
flash as3 - one video object, multiple video files

I have one video object and 3 thumbnails which, when clicked, will play different video files. What is the best practice for this situation? Currently I have one net connection, one net stream, and one video object. When a thumbnail is clicked, I just say ns.pause(), then This sort of works, except if I play video1....

Easy way to display a continuously updating image in C/Linux

Hi, I'm a scientist who is quite comfortable with C for numerical computation, but I need some help with displaying the results. I want to be able to display a continuously updated bitmap in a window, which is calculated from realtime data. I'd like to be able to update the image quite quickly (e.g. faster than 1 frame/second, preferab...

Video streaming API

Current situation: Users are downloading the whole video clip (>70mb or >140mb). This is not as effective as we would like. [I am a non programmer looking for a solution]... I want to be able to stream video for a professional development package from our servers to the user. The user logs in and access the video from the dashboard. ...

Playing an InputStream video in Blackberry JDE.

I think I'm using InputStream incorrectly with a Blackberry 9000 simulator: I found some sample code, that lets you play video ...

How to play MPMediaIem object (video object, not music)

I've get the video list from ipod lib via undocumented api, the list is MPMediaItemCollection, how can I play it? the MPMusicPlayerController does not support to play a video and MPMoivePlayerController does only support play a video file with url. ...

flex how to control the audio volume of a video

i have something like this private var video:Video; ... private function init():void { ... nc = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); ns = new NetStream(nc);"my flv url"); ns.client = nsClient; video = new Video(); video.attac...

Android Camera Prepare Fails

I'm trying to build a simple video recorder for an Android device and I've had limited success and mixed results. It worked once, but now, without changing anything, I'm getting a "Camera is not available" error followed by "prepare failed -2147483648" error The constructor for the previewer looks like private SurfaceHolder holder_...

take screen shots from a flv video

I am working on a videos sharing web site and I want to take screen shot from a flv video file from a another website like youtube. I am using PHP but i have no idea how to do it. any guidance is appreciated. ...

How to play a video file in blackberry simulator?

Dear Friends, Can anyone tell me how to play a video in blackberry simulator.I have tried "" This link for playing the video file.I could not get any...

Uploading videos in blackberry...

Hi.. Can anyone give me some idea regarding Uploading video files from blackberry device to server.... ...

Problem with JW Player

How to prevent JW Player from showing things like "Like this video? Share it!" and also remove the label that says jwplayer? ...

Blackberry Simulator - player get stuck after 50 sec video playback

Dear Friends, I am using blackberry jde 4.6 and i use to test my application in blackberry 9000 simulator.Some times before i run one ".3gp" video file in my appliction.My application consist one player and two buttons with the name start and stop. If i click the start button then player will run the .3gp file which is stored in the SDCa...

Does any one has any experience with any video watermarking library ?

Hi Community... I will appreciate efforts if some one can point me to some library which can be used for Video Watermarking. It would be better if it is open source. If ready made library is not available than links to informative article will also be good help. ...

Custom DirectShow graph source filter

All I need to do is play an AVI video from memory. I can't write it to disk for security reasons. As far as I know, the built-in AVI playing graph you get from calling RenderFile will only play files. Is there a DirectShow graph that will play an AVI from memory? If not, how can I modify or create a graph that will do so? ...

How to track flash / video content usage?

I have a few YT videos embedded on the pages of my site. Is there any way (say, via Javascript/DOM) I can track the following: How much % (bytes, duration, etc) of the video content got transferred to the user's browser? (The red progress bar in YT videos, for example.) How much % (bytes, duration, etc) actually got played (watched by ...

Test Driven Development presentation

I need a short presentation on TDD to show at a company meeting. It need to be a on-line talk and not longer than 35 minutes. Do you have any recommendations? ...

Web P2P video confrence solution

I'm looking for the best possible solution which will allow me to incorporate live video/audio conference between 2 users(only 2 at this point) into a flash gaming platform. The video chat is not just an extra feature, it's the main one. I'm mainly looking at open source implementations or something I'll be able to implement myself, b...

Actionscript 3: Queuing up FLVs using netstatus and cuepoints

Hi all, I'm building a flash site that uses video transitions to go from section to section. Each section's background is a still-frame photo at higher res than the transition videos themselves, which are scaled up during transition. The first frame of each video transition is the current background image, and the last frame of each vi...

Solution for playing video straight from memory in WinForms app

I'm writing a WinForms app that will need to be able to play an AVI video. This video is stored encrypted so I will decrypt it prior to playing. What kind of approach could I use to play the video straight from memory? Is there a special WinForms control? Some 3rd-party library? Would DirectShow be my only choice? ...

iPhone playing video in custom view: Example Code Please?

I'm wanting to put together an application which plays video fullscreen with an interface overlaying it that basically chooses the video that is played underneath it (think 'Gym Babes' but nowhere near as risqé!). I don't wish to use private headers so MPMoviePlayerController is out of the question. I've been digging through stackoverfl...