
saving files created by avisynth

hello all, I have written a short script using avisynth. It takes a number of vodeos, stacks them, and adds some text. I can open the script file in virtualDub and save it as an avi file from there, but what I would like is a way to do this without human action in the process. e.g. have a command line that opens the script in virtualdub...

Is is possible to record my WPF control to a movie?

Hi, I have an application where it is possible to load new content through usercontrols. Some of these usercontrols have distinct features such as pulsing buttons and other kind of animations. What i want to do is provide the user with a small video that shows the usercontrol in action. The user adds usercontrols through an ASP.NEt MVC ...

Expression blend tutorials?

Hi Can anyone suggest the best video tutorials for learning expression blend? Thanks Judi ...

browser plugins

hi i want to create a plugin for the video chat application means i want to develop similer like gmail provides plugin for browser thanks ...

What is the better way to create thumbnails from video in PHP?

I ma creating a video broadcasting site, in which i need to know how to create thumbnails from the video. Please Help. Any Suggestions or References will be highly appreciated ...

My website is a Video BroadCasting Site. Whether I MUST host on ffmpeg hosting or can i use normal hosting?

Im Implementing a Video Broadcasting site, I need to generate thumbnail for every video when the video is uploaded. For that i had to install ffmpeg and modify php.ini. My doubt is whether can i host on normal hosting or I MUST select ffmpeg hosting?? ...

How to add silverlight player to browser and load our own video using PHP?

Im Implementing a video broadcasting website. For that I planned to use silverlight player to load videos. But I dont know how to integrate silverlight player into browser and load my own video in that player. Please Give me some code snippets or Some good references. Any help will be highly appreciated. ...

Blackberry - download and play video from web

I want to play video from a url in my Application...i want to first stream the video and store the data in a buffer and feed the data from the buffer to the player... ...

Video thumbnail

I am working on a site that people can submit the video's link. Then I just embed it. However, I want to get the thumbnail of the videos without saving the videos in my server. So that when I list the vidoes, I can use the thumbnails instead of embedding all videos. My serve uses PHP. Assume the video is in SWF format. is there any...

Extract frame from VOB(DVD) file

I need to generate thumbnail from video files, i m using IMediaDet to get frame from video, it not working for (*.vob) file DVD, how can i get thumbnail from DVD in C# .. ...

Would python be an appropriate choice for a video library for home use software

Hi, I am thinking of creating a video library software which keep track of all my videos and keep track of videos that I already haven't watched and stats like this. The stats will be specific to each user using the software. My question is, is python appropriate to create this software or do I need something like c++. ...

Can't figure out why video is not playing

I used the longtail flv player setup wizard to embed a video on a web page. It worked on the wizard but not after I copied and pasted into my page. Does anyone see anything obvious? The thumbnail for the screenshot works and is in the same location as the flv file. ??????? Link is here ...

multilanguage youtube subtitle suport

hi there i'm curious in finding an alternative for youtube video captions/subtitles. I wish to give open access to anyone to add subtitles in their native languages for videos posted on my site. Do you have any idea about how can be this done? Do you have any ideas what tools to use? I'm good with PHP. ...

Record MMS Video stream using .NET

I want to record MMS and RTMP streams using .NET. Can anyone give some sample code snippet. I have aleady tried VLC Sout, its not much helpful. ...

play video clip in windows c++ app

Im currently using wxMediaCtrl to play videos in my app. The api is unfortunately a little buggy, and doesn't playback all media types i need to support (e.g. wmv). I am wondering if there is an alternative c++ api, that will allow me to do this. I am currently just concerned with supporting windows. What do people normally use to embe...

Media File Conversion Library For .NET

Hi Folks, Was wondering if there exist out there any paid for or free .NET libraries (dlls) that performs file conversions, specifically for video. E.g .mov to .avi or 3gp etc. I've been googling all morning and found plenty of programs and sites that perform these tasks but we need top be able to build solution into our own application...

privatize video streaming.

Hello, you know on YouTube, once you uploaded a video, it would ask you to make it either public or private. public being that it is accessible by any. private being accissible by only you the original uploader and you have to be logged in to do so, too. I need to make something of the same kind as that. I am making a rails app that uses...

Building Website With Video Upload Feature - Possible Implementations?!

Hello! Currently I have a static html/css website that I want to build a backend onto in order to upload high quality videos to the site. I'm not entirely sure how I might go about doing this.......suggestions for implementations, language to use etc. would be greatly appreciated. I have no constraints aside from of course, spending mil...

iPhone: whether it is possible to make video programmatically

hi all, i want to create a video programmatically using iPhone camera. i can take a picture programmatically . but about video i am not sure. so please suggest whether it is possible or not ? if yes, then please guide me or provide me some useful link ...

How to Show Videos as a Desktop Background (in XP)?

Is it possible to display videos as a desktop background in XP programmatically, preferably using C#? VLC can do it, via its "DirectX > Enable Wallpaper Mode", so it may be possible to do this through the VLC command line interface. Can anyone recommend a way of doing this? ...