
How do I embed a flash video on a web page?

I'm a fairly experienced web developer, but I've never needed to work with video or audio on the web, so I'm a complete noob when it comes to flash and stuff like this. I'm creating a project in ASP.Net MVC and I don't have any Flash MX studio or anything like that. Given an AVI that I am going to convert to .flv (or something else if yo...

How is the video streaming for videochat in mobile devices managed?

Considering the amount of pressure each of the algorithms for decoding put on the processor, how is streaming video (real time) from web cam chat servers decoded in the mobile devices like cell phones? Is it displayed using a flv player (more or less like uploading a video on to youtube and simultaneously viewing it elsewhere. With this...

How to embed flash video in a web app for mobile devices?

I have a web app with flash video on it (using FlowPlayer) and it doesn't work on mobile phones. What do I need to do to play video on mobile phones? What player can do that? Or what video format? The phone I tried it on is my fiance's Moto Q. I'm guessing some phones can play Flash, but what will work for most phones? ...

FFmpeg video problem

Hello. I am using FFmpeg for the video conversion and thumbnail generations on my php site, but the main problem is that if I upload any file it is directly converted to flv. And thumbnail genration: how how can I do this? Please help me. ...

WPF: Video colors in MediaElement different from Windows Media Player

I have noticed (on my Vista 64bit machine) that a video being shown in a WPF MediaElement has different colors than when being played in Windows Media Player. Inside the MediaElement, the video has a slightly desaturated look with lower contrast. The videos I have tried so far are WMV videos that were produced by different people with d...

on hover thumbnails play

hi i have several videos on my server and three thumbnails for every video what i want is if i put mouse on the video it shows(play) all the thumbnails of that video thanks ...

supressing RealPlayer download video button

If RealPlayer is isntalled on the user machine, every time the video is played, the button will show up sugegsting the user to download video to a local drive. How can we supress this button so that when the video is played on our web page, the user won't see it? ...

What's the status of the HTML 5 <video> tag and webcam integration?

Even though it seems to be in some kind of jeopardy, the open video standard is a great idea. I saw some demos on motion tracking with it - just proofs-of-concept, but interesting nonetheless. Now, I'd say that concepts like these would really be a gain, if there would be access to the user's webcam... Just imagine browsing through Flick...

List Out all video from url

Hi all I am trying to list out all Video from a url. For this i m sending an request to "You Tube" url as "" and want to list out all available video . But i didn't get anything from that request ? any idea or any documentation hint ? ...

How to play video with the .NET Compact Framework?

What is the best way to play video using C# and .NET Compact Framework 3.5? I found this article: But I can't find the required libraries on my disk. Right now I'm trying to download some Windows Media Player SDKs and hope the libraries will be i...

Android streming audio/video can't stream a rtsp file?

I want to stream a media file on web, and android developer website has said that MediaPlayer.setDataSource() can set the data source (file-path or http/rtsp URL) to use. But I got an error in both G1 device and emulator when streaming a rtsp url file: Command PLAYER_PREPARE completed with an error or info PVMFailure error(1, -1). Does ...

How can I add audio (mp3) to a flv (just video) with ffmpeg?

Hi :) How can I add sound from a mp3-file to a flv file that has no audio? (With ffmpeg) When I use ffmpeg -i video.flv -i audio.mp3 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -ab 128k -ar 44100 output.flv I get this output: FFmpeg version SVN-r12758, Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Fabrice Bellard, et al. configuration: --enable-shared --prefix=/usr ...

How can I mix two streams of Video in C#?

In the past I have used Managed Direct X and DirectShow.Net to play a video to a texture on a simple mesh. I have then used this same technique to combine multiple video sources into a single texture, using the various capabilities exposed through textures to blend these streams together. This was a very interesting experiment 2 years ag...

How can I speed up a video by dropping frames?

I've got a video that's 30 minutes long. I want to make a speeded up version that's (say) 15 minutes long. I could do this by dropping every 2nd frame. How can I do this on linux? I'm playing with gstreamer and it looks cool. Is there a way to do this with gstreamer? What would be the gst-launch command line to do it? My source video i...

ASP.NET MVC videos, podcasts, YouTube links, audios, resources, articles?

Can anyone suggest where can I find good starter videos for ASP.NET MVC (other than ASP.NET site)? Any noteworthy resources and articles will also be helpful. ...

Why is video in WPF MediaElement taking so long to repeat?

Here's my Xaml for a MediaElement: <MediaElement x:Name="mediaElement" Width="400" Height="300" Stretch="UniformToFill" IsMuted="True"> <MediaElement.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="MediaElement.Loaded"> <EventTrigger.Actions> <BeginStoryboard> ...

video on website with php

Hi, I'm writing a web application where users can submit pictures, videos, and descriptons of points on a Google Map. I have the application written except for the video uploading. I've read about ffmpeg to convert uploaded videos and I've also read you need a flash video player for the users to view your videos. The server-side of my s...

how to throttle akamai stream

i'm testing a flash site with Charles Proxy. It doesn't appear to be throttling the video stream from Akamai that we're using. Is there a way to simulate how the stream will work on a slow connection? ...

Show first frame of video in WPF MediaElement

I have a WPF-application with a MediaElement which I use to run a video. I don't want the video to autoplay when loaded, so I set the LoadedBehavior to Manual. <MediaElement LoadedBehavior="Manual" Source="foo.wmv" MediaOpened="videoElement_MediaOpened" /> However; I want the element to show the first fr...

Getting thumbnail from a video url or data in IPhone SDK

Hey, I am trying to acquire a thumbnail (of the first frame) from a video taken from iphone 3GS camera so i can display it. Anyone been succesful at doing this? If so howd you do it? Thanks Daniel ...