
Play FLV from ByteArray in Flash Player

Hi, I have a flash video file (FLV) stored in the ByteArray object and would like to play this video. Is there any way to achieve it? Maybe using Alchemy? Thank you! ...

Need example of Flex or silverlight application that enables interactive drawing on a video

Hi, I am trying to evaluate which technology is best for my needs. I need to display a video I get from some remote device, and let a user interactively draw on it lines, polygons etc. I searched and couldn't find any existing applications with this ability (all the flash applications only displayed video). Could anyone point me to su...

Which frame does ffmpeg get when reducing the frame rate

I have some video that I would like to convert to images of frames every 2 sec. E.g. If the video is 7 seconds long at 15 fps I would like to get frames 1, 31, 61, 91. The command: ffmpeg -i foo.mp4 -r 0.5 -f image2 -vcodec mjpeg foo%d.jpg appears to do what I want, but which frame does it get? 1, 31, 61, 91 or 30, 60, 90 or 13, ...

MPMoviePlayerController overlay

Hi, I'm loading video from external URL in my iphone app. This loading takes few minutes as the control downloads the video. While the video is being downloaded, I would like to display a small snapshot of the video (separate png file) on top of the media player control. This would be similar to the youtube app which displays a snapshot...

Saving video from UIImagePickerController to Core Data on iPhone OS

I need some guidance on how to save video data to core data so that I can retrieve it again later. I have no problem retrieving the NSURL that is returned from UIImagePickerController but then I'm not sure how to go about saving the video data to Core Data. I can already save and retrieve regular images from Core Data but I'm not sure h...

access to frames from common video feed from different applications

Hi, I have UDP MPEG-2 TS streams coming from a satellite TV receiver connected to an Ubuntu box, I can access each frame from each stream (corresponding to different channels) using ffmpeg, no problem. I would like to perform various video processing operations on a stream, e.g. Task A, Task B, etc. These could be face tracking, comme...

Embed video on a website

I will be embedding a video to my mvc website. A video on the homepage which will help people to better understand the website. I have never done this. Can anyone tell me whats the best way of doing it. Flash or silverlight?? ...

Embedded development board with camera

We are planning to purchase an embedded development board with a motion controllable camera. Requirement-1: Embedded development with a camera Requirement-2: Camera should move both along the X and Z axis (i.e., 2 degrees of freedom) Requirement-3: The processor in the board shall be able to run heavy computation (to perform all the Im...

Best Software to convert a swf file to mpg...

I am working on a software project that uses video. I am in the process of refactoring this software, the process of which requires me to convert some video files from swf to mpg (the swf files were created using Adobe Premiere). Can someone point me in the direction of a software package (open source, if possible) that will do a lossl...

Have users upload and watch videos on my website?

Hi, I'd like to enable users to upload and watch videos on my website. This is very much like what a site like youtube currently does. I'm not trying to create another youtube. The video functionality is complimentary to other, already existing functionality the site has. I don't mind having the users upload via youtube or another v...

Android always play intro clip

I'm trying to make my app to play intro clip for only when I start activities. But from my code it's always play the clip after wakeup before resume to app although I did not closed the app. What can I do to fix this prob? Thanks From main: startActivity(new Intent(this, MyIntro.class)); From MyIntro: public class MyIntro extends A...

Android intent for playing video?

Hi! I'm trying to play video's on Android, by launching an intent. The code I'm using is: tostart = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); tostart.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(movieurl), "video/*"); startActivity(tostart); This works on most phones, but not on the HTC Hero. It seems to load a bit different video player. This does play the first ...

Manipulating Videos using Java Media Framework

How would I go about manipulating a video stream with Java Media Framework, for example; the user loads a video, and then can adjust the brightness/contrast while the video is playing. ...

playback video full screen

I am trying to play a video in my app. It has to be embedded. I went through the "Play Video Files in Android" thread. I am able to play my video using VideoView as mentioned in this discussion. But there are a few problems. I need full screen video, how do I stretch VideoView to full screen? Will that stretch the video too? I d...

How to display avi video with gstreamer?

I want to write an object tracking program which needs to play the tracked result. As gstreamer is a good multimedia frame work, I want to use it in my demo program. But I don't know how to implement video display in detail. Can any one help? Avidemux plugin could separate the audio and video part from an avi file, but what to do next? ...

How to convert to m4v

by script or programmatically ? I have a bunch of files that need to be converted wondering if there's a better way than go through the prompts one at a time OS windows Vista/XP ...

FFMPEG: Set output res and bitrate depending upon input video

I'm processing user videos with differing aspect ratios. It seems FFMPEG only allows you to specify a fixed resolution. I want the output res to be appropriate for the input res. Similarly, I'd like FFMPEG to intelligently set the output bitrate based on the input video: obviously it shouldn't be any bigger than the input. I can get the...

convert video formats

Because the xbox 360 only supports specific video/audio codecs, I'd like to write a utility that would look in a directory and convert files to specific formats as they are dropped in the directory. In some cases, it would only need to convert the container format (ie, mkv to wmv or avi) and in some cases it might need to convert the a...

Digital picture processing on iPhone

Hi, I want to write application on iPhone which will: make some digital processing on video from iPhone camera (in real time) send some graphics through TV-Out Could You tell me if this above is possible on iPhone 3G or 3GS? Can I have access to each pixel in video capturing via iPhone camera? ...

p2p video conference

I have developed a peer to peer wpf application and in it I am just broadcasting my video to other peers, but I also want to see their video at the same time. Currently I do not know how to pass my video stream to other peer's machine so that they can process it on their own. I want it to be p2p video conferencing. I want that one peer s...