
VideoProgressEvent does not fire. Why?

I have a VideoProgressEvent on my FLVPlayback but when I test the video I get these posted in the log: _streamLength = NaN calling getStreamLength calling getStreamLengthResult(279.066) And the event never fires. What's going on here? ...

Is it possible to add a flash video on a fogbugz wiki page

I want to add a screencast to a fogbugz wiki page. Is it possible, and how? ...

FRAPS alternative: Where to look and what for?

Howdy, later this year I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands, and I thought I'd start a "small" project for myself and release it as open source. I'd like to code my own Fraps alternative. (or continue with Taksi ). Fraps is a video & sound recording programm, which captures the screen during gamepl...

windowless .wmv in firefox

Hi Is there any way to make windowless .wmv videos on firefox. Does windows media player plugin support windowlessVideo mode in firefox and if it does please tell me which version should i use ...

How can I store a video with proper indexing

Hi, How can I store a video (either in database or file system) so that instead of starting streaming from starting I can start this streaming from any fix index. Main aim is like I have a large video of roads of New York from one end to other and corresponding map of New York save on a central server. Now a user opens up the website ...

Qt jpg image display

I want to display .jpg image in an Qt UI. I checked it online and found I thought Graphics View will do the same, and also it has codec to display video. How to display images using Graphics View? I went through the libraries, but because I am a totally newbie in Qt, I can't find a c...

AS3 - playing video within a loaded swf

My file structure is this: main.swf /swf/child.swf /video/testvideo.flv When I compile the child.swf by itself, it loads and plays video just fine (using However, when I compile the main.swf, which at some point loads child.swf, I get this error when trying to play the video: Error #2044: Unhand...

Save bitmap to video (libavcodec ffmpeg)

Hello, I'd like to convert a HBitmap to a video stream using libavcodec. I get my HBitmap using: HBITMAP hCaptureBitmap =CreateCompatibleBitmap(hDesktopDC, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight); SelectObject(hCaptureDC,hCaptureBitmap); BitBlt(hCaptureDC,0,0,nScreenWidth,nScreenHeight,hDesktopDC,0,0,SRCCOPY); And I'd like to convert it to YU...

Embed video in SharePoint Content Editor WebPart - code?

I've tried this: <EMBED style="WIDTH: 209px; HEIGHT: 196px" pluginspage= src=../Documents/filename.wmv width=209 height=196 type=application/x-mplayer2 controller="false" SHOWSTATUSBAR="0" AUTOPLAY="0"> But it just plays the sound and shows up with a green square - how do I get it right? ...

Fast screen capture and video recording

Has anyone worked on capturing screen to video stream (to store in local file or send to network)? I understand how it can be done, and have several test solutions working - but we have trouble achieving decent performance. We need to capture about 4 megapixels screen space of changing text and vector graphics, on a computer where CPU ...

libavcodec save encoded video to avi file ?

Hello, I manage to encode frames using libavcodec but after calling avcodec_encode_video how do I do to save my encoded frames to an avi file ? Thanks. ...

FLV gets scaled down to 320 x 240 without me asking it to.

i'm simply playing a video file the normal way: var nc = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); ns = new NetStream(nc); var vid = new Video(); this.addChild(vid); vid.attachNetStream(ns);; My flv file is actually 600x678, but shows up scaled down on the stage, and tracing the width and height I get 320x240. I'm not...

Flash AS3 - Second video created on stage is the same size as the first

Even though I specify different widths and heights for each. vid = new Video(600, 800); this.addChild(vid); trace(vid.width); //600 trace(vid.height); //800 vid2 = new Video(1000, 1200); this.addChild(vid2); trace(vid2.width); //600 trace(vid2.height); //800 What is going on here? Is this a flash bug? ...

Using a video as the background of an iPhone application?

Hi, im new to the iPhone SDK and development. I work for a company that is looking to create some proof-of-concept iPhone applications and one of the requests/potential features was using a video file as the background for the application. I understand that from a user experience pov this isnt necaserrily classed as best practice howeve...

Is IOverlay interface available in DirectShow.Net

Hi I am pretty new to DirectShow and really just feeling my way round at the moment. I am wanting to host the directshow renderer window of a directshow graph within a WPF app and am currently using the HwndHost class to try to achieve this. What I need though for HwndHost is a handle to the window which is rendering the video. I have f...

playing multiple videos in flash as3

I have a blank project that simply plays two video files. No matter what I try, the second video gets sized to the same as the first. Please tell me this isn't a Flash bug and that there's something I can do to accomplish this. Here's my document class: package{ import flash.display.*; import*; import

How to load silverlight player into browser to play video using PHP

I am trying to build a web which broadcast video. For that I chose Silverlight as player. But I dont know how to load the silverlight player. I searched in google but nothing helps me. Please give me suggestions. Any help will be appreciated. ...

What are good codecs for Animated screen captures? Are there any good open-source solutions?

Most video codecs are optimized for movies. However, not all videos look like real-world movies, and usual codecs do not aways give good results. So are there methods specifically designed for cartoons/animated screen captures? Are there any open-source implementation? ...

How to build a server to broadcast real time video?

I need to build a system to broadcast videos, just like Youtube. But the video is real-time video, which means the video are captured, converted and broadcast immediately. Is there any open source software can do this? I really need some practical guides including the requirements (hardware and software). Thanks in advance~ ...

Greatnews feed reader and enable video visualization.

Hi I use Greatnews for read feeds but in this software there is no possibility to see video in the headlines or in full post (with the open link in external browser option Example of news open with Greatnews, video not visible: Is it possibile to add this features? Thanks! ...