
Using FFMPEG library with iPhone SDK for video encoding

Hi, I need to encode several pictures shot by the iphone camera into a mp4 video file and I know FFMPEG can do this (the application TimeLapser and ReelMoments do it already). I plan to use this in my app iMotion (available in the appstore). I successfully install and compile the ffmpeg for the iphone SDK with this link : http://lists....

on iphone, how can i stream several videos one after one?

Right now i am use using mpmovieplayercontroller, but i need to close mpmovieplayercontroller for play another video. Is there a way to play several videos without closing the mpmovieplayercontroller? thx ...

Will using a streaming media server prevent RealPlayer Downloader from downloading FLV videos?

We are delivering FLV video to clients using progressive download. If a computer has real player downloader installed anyone can download these videos. How do we prevent this from happening? If we use a streaming media server like FMS, Wowza, FFServer prevent people from downloading videos? What other methods can be used? ...

How to download a video from Drop IO using Drop IO commands or Rails or net::SFTP ?

Is there a way to download videos from Drop IO using Drop IO commands / Rails or Net::SFTP? ...

Can Silverlight play videos with transparency?

Can Silverlight play video with transparency? At least some tricky way for color keying with C# or HLSL? So if you know any way how to please post some info. If yes. What do I need? MSDN if there is any help on this. Open Source Libs/wrappers. Tutorials and blog articles on How to do it. If no: I need know where did you get th...

self-created FLV player does not play videos on production server or other machines

Hi, I created a flash video player using Flash CS3. I exported the player to html and it works fine on my PC. The problem is that it does not play on other machines. It also does not play when the page is opened from our website (web server is on a different machine, hosted), even when using my computer. What could possibly be wrong? ...

Pay Per View Video Streaming

A few of my clients have been asking about adding Pay Per View video content too their websites. Most of these people are coaches wanting to teach other people coaching by demonstration. Do you know of any services that offer pay per view video streaming that I can use with ASP.NET, which work on both PC and Mac? I did a quick search o... loads flv relative to swf?

Update: Turns out this is undocumented behaviour of the NetStream class - NetStream loads relative to the swf, as opposed to URLRequest which loads relative to the HTML doc... annoying. I am having a strange issue where loading an FLV file using the class that comes with CS4: Adobe docs here Usually when loading ...

How to use speech recognition with/on video file?

How can I code speech recognition engine (Using Microsoft Speech SDK) to "listen" a video file and save the detection into a file? ...

How to build a dynamic resize-able Flash player

Morning stackers! So my question today isn't dealing with any code, but how to go about this the correct way from the start. I have a video player built to a static size (max: 800x600) which I'll have to re-code every time I need it to be a different size. What I need it to do in the near future is dynamically resize itself and all the ...

Record the timestamps of slide changes during a live Powerpoint presentation?

I am planning to implement a lecture capture solution. One of the requirements is to record both the presenter and the slideshow. The presenter is recorded with a videocamera obviously, and the slideshow will probably be captured using a tool like Camtasia. Now during playback three components are visible: the presenter, the slides and ...

Recording and playback of multiple video streams?

I am planning an implementation for a lecture capture solution for a local university. It is supposed to record all aspects of the lecture: the presenter will be recorded using videocamera + mic, his desktop activity is captured and optionally the whiteboard is captured as well (using Mimio). These input streams arrive (as video streams)...

Best YouTube embedded player? (based on Chromeless API)

Hi. I'm building a website that will include embedded videos, and I've decided to use YouTube for video hosting as it's got the best functionality and the largest community. However, I would like to use a custom embedded player (using the Chromeless API) because the official YouTube player is too associated with amateur sites. Features ...

Combine multiple videos into one.

I have three videos: a lecture that was filmed with a video camera a video of the desktop capture of the computer used in the lecture and the video of the whiteboard I want to create a final video with those three components taking up a certain region of the screen. Is open-source software that would allow me to do this (mencoder, f...

flv player control time

Hi I am using the flex flv player component and i want to be able to skip 5 seconds forward and backwards , at the moment from what i understand from the documents it is not acurate because the movie can only skip to keyframes sometimes making the skip 6 or 7 seconds. the same goes to cue points which the flv might miss the actual poin...

HTML5 <video> element on Android

Hi, According to: Android 2.0 should support the HTML5 video element. I haven't been able to get this to work using a Motorola Droid, and haven't been able to successfully view a video on any of the HTML5 video example pages out there. Since there currently isn't support for...

Javascript audio/video element control volume programmatically?

Flash has an API to control the volume for a Sound object. Can volume be controlled like this currently or is there support planned for <audio> or <video> html5 elements? ...

Flash implementation of `<audio>` and `<video>` tags for HTML 5?

Hey, I am trying to convert our all-flash website to HTML 5. But since so many users still use IE and other browsers that do not support HTML 5 yet, I am looking for some flash media players that can replace <audio> and <video>. My google skill does not yield good results. The flash media player should dispatch events specified at htt...

Get the dimensions of a H.264 MP4

Does anybody know a ready-made, reliable way to tell the dimensions (width x height) of a MP4 encoded using the H.264 codec without ffmpeg or similar extensions, in pure PHP? Thanks for all the answers folks. The bounty is running out and I will not have time to check the offered solutions before it does. I will accept the solution t...

C/C++ h264 or ON VP6 open source video encoder

C/C++ h264 or ON VP6 open source video encoder with capability of turning bmp's/png's or jpegs into video frames What do I need Open Source Libs for encoding. Tutorials and blog articles on How to do it, about etc. PS It should be SMALL SIZE!) (Not a mountain like FFMPEG) ...