
Is there a good online library of different video formats to use to test my FFMPEG installation?

I want to check that users will be able to encode the main video formats using FFMPEG running on a server. So far most of the videos I have tried have worked but want to find out where things may fall down. Is there a good list and hopefully attached files to download showing the main video formats for video that users will find online a...

Video player (flow player or jw), which one is best for growing site?

We are making a site like twitter/facebook and it has an API, obviously. Which one has the best API implementation for developers so if we shared with others they could easily use it with their own skins? So far I like flow player, but jw has more features. I need your help to decide on which one to go for. JW player or flow player? ...

creating my own MJPEG stream

Hello everyone. I'm trying to create an MJPEG stream, I have a series of jpegs that I want to put together into a stream so that a user can just hit a URL and get an mjpeg stream. I've been trying for the last few days to get this to work, and it may just not be possible. I've brought up ethereal and listened to the packets coming from...

Custom File Format And Codec ??

Hi everyone; I'm messed up with codec issue for days, and still couldn't see the big picture yet. It is my first time do deal with audio/video formats and codecs. So I really need some help about that. Here is the work. I'm writing several components that is responsible for encoding and decoding customized mpeg files. On top of standar...

Is there a standard or recommended external subtitle format for Silverlight?

I need to load subtitles as external xml/text (representing different language) files for a video. However, I'm trying to decide on a schema/format for my external file, and have come across two options: SAMI: Timed Text: Right now I'm leaning tow...

Video conversation with

Hi, Am looking if there is a way of getting started with Video Conversation in an Asp.Net Website . I was looking into the questions here but i couldn't fin what am looking for. Thanks in advance. ...

GMA500 (US15W) problem

Hello, I'm running a WPF test application on Windows XP Embedded with directx9 intalled (and all tests running in dxdiag). The graphics cards is a GMA500 (directx 9.0c) which has capabilities to support rendering tier 2, but I can only get level 1. BTW, I'm using IEGD 10.1 drivers with full video playback acceleration (H.264). Any idea...

How to get Video Camera Background on the IPhone w/ 3.1

Hey so I found this great post that details how to integrate Video behind openGL without much work. I've got the same setup and even the same starting framework, but it just doesn't work. It looks like he started with version 2.2.1 and then moved to 3.0.1, but even when I go back to use 3.0 it doesn't render the camera behind the openG...

How to display a video stream from an IP address in a webpage?

I have been given a network IP address. In the format of When I enter this address into VLC Player, it streams fine. The stream itself is a DVB/MPEG TS stream transcoded to MP4. What steps do I need to take to display this in a webpage? ...

Flash video seek (like youtube)

Hello I have one problem - I have AS2 player and want to make it seek to any point in video (like youtube) no matter - does that buffered or not. Now I can only seek only on already buffered video piece Can anyone help me? best Vladimir ...

C# video input routines

Can someone point me towards a good article or tutorial on how to access TV tuner and/or web cams from C#? I looked everywhere and can't seem to find anything relevant. Thanks ...

Getting duration of video taken by camera iphone sdk

Hello, I am trying to get the duration of a video taken with the camera using UIImagePickerController on the iphone, has anyone found a solution to this? Thanks Daniel ...

Embed quicktime movie. a "Play again" button at the end?

Forgive me if this was a silly question that I missed in the documentation, but I have no idea how this is done (having a "replay" button at the end of a video). I am guessing it's a callback to a javascript function when the movie ends? And load some new markup (with the replay button) in the function. Any thoughts? ...

On Linux, could a process render another process's GUI?

I am writing a video player on Linux and I would like to separate it into 2 process : A. decoder process B. GUI In this way, I could use different programming languages and when a problem happens, it's easier to know where is the problem. The problem is, could process A render decoded pictures onto B's surface directly? I don't want ...

writing a php script to download youtube videos

hi all, i am looking for a way to download youtube videos from within php. but i dont have any experience about this sort of programming. i dont know whether it is about API programming, socket programming, curl or .... any help or reference will be appreciate. ...

Newbie question on Flash video players, products/SDKs, and API.

Hello, I'm a C programmer and a total newbie to Flash/video/web world. Don't know where/how to start, and so would greatly appreciate your initial help. Question If I need to host flash videos off of my website (instead of embedding YouTube links on my webpages), AND If I need to provide player API like YouTube's that can be used, s...

Resize flash video player to fill the page

Hello, I have a flash video player in a div inside a webpage, I'm trying to create a button that will resize this div to fill the whole page and hide everything else behind it. Has anyone tried to do it? Problems: 1. It causes the flash to reload and the video to restart 2. In some cases a flash banner from the webpage overlays my vide...

iPhone SDK: How do you stop video playback with code?

In my app I play a video using this simple code: NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString *moviePath = [bundle pathForResource:@"video" ofType:@"mp4"]; NSURL *movieURL = [[NSURL fileURLWithPath:moviePath] retain]; MPMoviePlayerController *theMovie = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:movieURL]; theMovi...

Know current video buffer status

hi every one . I have a problem to accessing current buffer status in my web page. I am trying to made embed video player and also want to put one GIF image till video is not fully loaded . so , i want to know current stream status is it loaded or not. thanks in advance. ...

How to access videos in iphone. Where does it store the downloaded videos?

Hi . How do I access videos on an iPhone? Where does it store downloaded videos? Is there any sample code available to access the videos on an iPhone? Thanks in advance. ...