
Video and Audio Editing components

I need to write a video and audio capability in a WPF application. It need to do video and voice capture with basic editing etc. Does anyone know of any components that could get me going. ...

Java for a video based application: Good choice?

I am in the concept phase of an application that is going to have a lot of Audio/Video input and output. I want to do it in Java; but somehow am not fully convinced yet. What do you think? How bad could it be? And any advices? Why I am thinking Java: It's the language I'm most comfortable with. Easier cross platform migration would be...

How to create a movie file (avi) using a set of jpeg files in VB?

Hi, As part of test automation framework building, I need to record the activities done by the user in a video. Since i could not find a way to record a video directly in vb, i opted to capture a sequence of screen shots (print screens) and then convert it to a streaming video. Please suggest a way to do the same. thanks, pkrg ...

How do I programmatically set all <object>'s to have the wmode set to opaque?

I have a client who is embedding videos into his WordPress blog. The problem is they have a large CSS dropdown that sneaks behind the flash video. I understand that setting the video's wmode to opaque will fix this, but I obviously need this to apply to every video they upload and not have to go to the HTML to add this tag Is there any ...

OpenCV videos across platform

I am writing a video using OpenCV on linux machine. I want to read the same video using OpenCV on a windows machine. I am not able to do this using the standard codecs provided in openCV. Can anybody suggest how I can read/write videos across the two platforms? ...

Standard meta data format for video like id3 tag for audio?

Is there a standard meta data format for videos? Are there other meta data formats generic enough to apply to a video file? ...

how to play videos files from ipod video library ?

hi, please tell me that how can i play video files in my application from ipod video library? or is there any other possibility to search and play video files stored anywhere in iphone? ...

How to use the video on a flash video player as an input stream for my C# program

I'm trying to figure out how to use the content displayed in a flash video player as an input stream for my program. Any help on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ...

iphone 3.1 - MPMediaPlayer shows up portrait, not landscape, which is strange...

I have a movie file that does work. I added a tableview controller inside a nav controller, inside a tab view controller, and when a user clicks on the table view cell I load the video view. It launches the movie (and rotates in the simulator), but the video doesn't play and the controls are for portrait view. I do hear sound and see tim...

Are the WWDC 09 session videos Fairplay-DRM protected?

I would like to buy the »WWDC 2009 iPhone Session Videos« from ADC. But I want to view them on my TV which is capable displaying mp4/h264 m4v (mov) files which you could grab for free on ADC@iTunes some time ago. Somebody knows if the iPhone WWDC 09 videos comes without any DRM, too? Because my TV isn't able to display rented movies fro...

What are your top tips / best practices for delivering the highest quality video experience through Flash?

Please describe some of the best practices for delivering video over the web through Flash Player. For example I am encoding video in FLV at 320x240 pixels, this seems to be the best size for reasonable quality and best filesize. When playing back I have a number of different video components that play the video in a few different sizes....

What hosting should I choose so that video streaming could be possible?

What hosting should I choose so that video streaming could be possible? ...

Embed video in web page (HTML).

I want embed a video in a webpage. I don't want to use flash because it's unavailable for a huge number of platforms. I'm reluctant to use HTML5 becase it's not too standard yet (It IS standard, but most people don't have browsers that support it) Is there any other way? Or should I stick to HTML5 and a HUGE banner telling people to u...

MP4 H.264 in Flash

I've noticed FLVs are ubiquitous in flash video, but I'm looking to use MP4s / H.264 in my flash video app. Has anyone had any problems with using MP4s? I'm just doing progressive download. Thanks, Trevor ...

Does streaming media in SharePoint pose a performance risk?

Can anyone comment on the performance implications of storing streaming media in a SharePoint 2007 document library? I’ve heard this can be detrimental to the performance of the farm due to the media being streamed from storage in a SQL DB. Has anyone had any firsthand experience with this and if so, what alternatives have you used to p...

OpenGL Layer on top of Video on iPhone?

Hi there. I am trying to display a fullscreen video on the iPhone and overlay it with an OpenGL ES view. So basically, I want a video playing in the background, while there are OpenGL graphics being drawn on top of it. How do I achieve this and is it even possible? Thanks for your help! Florian ...

Getting keyframe info from FLV

I'd like to see the amount, and if possible, the exact position of all keyframes within a .FLV movie file. Anyone know of a way to programmatically do this, or at least know a video player that can show the keyframe information? ...

Recording audio in flash

Hello all, in flash I know there is the class. This class can capture video recording, here's its documentation: The Video class displays live or recorded video in an application without embedding the video in your SWF file. This class creates a Video object in an Adobe Flash or Adobe Flex interface that ...

How do you get an iphone MPMoviePlayer video's total time?

I just want to figure out how to get a video's total time in seconds. Is there video metadata that loads or something? ...

How do I specify a crossdomain policy file to allow Flash to grab a bitmap from an RTMP (Wowza) video stream?

I'm trying to get a bitmap/snapshot of a Wowza video stream playing on my client, like so: var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(view.videoPlayerComponent.width, view.videoPlayerComponent.height); bitmapData.draw(view.videoPlayerComponent); When I do this, I get this error message: SecurityError: Error #2123: Security sandbox vi...