WPF with early versions of WMP?

Hey guys I am developing a Wpf App for a large client base, and have just found out that Windows Media Player 10+ is required in order to properly use the MediaElement XAML class in my Form. I personally don't use WMP, so I did not have it updated in my system (it was version 9, so no video played). I know for a fact many of the clien...

Video will not redirect in IE

Have produced a short video which redirects to a download page at the end. The redirect works fine in Firefox But for some reason I cannot get the redirect to work in IE. Thanks ...

Java video capture on Mac OS X (USB/Firewire)

Looking for resources and information regarding capturing video from an external webcam on Mac OS X using Java. QTKit seems to only offer this functionality in native code. Any information would be appreciated. ...

Create Video out of image files?

Hello folks; Im trying to make a video out of a folder full of jpeg files. I tried google, and everybody is stucked with this. I have downloades de WM SDK and the Encoder, but since the moment I dont know their object model I cant do much. Does somebody here have some code WORKING about how to create a WMV or an AVI or a MPEG video fil...

Playing video (OGG Theora) in a C# WinForms application?

I'm looking for a GPL-compatible solution for playing a video file in a Windows Forms control, specifically with the OGG Theora codec? I was looking into using the VLC player library. A Google search found this library on CodeProject, but it was apparently deleted. Is there a mirror or a similar library available? ...

Why are some youtube videos not playing in chromeless player in my AS2 swf?

I have a Flash app that loads a list of youtube video ids. It loads a grid of thumbnails and a chromeless player into each of these thumbnail then calls cueVideoById() on each player so I now have a grid of youtube videos with the play button and youtube logo... so far so good. What I cant work out is why when I call playVideo on these...

Saving videos to photo library when taken from camera in IPhone

Hello, I was wondering if there is a method similar to UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(UIImage *image, id completionTarget, SEL completionSelector, void *contextInfo), that saves Videos taken from the iphone camera to the u sers Photo Albums... been trying to look for it in apple docs but havent found anything. Thanks ...

Can I use the Gstreamer API to merge 2 videos?

I'd like to write a simple linux CLI application that can take 2 video sources (1 of a presenter talking and 1 with their slides and no audio) and merge them. I'd like the entire output video to be the two original videos, side by side. Failing that, my second best option would be a "picture in picture" style video, with the presenter i...

Does Youtube chromeless player API support High Quality playback?

... and if so how do I load high quality versions? cheers ...

After working for years, videos in my Flex Application won't play, just "buffering"

An application I wrote for a client almost 2 years ago using Flex 2 has stopped playing the .flv videos. It's been nearly 9 months since I've had to perform any updates to the app, so I don't have the source code on the computer I'm using at the moment. I'm not sure how often the client uses the application, so I can't say exactly when...