
Where in the internet are the algorithm screencasts/lectures/videos/podcasts?

Hi, I like to watch programming screencasts and listen to podcasts on those topics. Lately I got into doing online topcoder algorithm competitions and am studying algorithms day and night. Where online can I find video/audio materials related to algorithms? I know others here have asked about general programming videos and podcasts, b...

Full-bleed background videos?

I'm wondering if anyone has thought about or come across any realistic methods for providing a full bleed background VIDEO to a site, without resulting in the site being dead slow. Ideally I don't want to have to use Flash. And By full bleed I mean from edge to edge of the screen, like a desktop wallpaper. ...

How to embed a youtube video and show an image instead of flash?

In video gallerys YouTube shows images of the videos instead of the flash player. If you click on the image, you are redirected to a page where is the flash video player. I want to show the first static images. How can I do that programmatically? ...

How to render video from raw frames in WPF?

I have a special video camera (using GigEVision protocol) that I control using a provided library. I can subscribe to a frame received event and then access the frame data via a IntPtr. In my old WinForms app I could render the frame by either creating a Bitmap object from the data and setting it to a PictureBox Image, or by passing the...

web based video chat similar to gmail chat/video chat

hi, i m developing a social networking application using php and i want to make a chat application which supports video chat features like in Gmail ( google provides browser plugin for that ) I have checked tokbox. but I would like to see some real/sample sites(like meebo) using tokbox for video chat. Thanks in advance. ...

Forth: free video tutorials?

Can you recommend any free Forth video tutorials (except for following) ? The only one I know of is Samuel A. Falvo's excellent "Over The Shoulder Episode 1: Text Preprocessing in Forth". MPEG. 102 MB. There are also videos from the annual Forth Day, but I don't consider those to be tutorials. (Unfortunately Forth is, like R, C, C++, ...

Bandwidth needed to serve video

We are planning on serving some video on our website. In order to do so we are doing some contingency planning around the bandwidth we will use up during peak times. We are planning on serving a 1 minute video at 150Kbs (we may increase this depending on how much bandwidth we use up). We are steaming the video, rather than embedding it...

How to do Http Video Streaming PHP or an referece site to do this?

In one of my project i have a requirement for live or on demand video streaming. I am using PHP and AJAX for this project so i want to know how to do Http Video Streaming PHP or an referece site to do this. ...

ffmpeg image generation in equal interval

hi plz help im using ffmpeg in Ubuntu for the image creation and video conversion my problem is i want to generate image(thumbnail) at different intervals. suppose that i upload a video then it calculate the video time and generate 5 images(thumbnail) at equal intervals.(e.g. suppose that the time period of the video is 50 minutes then...

Is this GPU video transcoding project feasible?

Hello there Recently I was approached by a guy who wants to do video transcoding using the GPU. He basically wants me to create him an application that he can sell or gain revenue from advertising. Now he has basically asked me to tell me what I can achieve with 5000 US dollars of pay. Now, I am a graduate student and won an award fo...

MPMoviePlayerController stutter

Code : NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sample" ofType:@"m4v"]; MPMoviePlayerController *video = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]]; [video setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]]; video.scalingMode = MPMovieScalingModeAspectFill; [[ NSNotificat...

How to embed video on in HTML page

sorry for the convoluted and subjective question, but multimedia is totally out of my area of expertize. I know there are several alternatives to embed video on a page. There is HTML 5 <video> tag, there is video/ogg content type which seems nobody uses, there is Flash SWF embedding or Flash FLV progressive, I think Silverlight has som...

Integrating Dynamic Text into a Video

Hi All, Not sure if this is possible... Basically I have a video of someone holding a white board that I would like to add a message onto, based on what a user wants. So for instance someone could enter their name "Dave" and then the it would automatically generate a video with the words "Hi Dave" on the white board. The board curren...

flv video flex core

i have a flv video file i loaded the binary data of this flv file to memory by using var myFile:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath("AIR Test/video.flv"); var myFileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();, FileMode.READ); var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray(); myFileStream.readBytes(bytes); myFileStream.c...

ffmpeg php image creation

hi im using this script link text but im not able to create the image my file is plz help ...

Partial updates using UpdatePanel not working with video object?

Hi everyone, I'm having trouble using an updatepanel within a page that contains a video object (either WMP or silverlight). I'm not sure I understand how updatepanel works to do a partial update because I'm not getting the results I want. My page has 2 usercontrols, one for the video and one for a "notes" panel. They are both inside th...

directx audio video error message in debugmode

I have a c#/winforms application that uses directx to play some video and audio. whenever i start my application in debugmode i get this annoying message. i can click "continue" and everything seems to work fine. but i still want to get rid of this message. it does not show up in releasemode. Managed Debugging Assistant 'LoaderLock' ...

Does playing part of a youtube video with the player API rather than the whole clip violate google terms of service?

If we want to show youtube videos using the player API on our site, we can do so no problem. In some cases it is only part of a clip we want to play. In the google terms of service for the youtube API they state that it is prohibited to: "8. separate, isolate, or modify the audio or video components of any YouTube audiovisual content ma...

Play local video with an HTML/Javascript based Adobe Air application

I'm trying to add some video playback (that will be used for a tutorial) to my Adobe Air application. I'm not a Flex or Flash developer and my application is HTML/Javascript based, so I'm having trouble with some of the video solutions I've been able to find. Here is one of the examples I've found that is flex based: Playing local files...

How to change embedded video width/height?

Link to video: Default embed code: <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script><noscript>Embedded video from <a href="htt...